
Audi Khalid

Ask @AudiKhalid

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If there were 10 birds on a tree and I used a SAR21 to shoot one down, how many birds are on the tree now?

One. Your bird.

Even if he's your dedicated life partner, he may have diseases unless proven otherwise. And should still use rubber?

If you're still unsure, yes. It's always lovely to go for thorough check ups with the partner.

I don't know why men don't like to wear rubber. To me it doesn't feel a thing and it's safe, protect you from diseases and keep yourself clean. What are your thoughts?

The feeling without rubber is great. That's granted. In the heat of the moment, I understand how it can be looked over.
But that moment of passion is not with the lifetime of diseases. Wear protection. Unless he's your faithful dedicated life partner. Then fuck away I guess.
Liked by: Neilz Boy

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Do you replay video games you finished like Skyrim or LA Noir ?

Occasionally. I just replayed LA Noir a couple months ago for its story and voice acting. Tried Skyrim and... couldn't be arsed to play that again.

Is wearing a stud on the right or left side signify anything? Some say left is gay.

That is old fashioned and irrelevant now. Please don't rely on these stupid cues to judge sexuality anymore.

Have you rejected cute guys before? What do you see wrong in them?

Yes. Why not? A pretty face is nice to see. But I get turned off quickly when our intellect and mentality does not jive. I cannot stand a person with little to no thirst for knowledge, nor any respect for himself, or an ambition. Yes, they can be friends, but no, not as a partner.

I understand the scene can be bitchy. People can be bitchy. But I just found out an enemy of mine went on to bitch about me to a potential date I was really sincere to. As such said date was influenced by my enemy's idea of me and we didn't work out. Any advice?

You can do this the politically-correct way of trying to explain it to him about your history with this enemy of yours, and to assure him to trust you.
Or you can be like me and let both go cause you ain't got time for this shit.

If I find myself constantly bumping into jerks. Does it mean (a) I'm a Jerk (b) I'm just unlucky? I keep bumping into people who tries to play mind games with me. But the saying goes, you see what you carry in your heart in people around you. So is it me or ??

Probably. I don't know you... so I can't say much. I do believe though that if certain familiar traits keep happening to you... maybe you're the problem.

Are you satisfied/happy with your current life situation right now? Repetitive work everyday, single, no soulmate to share your thoughts with, family, friends, work success?

That's pretty presumptuous to think that. My daily work is interesting enough to keep me awake. Whatever thoughts I need to share, I already share it with friends.
Who's to say being single is a lonely life? Nonsense.

Why is your favourite colour black?

I find black a rather comfortable color. It's subdued, professional and versatile. I guess also on film sets we've been trained to always use dark colors so we don't appear too prominently on screen if we ever appear in reflections or on stage. So I just got used to using black.
I use black everyday now at work too. A black t shirt. Cargo shorts. I'm set. Day in, day out. It really just clears your mind knowing what to slap on every morning and still look decently okay.

Will you upgrade your camera to the Canon 7D Mark II or go full frame or mirrorless the next time you upgrade your gear ?

I'll probably hit the 5D3 and stay there. The Canon 7DMkII is a sad upgrade that doesn't say much.
I did think of moving off to say, a smaller micro-thirds camera. But right now I really don't need to upgrade. My 7D is still working.

nono. What i meant about the top&btm thing was that you know how many say their relationship failed due to the lack of intimacy aka sex. So if sex plays such a part in a r/s, not saying it is a must, do you think top/top btm/btm can be together? Not saying top must be manly and btm is girly. You don

Like I said previously, sticking to a top/bottom role in a loving relationship, just because, is silly. Sexual roles should be fluid.
Of course a top/top and bottom/bottom can be together. Every relationship is unique. They should all roll with what the cards have dealt. If sex is a problem, they'll have to figure that part out themselves. How they do it is up to them.

I agree with your point on t/b roles. Doesn't mean two bottoms cannot be together and two tops cannot be together. If sex is everything, then the top or bottom can easily switch.


What are your views on people who don't ever watch porn, but also have other ways to 'self-stimulate'

Whatever floats their boat, you know?

There seems like a sudden outburst of people coming out of the closet in the recent years. If people are gay all along, born this way, can you help me to understand why people hadn't come out earlier?

Maybe because right now in Singapore, coming out won't necessarily get you ostracized, beaten up, shunned, shamed or abandoned (although it still happens). Gay men finally have confidence in being who they are, and see less need to hide the fact that they love people of the same sex. Many young boys are coming out of the closest sooner, and they have classmates that support them. I think that's progress.
While I understand we are very lucky to have this amount of freedom (as much as the government still officially ignores gay men), other gay men in other countries do not have the same privilege; gay men attacked in Russia, a high number of homosexuals being murdered in Central America and just across the border, transgenders are being dehumanized by government or religious officials.

Do you take into consideration other gamers' reviews and ratings on a certain game before purchasing it on Steam? Otherwise what do you look for in a game?

Always. I usually skimp through reviews on Steam, Google etc. Generally games that receive 4/5 stars are a safe bet. I don't really think much before buying, seeing how most of my games are bought during Steam sales (96 games so far). I check reddit.com/r/steamdeals and see which game those people are raving about but it can be a hit-and-miss. They tend to prefer more nerdy classics.
I like games with a strong storyline, or something experimental within it, in general.

Who is Ng Yi Yang? He's been liking a lot of your answers. From your fan club?

We have mutual friends. That's all.

Do you watch any porn or do you not subscribe to that idea?

Whoever doesn't watch porn or masturbate is either lying or incredibly boring.

How did God wire someone to be gay? I can't comprehend...

This question would imply a few things:
- That God exists
- That God is sentient and deliberate
- We can comprehend God.
Since I cannot logically support these 3 implications, I cannot answer your question.

Is it possible to go clubbing if I don't drink?

Yes, I know people who do that 'just for the music', but I cannot ever imagine why not, even if just a glass or two.

Can you actually see or find out who's the source of the questions you receive? (IP tracking etc?)

I don't know, and frankly I don't want to know. There's something nice about not knowing the face behind the question.


Language: English