
Audi Khalid

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I am interested in becoming friends with Jaden, but I am afraid to initiate a conversation with him online....sobs

Just talk to him la.
Liked by: Shermy

Mama, there's a guy I met on jack'd last year and he is still very interested in me. Still very persistent even though he has been rejected several times already. I feel that our personality doesn't click, he isn't the type i'm looking for and I have my priorities in life. However, after explaining

Liked by: Shermy Jaden

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So it's much more attractive if a person is secure and not constantly worrying about where he stands huh...?

I understand most people would have insecurities of some sort... even the 'stable' ones. A person who is too comfortable with his life is useless and would be too unmotivated to improve himself.
I think it only really becomes a problem when someone is so fixated on his insecurities that its repercussions bleed out onto the people around him; the self-hating homo that hates and loves himself and his partner, the fatfuck that suddenly finds himself with with a decent body and suddenly needs constant validation that he's 'hot'... stuff like that. They get so frantic and panicky for no reason... afraid of what-if's.
Now that would be all tolerable if I see that the person is making progress in ironing out an insecurity. Even if it takes years, I don't mind... I would rather see effort, no matter how small, be put in than to see a man who sits on it and whines. I simply cannot fucking stand that. If you have an issue, you know it, you deal with it. You don't blame anyone else for it. You work on it.
The problem with me isn't with someone who is insecure... it's with people who know the problem but does fuck all about it.

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Liked by: Jaden

What would you do if someone you really care about is really insecure and always pushes you away because said person thinks that he's not that important to you?

I've been in that situation many times. I just got used to it. I like to think I'm a patient man with the people I love. I'll give in, try to help, whatever... because, 'love', right?
But after a certain point of time I'll simply pick up my bags and leave. I can't stand feeling like it's all stagnating.

I guess the overthinking stems from my insecurities and -hate to admit it but- my inferiority complex hmm... How did you eventually break out of your ai mai personality? Would you rather regret doing something or regret not having done something?

I think knowing the source of your overthinking is a good thing. At least you know where to start working on it.
I changed a little after seeing the results of simply going head-on and doing things. Saying 'fuck it just jump' and just go. I've done a few things this way that current me look back and think how stupidly bold I was. Though I have to admit this boldness was what enabled me to gain some rather unique experiences.
Emotionally there are some things I've honestly regretted not doing; the last goodbye, the last chance to say 'I love you', the last opportunity you had to say 'hi'. Death teaches you a lot of things... which is why I am very liberal in my expression of affection towards people. Many of my friends criticize me for that. I don't believe in their opinions. You may never know when your last 'thanks' and 'I love you's' is.
It is okay to show kind affection.

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Do I sound really dumb if I say that even if a friend agrees to meet up with me, I still question whether he/she really wants to meet me? Like maybe he/she was just bored or didn't want to reject meeting me or all sorts of reasoning?

Yes. Overthinking hinders you. Go with the flow.
When I was younger my mentor said I 'Ai mai ai mai' too much. You know what that brings along? When you ai mai too much you'll miss your cue in a stunt. In some cases it means death.
Similarly when you overthinking you become blind t any opportunities that open to you.
Liked by: !ZHENGXIANG!

Ever felt like asking a friend or group of friends out then deciding not to because you feel like maybe they would rather be hanging out with other people? Or just feeling like you're not good enough in general and people would rather be talking to or hanging out with others?

No. I move where I want to. If the other person agrees to meet me, it's a mutual deal between the two of us.

Aiya tmd typed a long cliche-ish paragraph tryna say you're nice but fuck it. YOU ARE MY SPIRIT ANIMAL AND I WANNA BE SOMEONE LIKE YOU WHEN I AM OLD. <3<3<3

Am I that old? I'm just drunk right now. Best time to ask me shit before I fall asleep.

Have you or anyone you knew ever been in an abusive (physical and/or otherwise) relationship? What did they do about it. I'm in one, but I'm too afraid to walk away. My closest friends think we make a cute couple, but they don't know what's behind the turtlenecks and beneath the long sleeves.

I replied a question like this earlier. Read it. Then walk the fuck away. The world is unimaginably huge.

Have you felt like you have put in too much effort in a friendship (initiating meet-ups, chats on Whatsapp) and not feel that the other person (who you've no romantic feeling for) is appreciating you for it?

No. I always believe friendship should be honest. Whatever effort you put in should be sincere and honest. I feel it hypocritical for me to be nice or supportive hoping to get a 'reward' via acknowledgement or validation. Fuck that.
You open the doors, if the other person closes it, it is his choice. You don't have to jeer at him calling him names. It is his choice. It is not for you to judge. You simply move on with the world or keep looking back to the past. Move the fuck on.

What do you want to achieve when you turn 35?

Death. I think I've lived my life out fully. I've been at the top, and at the bottom. My childhood was privileged, my late teens almost done for. I'm doing well now, and thankful for the hardships I've endured at my accord to realize a dream. A dream not to make money, or gain status, but to finally understand what humanity is.
At the end of the day, we are all the same. The only difference is realizing that happiness is what we imagine. I can die with that thought.
Liked by: Adam Ameng

Did you ever have a 'don't knock it till you try it' revelation about something you misjudged before you experienced it ? what surprised you most ?

Bottoming. It is seriously not my thing.

Have you ever came across any people that poisoned your life before? How you deal with them?

Leon Tan
I used to have an ex date that was emotionally abusive. He never laid hands on me, but he constantly put me down for everything. He told me I was poor, stupid, untalented and ugly. Constantly.
It's funny how it works, you start to believe it, and you will do anything just to make him recognize you that you're not like that. Stockholm Syndrome. But he's not gonna care about praising you unless for effect.... just so that you feel like you're getting your approval. It's manipulative.
Your friends will tell you what a stupid mistake you're doing, but you will think they don't understand. That's the issue. You suddenly think your friends are the ones that don't understand. You will also ignore all your gut feelings.
I got out of it after I looked at myself in the mirror, and realized i was a shadow of myself. I was lucky. I gathered my courage, took the 'risk' and simply cut him out.
It worked, he disappeared, we parted, my life improved, I discovered confidence again.
Unfortunately it is now my go-to solution when I feel a conflict is brewing with a date; I shut them out, turn cold, sever any relations with them and see them in worthless light. I become this cold, ruthless, 'heartless' bully the lucky few have had the chance to witness. No longer do I stay in step with them, but instead think 'if you're gonna slow me down, then fuck off'.
Many times I regret that. But that's life. You throw the heavy hand, you deal with the repercussions when the guy you really like finally ups his courage to leave.

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How do you think photography, as an art discipline, has helped you to shape you into the person you're today?

I never thought about that. I do know my photography reflects a lot about my as a person and my thinking. I don't hold the craft in any high regard except as a medium. A format. If writing gets my message across better than photography, I'll choose writing.
My photos are usually about nothing in particular. It reflects me in a way... that I hold little regard of my 'subject'. I really don't care about the subject, the finer details, whether the coffee is perfectly designed, or if the dress is properly arranged. I simply give secondary priority to all that. What i look instead is how the background is frame, what's in it, what's distracting about it. The environment, I always feel, says more about the subject than the subject itself. I guess that translates to how I see people. Who you are, you're a product of the things around you, your environment. You can be an asshole, but I might empathize with you as simply the result of your circumstances.
My 'proper' shoots are more experiments than 'I want to be a photographer'. I don't ask for money from many of these 'free' shoots I do for friends. I don't care about that. As long as they at least cover the rental and transport, the whatever. I get to carry out theories for free. I'm less interested in pretty pictures and more of 'what would this look like?'. It can come across as almost medical, scientific, analytical. I can't be fucked with artistic merits.
I can produce pretty pictures, sure, because I understand what 'pretty' means to people every season. But it isn't me. If I didn't have to earn money from making your photos look pretty, I wouldn't care.
I tend to prefer photos that are 'traditional' and 'safe'. Sometimes subtle, subdued. Tell me to throw confetti and fire just to make the picture 'pop'? I don't care about that if it's just for the wow factor. Timelessness is what I want. Documentation, more so than pretty pictures.

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Cos I would like to see your beautiful dick haha But I know that's impossible

Sometimes it is only impossible because we tell ourselves it is. ;)


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