
Audi Khalid

Ask @AudiKhalid

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would you rather have no one show up on your wedding or your funeral?

What's the difference between both? Haha!
I'd rather nobody show up on my funeral. What's the point? I'm not there.

c'mon hahahaha let's play a round of "would you rather"

I'd probably go for the 42 year old.
Waiting for the 17yo to grow up through NS, university, a career, would be agonising.

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Why do u say that you are standing near the toilet at Taboo where you belong? That's quite a weird place rite? Unless u had a little too much to drink......

Shawn Wong
Haha! It's a self-depreciating joke. The toilet area is usually not as crowded compared to the middle of the bar. My friends also tend to congregate there for the same reason. So we simply hang out there.
Besides, very close to the smoking area outside.
Liked by: Jaden Shawn Wong

Lol I think thats being a bit too harsh on these boys. I like to think that they are just very lonely guys who have a tendency to get infatuated with other guys quickly but haven't learnt socially acceptable ways of expressing themselves. Having said that, what is the weirdest request you have rece

Haha. Yes I'm rather unforgiving to these sort of public behaviour. Thankfully I'm nobody important to send all these creeps to jail... or rehab.
Nothing weird really. Just the usual sexual questions and odd requests for pictures of my feet.

Lol nah I can totally understand where ur coming from. I used to have an ask.fm account too and got a lot of weird requests from guys wanting to be my boyfriend, offering me blowjobs etc. So I never met anyone through Ask.fm before as I got the impression that they were all creeps lol Agreed =)

A quick look at any of these young boys' askfm quickly gives you this impression that there are creeps out there who get off on just the idea of fantasising about their dream boy doing... stuff.
It's quite dehumanising, really. To this creeps, these boys are interchangeable, and they just fish for their next fix. Whoever replies their sexual questions, they get off on that thought alone.
Ah well, that's me rambling again. Sorry.

Ostralia mate! I take this as a positive sign that I'm getting you slightly interested already? ;)

You don't sound like an idiot, so that's a relief. Haha!
I'm sorry, that's very condescending, I know. Let's not get our hopes up, first, alright? Cordial!

No, you belong on my bed hahah ok that was a joke. Seriously. I'm currently based overseas but I'll be back in SG in 2 months time, hopefully I'll get to see you when I drop by Taboo then! I'm also cutting now so I'll be a lot leaner by the time I get back to SG ;)

Haha! Now now let's not play this up too much and set ourselves up for disappointment. I had a date earlier this year who has been following me for a year over beforehand. I warned him on the first meet to 'never meet your heroes'.
He's a nice intelligent boy. Fun to be with. But it didn't really work out and I was the asshole, truly.
Let's stay cordial for now. Where are you based at?

No wonder I never see you around. I'm usually at Taboo instead! So you would prefer it if I just walked up to you and introduced myself rather than drop u a msg at FB and chat online first etc instead?

I drop by Taboo, actually. I'm usually standing near the toilet, where I belong. But I always come in after 1am, or first in line for LB. Really depends on my mood. Also I haven't been dropping by as often anymore, heading home around midnight. My body is just tired already by then. It's age.
I don't think chatting on FB would be any different than what we're already doing on AskFM, really. There's a huge world of a difference between my personalities online and in real life.

Lol hi im that same Chinese buff dude and yes i do think we would be able to get along. If we don't end up as lovers, I'm sure we will be friends at least. So how do I go about getting to know you since you're so averse to meeting people online?

I'm usually over at Outbar over the weekends sitting by the bar alone.
This Saturday I will also be running a photobooth outside DYMK.
That's the only place to catch me in real life, really. Haha!

Damn it. I'm a buff Chinese dude who thinks you're cute but since ur not into muscular dudes, guess we are not a possibility then. Why u such a heartbreaker?

Haha. Like I said, physicality is secondary to character.

okay cool, it's been a great talk with you for sure hahah. I'm off to bed now because sch, talk to you soon :)

Alright. You have a good rest now. And a bright day tomorrow.
Liked by: Ravneet

I am a malay but my preference is chinese guys! My friends tell me that I "look down on my own race". Is the problem with me?

No. Certain Malays have this issue sort of cultural self-esteem issue whereby they see other races with skepticism. Usually results in an 'us vs them' mentality. And if you're not with 'us', then you're with 'them'.
It's nonsense. Don't bother about them.
Liked by: ChanSeng | 展诚

So would you date a fem guy or a masc guy?

If we are compatible I really don't care what stereotype he fits in.

just wanted to know hahah, there's a stereotype that masc men won't date fem gays so I just wanted to know yr opinion

Obviously because the masculine men are so very feminine most of the time, they are afraid of competition! Muscle Mary, right? :D
I don't think it's even a rule. You can't really dictate anything when it comes to matters like this. It's really dependent on the individuals and their preferences. A masculine man and a femme boy have and do get together just as often.

hahah c'mon, you know what I mean. What do you look for in men?

Character, for sure. I'm not so big on looks... as long as it's a pleasant face. But the character and personality is make or break for me. Kind, compassionate, patient, ambitious, driven, intelligent.
Liked by: Ravneet

Just to be sure, what are "the other guys" like?

It's usually euphemism for "the common everyday person".


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