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N0RHAN’s Profile Photoŋorhan El-Hussein مِيلآدي..~
It’s tough when you put everything into something and feel that passion; that fire for what you’ve been striving to achieve only to be told no, you’re too good; you’re not good enough. You have too little experience; you have too much experience. It’s a double-edged sword and it feels like you can’t win, that you’re forever on the losing side of the spectrum. I doubted myself, but didn’t let it fully take over my reality. Because the second you say you can’t, you start to believe it. Little by little, it takes over you and all you’ll hear yourself talk about is all of the things you can’t do. But guess what? so is can, and you can do anything you say you can. Because you should. Because you can. Because you will. You keep grinding at it. You keep going. You don’t stop for anyone, not even yourself, and you refuse to let a negative remark or response deter you from your goals. Sure, maybe you didn’t accomplish something you set out to, but it doesn’t mean you failed. I had learned through life experiences that the best way to learn is to "fail." If you are able to use your defeat as a way to grow, you are not failing. You are developing a powerful mindset. You are striving. You are choosing to trust the process that needs failure in order to develop into success.

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Its tough when you put everything into something and feel that passion that

what's the difference between being spiritual and being religious?

AyaAbuAlhummos’s Profile PhotoAya.
What religion and spirituality have in common is that they both can be false methods of having a relationship with God. Religion tends to substitute the heartless observance of rituals for a genuine relationship with God. Spirituality tends to substitute connection with the spirit world for a genuine relationship with God. Both can be, and often are, false paths to God. At the same time, religion can be valuable in the sense that it points to the fact that there is a God and that we are somehow accountable to Him. The only true value of religion is its ability to point out that we have fallen short and are in need of a Savior. Spirituality can be valuable in that it points out that the physical world is not all there is. Human beings are not only material, but also possess a soul-spirit. There is a spiritual world around us of which we should be aware. The true value of spirituality is that it points to the fact that there is something and someone beyond this physical world to which we need to connect.

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"To kill is a necessity sometimes", write your thoughts about that statement no matter how random they are.

Jason171’s Profile PhotoEien
Even though killing is a bad thing, there may be some cases where it is the only way to survive
In certain circumstances people will argue that killing is justifiable due to self defense, revenge, punishment or even banishing someone "Evil" from the world. We will never evolve into something great if killing is our first option for everything.

What makes a "good upbringing" to you? Did you have a good one? (Inspired by my anon)

lnr87’s Profile Photospuʎ˥
The father must have a good physical, playful, loving, emotional and caring relationship and bond with the son. If the father is a good role model, then the son will look up to the father and learn from him. Its good for the father to encourage the son to participate in activities such as footbal, running, fishing, cycling, archery or reading. Gradually as the father encourages and praises the son, he will slowly become more confident in himself and start to feel better about himself.

what do you think of agnostics and atheists?

, since faith is a very personal matter, we tend to think we are the best arbiters of what we are thinking. But if philosophy has any value at all it is as a method of examining our thoughts and helping us to more deeply understand how we view ourselves and the world

Scientifically speaking, did you know that you are actually the center of the universe!?

we are not at the center of the universe implies that somewhere, some thing is central. But this is false. The universe has no physical center

هل أنتَ بخير؟.

moutasm3’s Profile Photoسِوآرّ.
"أتعلم؟، لاتوجد إجابة تفاؤلية حول انا بخير او لامهما تحدث الفلاسفة، رجال الدين وعلماء النفس. جوهر هذه الحياة أن لها أجندتها الخاصة ولاتسير كيفما نريد وأن جميعنا سوف ننتهي نهاية سيئة في يوم ما، عاجلاً أم آجلاً.من جيد أن تشرح للناس لماذا تستحق الحياة أن نعيشها وبأنها شيء إيجابي ذي معنى. الآن، لايمكنك فعل هذا حقاً دون أن تخدعهم، لايمكنك أن تكون صريحاً لأن الحقيقة هي أن الحياة عديمة المعنى. أنت تعيش في كون عشوائي بلا معنى، كل شيء حققته مصيره الزوال، الأرض ستزول، الشمس سوف تنفجر والكون سوف ينتهي، وكل أعمال شكسبير وبيتهوفن سوف تختفي يوماً ما مهما قدرناها، لذا من الصعب أن تقنع الناس بشيء إيجابي حيال هذا الأمر. لذا فأن استنتاجي هو أن الشيء الوحيد الذي يُعول عليه هو التشتيت.

Favorite quotes from films?

lnr87’s Profile Photospuʎ˥
We both had done the math. Kelly added it all up and knew she had to let me go. I added it up, and knew that I had lost her. 'cos I was never gonna get off that island. I was gonna die there, totally alone. I was gonna get sick, or get injured or something. The only choice I had, the only thing I could control was when, and how, and where it was going to happen. So... I made a rope and I went up to the summit, to hang myself. I had to test it, you know? Of course. You know me. And the weight of the log, snapped the limb of the tree, so , I couldn't even kill myself the way I wanted to. I had power over nothing. And that's when this feeling came over me like a warm blanket. I knew, somehow, that I had to stay alive. Somehow. I had to keep breathing. Even though there was no reason to hope. And all my logic said that I would never see this place again. So that's what I did. I stayed alive. I kept breathing. And one day my logic was proven all wrong because the tide came in, and gave me a sail. And now, here I am. I'm back. In Memphis, talking to you. I have ice in my glass... And I've lost her all over again. I'm so sad that I don't have Kelly. But I'm so grateful that she was with me on that island. And I know what I have to do now. I gotta keep breathing. Because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring?

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Favorite quotes from films


jaZZmine66’s Profile PhotoSKY
What will you say when they ask you, “Why did you let her go?” If it was her sadness, that is what made her real. If it was her sensitivity, that is what made her considerate. If it was her unconditional love for you, that is what made loyal to you. But it’s true, you know, that we walk away from what is real because we’re too afraid of staying in one place. She built a home for you, but you still had other places to see.
What will you say when they ask you Why did you let her go If it was her

How can someone be a life enthusiast, and do you consider yourself one?

I've made my mistakes, plenty of them. I sometimes jump too soon and fail to appreciate the consequences. But I've learned something important along the way: I've learned to heed the call of my heart. I've learned that the safest path is not always the best path and I've learned that the voice of fear is not always to be trusted

ما هو مفهومك حول الذكاء؟ ومفهوم المجتمع الشائع عنه إن اختلفا. What is your own definition of intelligence? And does it differ from the common one your society consider?

look at the big picture, putting other in front of yourself, loving others as you want yourself to be treated, striving to be the most evolved person you can be. That's what I think intelligence is, someone that wants to live in a decent world.

"الطبع يغلب التطبع" رأيك في صحة العبارة.

لا ضد لان الانسان بطبيعته بيحب التغيير والتطور .. ده حتى بيقولو دوام الحال م المحال والواحد ممكن يتغير ف ثانيه مشان حصل معاه موقف او غيره بس للاسف فى ناس فعلا طبعها غلاب بس دى ناس بلا اراده يعنى هو اصلا مش عاوز يتطبع
بطبع غير طبعه ممكن يبقى اهله مثلا اللى عاوزين يطبعوه ف بالتالى عمره ماهيتغير يعنى اهم حاجه الشخص نفسه
أنا دايمًا باشوف ان التطبع ده بيساوى التظاهر يعنى مش محاولة تغيير حقيقيه للشخص , هى بس مجرد محاوله انه يتكيف مع الأحوال بس مش من جواه.. نوع متخفى من النفاق..


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