

Ask @Brian7018

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What is better the truth even if it hurts, or a lie?

Truth, lying will just do more damage than it intends to be

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Do you keep your desk nice and neat or are papers and items just spread out everywhere?

I keep my area clean, however i always come to work having the desk already in chaos so ^^

Are you good at spotting catfish accounts?

Yeah, just spotted one! Want to see me do it again?

The scariest moment in life is living with someone who is very good at lying to you saying they actually care

jeigetsu93’s Profile PhotoZoriy Gavrilov
Idk for you but for me, its much easier to spot it

Man, I am baked harder than my grandma's peach-pit pie right now... I can see the strings of the universe, and if I were to plucck just one, I could send you flying to Africa at the speed if a bullet. lol

Idk what kind of high u on but u better share some LOL

Cheating yay or nay

chloeisodorakelly’s Profile PhotoChloëisidorakelly
Real talk why even start a relationship if yall going to cheat. I despise cheaters with a passion. But i shouldn’t get worked up on that lol. Eventually, everything will unfold


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