

Ask @Brian7018

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Is it bad if your boyfriend says “if you wear that outfit I won’t be seen in public with you”


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What’s the craziest bet you have ever made?

rachelmyriehopp’s Profile Photomyrierahel
My friend at the time we were hella competitive lol, both of us got a bj shot and we cant spill anything when taking the shot with no hand of course. Loser gets their eyebrows shaven off lol

What do you think of furries (lovers of personified/humanoid animals like Donald Duck and Sly Cooper)?

I like it shaved 😂😂😂

What's your best tip to actually read the Bible chapter to chapter ? (T_T )

You have to really understand the text for you to know whats going on

Why do people wish bad things on you when you did nothing to them? Are they that pathetic? 😂

Yep, cause they aint me thats why :)

- ‏إبقَ ثابتاً مهما اهتزّت الأشياءُ من حولِك ، كُن عادلاً في حق ذاتِك؛ عادلاً بمعنى أن تعتزّ بنفسك بأقصى درجات الثِّقة ✨

Shimaa_Elsaed’s Profile PhotoPh.Shimaa
Needed that! You lifted me up ^^ thank you 🙏

How often are you getting it? And is it enough?

Bruh thats why u have your right hand or left hand! If you cant use either of them thrn u got your feet LOL!

Does rejection terrify you ?

Rejection? Depends on what tho? Asking someone out? Nah, i will never make the first move and idgaf 🤪😂

How is your day going? And so far what is it missing?

My fucking ice 🧊 bruh 😂😂😂🤣


Language: English