
Audi Khalid

Ask @AudiKhalid

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How come in singapore mee goreng is rather reddish in colour? Is it the chilli powder?

Good question.
I don't know.

why does everyone talk to you about social issues everytime like that's the only thing that interests you hahahaha

I sit there, they come to me and start talking to me about serious stuff.
I'm there sitting, you know, I'm offline, I'm at a party, let's keep it chill, alright. Let's talk about funny shit.
Then again I'm not really fun at parties. I really just like hanging around people I know close.

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If I let someone suck in submission and I do nothing, is that considered sex?

Wouldn't it be? It doesn't matter the intention. The act is sexual.
It's like rape. Victim doesn't want it, but it's still sex.

Haha can't seem to fall asleep, omg sorry for disturbing while you were trying to complete your work and also to the rest apologies for that spam on your timeline 😄

It's fine. :)

Do you have religious friends that do not condone your sexuality? If so, how do you deal with them? Do you reconcile your differences, agree to disagree or simply cut ties?

The ones I know who are religious are either my relatives or gay men themselves.
I kind of feel they don't like me, because of my opinions. And frankly I don't quite care. If someone wanted to be there for more they'll be there for me. No need to force. I don't seem to be losing anything by not having them around. The world still rotates. Nobody is that important.

Haha I certainly am doing what I want, anyway it was great to kind of chat with you here and stones might actually have more than thousands of years of history if they are like meteorites that crash(speculating) I'm lucky you weren't too busy today, hope to learn more from you in future :) goodnight

Lucky you I'm editing some photos for work to submit tomorrow morning. Haha!
You have a good night now.

people to communicate through asking questions so I guess I'm not really abusing if I still continue to ask questions while having a conversation right? (Note the question mark haha)

Haha. Who cares about rules. Fuck it. Do what you want.

Haha one reason why I don't read FB comments as much is that sometimes the content is ignorant or too over dramatic. I guess it isn't really solely your fault that you aren't using it the proper way it's more of mine that I want to have a conversation here 😅 but the purpose of askfm is for anonymous


Omg bring me to see the stars too 😊haha I think I'm more of the feeling insignificant kind of person after looking at these really awesome constellations and it's pretty cool how we are kind of having to different conversations at the same time 😏

Haha. After all, a stone exists only for itself. But what the stone means depends on the viewer. A stone is a stone for some people. For other people, a stone is thousands of years of history waiting to be discovered.

but what to do? It only happens once every 5 years or so unless there is going to be another by elections 😁 and omg next time I will be able to put my opinion to more use. Btw it's abit unfair how my askfm restricts my questions/comments with the character count thingy but yours don't

Well it's not just the elections of course. It's also the heavy sense of negativity and ignorance in the comments. Even right now I'm just dropping comments on a news thread on FB, slightly on the brink of raging at ignorant commenters.
Haha. Unfair or not, AskFM wasn't really meant to be used like how I'm using it.

Haha I don't really pay attention to all news especially those where it gets overhyped or something I just kind of get tired of hearing them. I also seldom read the comments, I prefer to share opinions with personal friends than to do it online publicly. And yes it was dramatic but


Haha then I'm glad I asked the right questions, seems like you were as interested in stars as I am :) Btw after you have read the article, I would be honoured if you would share your comments of it here if the content interests you because I'm keen on listening to your opinions.

I will make a note of this. Thanks. Will re reply this question once I'm ready.

Ohh I see wow it still looks really good without edits. I like watching the stars it makes you and your problems feel so much more insignificant, if only Singapore could see more stars. One day I would like to go star navigating too sounds fun although it would be dark haha. And I don't know if I ha

Some people look at the stars, and tells you god made it. And he made it all for you.
Other people look at the stars, and they tell you this was done by someone too big, too magnificent for mere men like us to even begin to describe. It can be an entity, or it can be the natural chaos of the universe. Explosions, chemical reactions, and we just happen to be bystanders, observers, in a tiny tiny tiny fraction of a portion in a tiny tiny tiny tiny space of the universe.
And then there are those who suddenly have an existential crisis when they start feeling like they are insignificant.
Download this app called TPE. It tells your the time for sunrise/sunset/moonrise/moonset and the direction it'll be coming from. Download also SkyView Free, which is a star app, and the one I used to navigate the stars and constellations. Even has an augmented reality function built into it.
You're making me think of bringing the boy out to one of these places for a holiday to look at these things. The photo taking is just a souvenir. It's the experience of getting there, spending an hour or two out in the dark, thinking of things bigger than us, that is invaluable.

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You are welcome :) haha how come on purpose, is it like some kind of haitus? I always regret if I skip the news because I can't seem to ever catch up to where I stopped.

Oh I do feel that way too. Or used to. I've come to realize news is a cycle anyway. It's easy to get lost in the chatter, and suddenly feel like whatever political nonsense, or social drama that unfolds is a national concern. Some are important, of course, yes, but I dont know, it does feel like it's essentially just a cycle.
News A comes up, rabble rabble, someone gets lynched, then News B appears, and everyone goes there, forgetting about News A.
What I've realized, really, is that being ignorant of the news can actually make you happy. Life goes on, you go out, meet friends, you have fun and chat, it's suddenly so much more... free. I come back home, see a bit of the news, look a little at the comments and simply go, "Nope, not going to spoil my mood." and go back to my work, sharing laughter with friends.
I guess maybe this is what the silent majority is. They know the news, but they don't participate. They've already made up their minds, but they share opinions with friends, family, not publicly.
Obviously, I'm not naturally like that. I'll eventually get out of my hiatus. Probably very soon. Just needed to take a break from the dramatic elections. Don't worry. I'm not done making noise yet.

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have said this before but I like how you are one of the rare few people that I have come across that is capable of holding a conversation about almost everything under the sun and beyond to the stars haha :)

Thank you. Haha. But no. Many things I do not understand, or have no information of. So I don't reply to them. But if it's something I'm interested, I can speak a lot!

Not sure if you have read this, I'm a few days latehttp://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/more-questions-than-answers-in-hepatitis-c-timeline From what I can remember this may be the rare few times such an article is published on the straits times, it's quite a well written article :)

You know, I've totally skipped reading the news for a couple weeks on purpose. Am on a break from making noise online.
I'll keep this for later. Thanks.

Omg that's really beautiful, could you see it like in the picture in real life? Or had to use a camera lens to see it that clearly. Pardon me but what is an intervalometer?

Almost. I was switching between my star navigation app and looking at the sky. I would say I am pretty good at navigating in darkness, but I still had to really focus to see where the milky was exactly. Though when you do see it after orientating yourself with the constellations, you'll be so amazed how freakishly massive it is. Across the sky, thousands of light years away.
After which I simply had to frame up the sky on my camera (rough estimate) and shoot. The exposure time does nothing else but increase the amount of light coming onto the final image.
Even so, you would be surprised to know that the raw image out of camera looks nothing like what you see in real life either. The light pollution can spoil your photo. Here's what it looked like out of camera without edits. The red mess you see is light pollution, camera noise. lens flares. Note that I was shooting in what is basically pitch darkness already.
An intervalometer is this stupid device that lets you control a number of things: length of time shutter opens, automatically shoot photos every X seconds, self-timer, etc.

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I took this picture of the stars near my house once before and could somewhat see the Orion's Belt, it's quite cool maybe that day light pollution wasn't that bad. That's true, but actually Pulau Ubin might be able to as well right?

Pulau Ubin? No. Ubin is north, closer to JB, it's already polluted with light. Even Batam, not very good. You need to head south.
I shot this in the middle of a field, up on a treehouse in Nusa Lembongan (off Bali), at about midnight.
45 seconds of exposure. It's very far away from big cities, or anything really, and it's already slightly polluted with light. I would have to rent a faster lens the next time.

But phone's camera can't really take nice photos of the stars and moon right? Or is iPhone 6+ way better. I need to save up for a dslr, I want to see the galaxy in its full glory 🌌

Not unless you can somehow set the phone camera to shoot a 45 second exposure. Then again, some cameras sensors don't do so well with long exposures or low light. I don't think the iPhone does well in that regard.
Frankly you should be saving for a trip off to a place with little to no light pollution. I would say Indonesia, maybe even the Gilli Islands off Bali. Relatively affordable, and all you need is to grab any decent basic DSLR from a friend (or rent) and a tripod (and an intervalometer).
It's simple to shoot. The work comes in travelling there, navigating the stars, and setting up your angle.

Haha Oh please I don't flatter people, I see I guess Apple cheated me with a fake camera 😄Btw what lens did you use to take that picture?

I actually really love my iPhone 6+ camera. I take most of my shots with it now. It's really good.
Lens I used is a normal DSLR cheap kit lens from Canon. 18-135.

Your camera's really awesome just like you ;) just wondering but is it able to take photos of the stars as well?

Don't flatter me.
Most cameras are, really. Even the cheapest DSLRs. It's very logical. You just need to find a place with little to no light pollution. At that point, even your own eyes can see the galaxy in its full glory. All you have to do with the camera is point it up and shoot.


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