
Audi Khalid

Ask @AudiKhalid

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so is it possible that in this day and age that a group of confident gay men in their mid-20s are not virgins anymore? (i know you're going to reply something along the lines of "is virginity important? because god forbid you get pregnant" but please dont hahah)

... I think it would be a surprise if men in their mid-20s were still virgins, regardless of sexuality.
Liked by: Sunny Low

have you ever wondered if maybe you're just taking life too seriously?

Then the question is where is the limit?

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do openly gay people (or you and your gay friends at least) talk openly personal stuff like sex or etc??? because you guys look very open minded and very unprejudiced haha. (ironic because some gay sgeans end up being the best gossip mongers wth)

Yes we do. Sometimes it borders on obsessive.
Oh you are so wrong about 'unprejudiced'. Even we ourselves are not spared from our own judgment.

i am probably just a follower but in pictures i could see he genuinely made you a happier person (than before you met him la haha) but i could be wrong heh ~

I was always happy when he was within my presence. I'll always remember how this young 19yo took a lot of effort to support this blundering drunken old man.
Liked by: Sunny Low

I hope you don't get offended but do you have a preference for younger boys? i mean not in a romantic way but for relationships be it close friends or bromance. like you go from casper to jaden now "xuan"?? i can't help but think so. and i am not the only one noticing this haha.

My friends have asked too!
I'm not quite sure. There are people my age I genuinely fancy, but we're now out trying to build our careers, so there really isn't much time to spare on romance. But many of us still feel the same camaraderie as before even if we haven't met for months.
I do enjoy talking and learning, and some of these younger kids are fun to watch. You can learn many things. Similarly with older men, whom I do spend a lot of time with too. My age group, not so much. So maybe you're right to say it's a natural inclination.
I actually genuinely liked Casper, not just mere attraction. I don't know at what level, whether it was bromance or truly romance. Maybe a bit of both. That one was the exception.
Liked by: Sunny Low

how do you grow up within a year? growing up for me is a gradual process, unless something happened to me. What I meant by "something happened" is a situation where I have to mature to survive. So what happened to you? you just woke up and be like "imma grow up!"?

This would be too personal and fresh to me share just yet. I'm sorry.
Life is like that. Just one surprise after the other. Growing up is never linear.

i followed you right when you posted this https://instagram.com/p/ooddTztUZN/. I tthought you were really cute and you posted many pics of you and selfies with friends. nowadays it's all philosophical captions and gloomy pictures. what happened??

I simply grew up.
Thanks for following from so far back!

so were you a hoarder? why do you keep so many things haha i don't think that would be a great environment to sleep in.

I wasn't even living at home for a while. Yes I was a hoarder. Always afraid to throw things away for the sake of 'memories'.
Towards the end of 2013 I realised the reason I was hoarding was because I was trying to hold on so something from the past. I figured out what it was. So I had to meditate on it and simply let it go. Clearing out my room was the external aspect of it. Life turned out better without the clutter, and I don't miss anything I've thrown out.
Speaking of sleeping, this new mattress I bought is hands on the best I've ever had. Well worth the money.

do you have days where you don't talk to anyone or reply anything? and not stare people in the eyes. but still go on with your daily routine

Many! I'm quite the anti-social introvert. Even at work my colleagues know I prefer to work alone. So for example today, they simply give me a list of things to do and don't bother me the rest of the day.
I really enjoy being alone. That's when my mind wanders off and I ponder about things.

im gna sound kpo (but this is ask.fm so haha) but why were the walls in your room very ugly and not coated with paint??? is it an old house.

Haha! On the contrary. It's only 28 years old.
When I moved back in 2001 the house underwent renovation, and 13 year old me somehow chose blue wallpaper for my room.
Last year, I got sick of the musky smell, also added to the fact that my room was filled to the brim with junk, and decided to move on with life and threw all my things away, also tearing down all my wallpapers. It was a fresh start. That crap you see on the walls were the glue residue from the wallpaper that I couldn't scrape off.
By this weekend I would have gotten the whole room painted fresh.

what do you think sets you apart from other photographers? as of now I've never seen you spam your ig/fb with your works and promoting it consistently. is there any project you are doing that has a mission and a deep meaning? you are so lowkey in your career haha.

I don't like the idea of forcing my work down everyone's feeds constantly. I think it's obnoxious. Although I do understand some artists believe in constant presence.
My reasoning is that, if someone wanted me, he'll do it on his own to find me and my work. Throwing my work out there unsolicited to the public isn't very beneficial. I like to control what kind of clients I bring in. Throw it to the masses, you get all sorts of nonsense clients with no money out for a bargain. I used to promote a lot of my work, but stopped because of that. There are even times I ask not to be mentioned or tagged to works I've done because I don't want that kind of publicity.
I think I'm a rather average photographer. I even hesitate to call myself a photographer, but it's easier to answer in one word. Photography is a medium, and I'm really, actually just selling stories and experiences. When you know the artist, and you see his work, you have a better sense of the narrative, whatever medium it is; writing, photos, videos, whatever.
If you notice, my work is highly personal. They also rarely ever show faces of people. Composition is very traditional, many times cinematographic. The color treatment changes at points in my life. I think that's my work. An ongoing process, never ending, and it really serves only me as they're clues to my psyche at that period of time.
I am running a few fresh projects now with a new sense of artistic maturity, but I don't want to speak much about it yet.

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What do u make of Amos Yee and his molestation accusations and its lies?

I'll be very honest. It's a serious, very serious false allegation.
But I do understand what Amos was going for when it comes to humor, and I did find it pretty funny.
Doesn't excuse the reality of what it is.

omg same! I feel very retarded when people compliment me like should I throw a party or say thank you or accept it hmm. Tell me something you just want to share!

I think the basic should really be a simple thank you. Then get on with life.
I've nothing on my mind to share, unless someone asks.

I really enjoy "good spirits audi" hahah. Why did you think my anecdote was weird to hear hahaha

I am very awkward with compliments, I guess. Thank you anyway.

let's blame our cultural heritage for what we're lacking

Yes let's deny the fact that Hollywood and Singaporean culture is very different.

I agree that Singapore actors have very commercial faces! But I think this is what the demographic desires. The prob with Singapore is that compared to Hollywood...Hollywood movies gravitates to men of an older age like Johnny Depp and George Clooney. For an example, look at Robert Dow jr cont...

Shawn Wong
It's a different market and culture altogether, for sure. Singapore market panders to the Taiwanese and Hong Kong demographic.

wow you are of the same age with kim soo hyun but...you look older hehe

You're comparing apples to oranges.
Beside a white man of the same age I probably look much younger.

I read some of your stuff on facebook day in day out! And since you will only rest when you die then I can't suggest you rest :( what do I do to entertain you audi?

I'm in good spirits tonight. Talk all you want. I get entertained when I listen to interesting anecdotes about other people's lives.

NO! I meant that my mom is clearly saying that the guys I date are not you. So you do have goals my friend. Old already huh audi? (kidding)

Quite old. I'm right now juggling some photo work while horsing around on Facebook and reading news and comments and preparing for tomorrow.
Sorry if I misread your question. Haha! The anecdote you just shared is rather weird for me to hear!'

hahaha why do you think so?

I can't figure out if you mean I am someone with no goals. It's 1130pm, reading gets very difficult.

I will :) Well, she said they're usually not my type and that I'm too focused on my career aspects so I need someone on par; someone with goals. All in all, they're not you.

I can't figure out if this is a backhand slap or not!


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