

If you haven't listed to it, then go Listen to it - what is your opinion on the 'vulgar' audio tape released of Donald trumps conversation on a tour bus in 2005?

youcuntx’s Profile PhotoJ.
I found it here: http://www.nytimes.com/video/us/politics/100000004698018/donald-trumps-lewd-comments-about-women.html
I have two immediate thoughts that come to mind, and although the vulgarity might be an obvious first choice, it's not (probably because I already knew it was coming lol). That's not to say I'm dismissing it, because it is vulgar. My first thought is what exactly was this a recording for (because I'm 100% sure they wouldn't have actually aired this bit on any tv or radio show at the time) and was it modified in ANY way? Because, correct me if I'm wrong, but cut and paste videos like this one usually have been modified in some way?? Hence the cut and paste effect. Secondly, why did this video JUST come out now? I mean, let's face it. Trump has been in the media spotlight on and off for quite some time. If everyone is so offended by it now, who's to say it was any less offensive then? Why didn't it air then? It's not like a billion people have really liked him from the beginning so airing it back then would've been fine too. The fact that he's running for president doesn't change the fact that a) he said that stuff in 2005 (that's ELEVEN years ago) and b) he's still the same person who said the same things. Yet it's somehow more offensive only because he's running for president. Sheesh. I don't like the guy any more than most do but come on. How many of you would honestly tell me you're exactly the same person you were 11 years ago? So he's said some extremely questionable things. I get that. Who hasn't though? Seriously. Even all the PC feminist SJW BLM whatever else supporters out there. We've all said questionable things. It doesn't make it okay, but *saying* questionable things and *doing* questionable things are two entirely different concepts with completely different outcomes.
Liked by: Tamara J.
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Neo_gs’s Profile PhotoNeo
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Neo_gs’s Profile PhotoNeo
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Neo_gs’s Profile PhotoNeo
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