

Ask @Brian7018

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Schon Mal Menschen auf der Straße gecheckt ?

jejetjeje’s Profile PhotoSM
おはよう^_^ 私の名前はブライン。初めまして

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Picture this: Sun is going down on a warm summer night. You’re sitting on the porch rocking away in an antique rocker. Hank Williams Sr is singing in the background on the radio. You’re sitting next to the one you love with your favorite drink in hand. Just taking it all in.


Does anybody else hate it when someone promises you something then all of a sudden it becomes a problem? I am so sick & tired of false promises. It hurts. When you tell someone you are going to do something you follow through. That is how I was raised. Always depend on yourself b/c things change!

lmarie7328’s Profile PhotoLynn Marie
Learned it the hard way 😵‍💫

+ 4 💬 messages

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Have you ever or would you try a Big Mac Pizza with Pickles on it??

BonesAngela’s Profile Photo#SWEET
Ill show u a big mac with cracked pickles, spiced up kicks, rolled pizza in a cup

Do you think you've found your soulmate yet?

Fuck a soulmate, im tryna catch these fish i saw earlier today


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