
Audi Khalid

Ask @AudiKhalid

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good one! That's probably what I'm feeling at this point :) hope your night's smooth, audi :)

It's been a good night. Just wrapped a photo shoot. It's 130am!

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Why's everyone talking about your blog already :( (well, specifics, I'm the one that read your whole blog and sent you like 4 messages hahahahah)

I know, you're the first person that mentioned my bog here, right?

Hey audi! It's me again, where do you usually hang out?

I don't know who you are.
Tanjong Pagar.

I just came out to my parents in an indirect way.....rather than saying i like guys.... I told them that girls simply dun interest me and some of them can be materialistic...I plan to tell them bit by bit so as to soften the blow...i think this is better than coming out directly......hope it works!

Shawn Wong
I wish you the best. You know your family best.

fb > mohd khair (the one w ceo of suchi bla bla) > his latest status. thoughts? is it (pink dot) promoting gay lifestyle? or is it just for acceptance of homosexuals as just normal but interesting humans? if it is the latter, i will root for pink dot. if it's the former, hmm..maybe not.

He's the person behind last year's Wear White campaign, before he ironically teamed up with Pastor Khong, became best friends and got usurped by the pastor. It's really funny to think about. Khair is the sort of person who would easily criticise Christians for having an agenda. A classic bigot.
In classic bigot rhetoric, any LGBT article, initiative or event that is neutral or pro-LGBT is labelled as 'promotion material'. Universities launch LGBT support groups, HPB opens a FAQ that merely addresses homosexuality factually, and it gets labelled as 'promotion'. I would not put much credibility in his words.
I won't dictate whether you should or should not go. You can however watch the videos, read the articles and opinion pieces available online. Decide for yourself.
Liked by: Sunny Low

actually what is the main point of pink dot? is it to not alienate gay people and leave them as they are or to spur people to accept homosexuality and accept homosexuals. there is a diff because you can not accept homosexuality but still love homos. u get what i mean?..

Pink Dot's agenda is in their tagline. To support the freedom to love. To what extent do they mean by 'support', whether it's merely tolerance, recognition or full acceptance, I do not know.
I think the second part of your statement is false.
You don't have to love homosexuals to accept, tolerate, and treat them with basic human decency. Is this a difficult concept to grasp?
Liked by: aisy GUANWEI koksheng

Adakah mereka akan memberi pernyataan sama ada pendirian teguh mereka itu secara peribadi ataupun secara mewakili masyarakat melayu-islam?

I assume any opinions they have are of their own, and not in any way meant to advice the Malay community. I cannot speak for them, so I don't really know.
Logically, it would be foolish to specifically call out on one racial or religious community on a platform like Pinkdot, that caters to everyone.

Can foreigners join pink dot? Cuz I read somewhere saying that only Singaporeans can

That is rubbish. Who is checking? Nonsense.

Did people criticise you for doing that? How did your family actually reacted to you being a free thinker?

This has been asked to death. I cannot afford the time to answer in such detail.
Yes, the Malays criticised me. My family was heartbroken, but now they just pretend I'm still Muslim, and sweep it under the rug. It's simply something that doesn't get discussed a lot.

How did you actually leave your religion?

I just stopped saying I am one. Whenever an official documents asks me to state my religion, I put 'agnostic'. No hassle whatsoever. Even in the army I was slotted into the non-halal section.

well news outlets are only reporting about something along the lines of "varsity..university..lgbt" or something like that. they haven't really reported about pink dot's 2015 video and all. if u see malays openly insulting pink dot, will you stand up for it or won't bother at all?

I won't bother leaving comments if a person dislikes or insults Pinkdot. What for?
But I am more than willing to argue with them on other matters, such as logic.
The type of comment they leave behind matters.

hmm true. in fact some christians have been more vocal about this than the muslim community. like the bdsm pastor. but this just shows tht muslims have no room for discussions bout topics like this at all

I don't agree. They can always jump in with the discussions, like I and a few friends have, but they don't. Why? Sometimes it's cultural. Sometimes it's the idea of 'not my pasal'. Or as simple as Malay conservatism of keeping your head and voice low.
You need to have something involving Malays to really push the Malay community.

LOL the malay duo is already getting so much flak for being ambassadors of the event. do you think they represent the muslim-malay community?

I think it's good to finally have Malays represented. It's the catalyst needed to hopefully spur the community to openly talk about it.
For too long the Malay community has been very silent addressing LGBT issues.
Liked by: Brian Ee

so hirzi zulkiflie is indirectly coming out? omg

I don't know and I really don't give much thought to it.

Junfeng as in the film director? Heard he's gay

He's the one behind most, if not all the films. What do you think?

WOW! That is like so cool+!!:D Is it a fun experience working bts of pink dot?

It's no hassle for me. Then again I've been to very terrible shoots. They're a dime a dozen.
For Pinkdot, Junfeng pretty much gave us a list of key moments to capture, and the rest is up to the crew with how they want to execute it, within reason and consideration.

OMG! I rewatched the pink dot videos and I saw you in like 2 of them!! OMG! SO COOL!!😂

Yes I've appeared twice, and also lent my video camera skills thrice.
I had a part shooting one of the ambassador videos, and twice was on the ground rolling cameras. Last year they had me on the stage itself to film the light up.


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