
Audi Khalid

Ask @AudiKhalid

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You take pictures of buildings or things in general better than humans.....on the ip6 that is. Is this an insult to you idk I am just being honest haha

I don't like taking photos of people, actually. I find them very distracting in photographs. Buildings, history, landscapes, I enjoy taking all that.

the photo dump album on your fb...is 100% of it IPHONE6+?!?!?!??! omg

Yes all iPhone 6+. I love this phone. Very worth it.

Yes I was joking...... I actually wanted to ask if i could use it for Father's Day. Your hand looks like that of a father of an interracial family holding his son's hand. But that is indirectly saying you are old...

At my age, I am considered 'gay-old'. I embrace it.
Then again my hands are quite weathered from all the years working on set. They're 'father hands', I call them. The kind that is wide and fleshy. It can hold a drill, and it can slap you across your face. But it won't hurt. You will cry, however. Because you know that slap came with love and sincerity, just like a father's slap. Your tears will be emotional pain, not physical.
I am also full of nonsense.
Liked by: Jaden

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Can I use that picture for a Racial Harmony Day project my school is organizing? And I am dead serious about this, I am not joking

Joking or not, I am laughing either way.
I don't allow the photo to be used, however.

Don't speak to him. Let him come to you, or touch you. 😅😏

That's possible, but it will be fleeting. Existing only at that moment in time. When the next sunrise comes, it would have meant nothing.

Oh Abang, sorry, I didn't read carefully. Good to stay with your mum while your dad is in Malaysia

I would rather they both stayed in Malaysia together. But I am rarely ever home except for night time, and the cat is deeply attached to my mother. The cat needs a lot of attention, especially so now that it is 14 years old. The average lifespan of a cat is 15 years.

what advice would you give to a sixteen year old that wants to make it in the media industry?

No job is below your dignity. No job is too dirty, or too small. If you have to sweep the drain, sweep it. Even when you're a somebody, you can still sweep the drain.
You are young. You have time and energy to spare. Take advantage whenever you see an opening to learn. You don't need focus yet. See, touch and learn everything.
I'm less interested in what you know about filmmaking, but more interested in your values and character. Stay humble. But firm. Be polite. Stay determined. Always learn. You know nothing. And even less so as you gain more experience.
When you have many colourful experiences once you grow older, never look down on those younger than you, or newer to the industry than you are. Remember that even fathers can learn from their sons.
A craft can always be learned. But your character is the foundation of everything.

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Oops, it wasn't until I saw the ' do not speak to me out of the blue online.' That I realise that I might have turned you off with my actions. Sometimes, when you share something interesting online and it resonates with me and I would just reply something.

I think as long as it isn't intrusive, I can glance over it. But I'm very erratic with this anyway. Cold calls, small chats, I don't like them. Very dependent on my mood.
But thank you for finding some of my content interesting. Unfortunately I'm quite a difficult person if we are strangers.

But I thought you live with your mum?

If you have been reading closely, I was living alone in 2010. I am back in Yishun now with my mom and cat.

thanks so much man, haha sorry if i sound ignorant i guess i'm still trying to find my way around.. thanks again!! :)

No problem. I wish you well in life.

I read one of your tweets before saying one can be promiscuous (or fuck with as many guys he wants) as long as he is not in a relationship. why do you think there is nothing morally wrong with that?

Because morality is relative. The thought would seem morally degrading if you were brought up traditionally conservative, for example.
Not everybody measures the world against the same yardstick. If it is safe and consensual, I think people should enjoy the liberty to make love.
Sometimes your urge is just an itch.
Liked by: Sunny Low

btw how do you start getting to know guys on social media? i feel like just dm-ing strangers who i feel like i could be really good friends with to start some sort of acquaintance (including you) but would you creeped out?

Do not speak to me out of the blue online. It is the quickest way to get me to ignore you. I really don't like 'cold calls'... they're more distraction than anything especially when I'm busy with work.
I get to know people simply by following them if they're interesting. I like sharing interesting articles or tweets. Usually this goes on for a while, and many times we end up following each other. I guess that in itself builds a sort of familiarity between each other, so when we do make official 'first contact', it eases in very naturally.
I cannot remember the last time I was formally introduced to a person. We all appeared out of nowhere organically.
Liked by: Sunny Low

Can you give me tips on how to not give a fuck. Because something is really bothering me now, and I want to not give a fuck. But the more I try not to the more fucks I give. I am sorry for the lang but I really want to not give a fuck!!! ;-(

Then don't.

I guess it's the uncertainty of not knowing how my friends will respond? And I don't think I'm sociable enough to know as many people as I want to

You have two choices: take the risk and find out, or never try.
The second part of your statement can be solved by taking the effort to learn.
What's the worse that can happen? You have a clean slate.
Liked by: Sunny Low

But the thing is, I really want to be open and meet new pep, but I don't know if I'm ready...

Why do you think you're not ready?

Hey, I'm a gay guy and I'm 19 years old. Should I feel ashamed that I haven't came out to many people or that I haven't done anything with a guy?

We all live our lives differently. You don't have to give in to popular trends just because.
Liked by: Sunny Low

Hi, you changed yur profile pic....just wanted to know how did you manage to survive being always broke as u mentioned in your previous post? Being a free lancer is difficult esp in Singapore with our standard of living....

There was a point of time where I had to keep upkeep an image of affluence, because of the job nature, but was secretly counting coins just to eat $3.50 meals at the coffeeshop.
I had to learn what was a value, what was a need and what was a want. I learned how to cook this way, and bought things that were so basic that they would last, such as cheap pots to boil water and cook soup. Most of the money I earned went directly to buying equipment that would be used to help me make money. I skipped a lot of personal luxury. My clothes were the same, bought from cheap bulk stores in Geylang.
I still went drinking, and whenever I had to chip in, a good friend would cover for me first while I paid it back by instalment. I shared cabs home after, and a few times I simply walked back to my office from Tanjong Pagar to Geylang. I was sober by the time I reached the office.
I relied on a lot of favours. I was given a place to stay, I was donated mattresses for me to sleep on at night, and many friends visited me and kept me company. A distant relative donated all photographic accessories to me. Another friend gave me a large capital to jumpstart my business. I will never forget these people. They believed in my dream. Two important things I've learned: always make good on your promise to pay back, and never forget who helped you.
Eventually I moved back home in Yishun. It was the best thing to do. I had less worry and better comfort. This only meant I could allocate more effort to the business.
It was hard, but it was also a matter of ego, and realising your situation. I could have easily skipped all that by staying home (the smarter choice), and getting a proper job, which I have now. However, if you ask me, those times I were broke and living alone were some of the best times of my life. You learn a lot.

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Why are they mentally sound people still having sex with someone even tho they know they have HIV? Like Saunas or ONS

This is a question of human behaviour. There are many possible factors. Sometimes it's denial. Or a sort of 'revenge' at the world. Selfishness, ignorance or plain stupidity are possible explanations.
On the flip side, there exists certain groups who deliberately look for sex with HIV-infected persons. They call them 'bug chasers'. It can be a type of fetish.
The least you can do is guard yourself. It is good to know the sexual history and habits of your potential sex partner. But I understand this can be a far-reaching ideal and not always convenient.

Can HIV pass thru cum? Is it safe to do blowjob?

Yes. There's a higher risk percentage involved, especially if you have cuts and ulcers in your mouth.
Don't risk it.
Liked by: 얼음꽃

My friend used to be not that good looking. We were best of friends. He now lost a lot of weight and looks handsome. He has since found new friends and forgot of my existence. He is somehow insinuating that I can't give him "popularity", something he is obv chasing for. Should I let him go?

People change and grow. Let him go.


Language: English