

Ask @Brian7018

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I was recently asked out by a coworker with a child no even 7 years younger than me, what on earth do I do?

starcrossedtraveler04’s Profile PhotoAether F
Idk lol. How u feel about it 😂🤣

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What makes u upset

I need to stop being do forgiving. People know what the fuck they’re doing ;)

What do u like about yourself

Humble, genuine, i talk alot of shit in a funny way lol, but best of all im a misfit 🤣🤷‍♂️🌚!

I have a kink of sharing my husbands pics with other women without his knowledge. I guess this isn't a question, but more of a statement

Ummm lol, no comment

What is something that you have held onto for any reason and for any amount of time that if you were to lose it, you would be devastated?

TheBeardedLumper’s Profile PhotoA-a-ron!
My 2nd ex love letters. I still have them cherished in a kingdom hearts chest haha. I know past is in the past. Thats why i hate falling in love. Everytime i give all of me

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Liked by: A-a-ron!

What are you grateful for?

sest6’s Profile PhotoPaige Leanne Marie
My pop, showing me what unconditional love mean. I honestly do not know where would i be without him. Theres no amount of money that i could ever repay his sacrifice but to show that he is appreciated
Liked by: xmradios

Can you remember your first day a school and what it was like? Did you make friends or get into trouble?

Lol shiii hella embarrassing 😳

Do you think it’s cool to confront someone if you don’t know them?

If you dont say it arrogantly. Say who you are before saying what you need to say. U better get your facts right when confronting. Cause if your wrong ur just a fool lol

How do u prevent stress

Smoke weed lol, its different for some people. Mental game, therapy should do the trick. Stop eavesdropping maybe?


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