

Ask @Brian7018

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Would you like to help me practice talking to girls by being my platonic friend? I'm 20 and quite shy

Uhhhhhh, sorry bud I got no time for that lol

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As choosing a tattoo ever a hard decision for you? I’m having that problem LOL.

Nah man, choose a tattoo that has meaning to you. Well, that's what I did so I went along with tribal

The fastest way to become a billionaire, make a virus and then make a vaccine !

Uhhh no, stop spending on stupid shit lol

من أشكال لُطف الله بحياتك، أن يأتيك بالشيء قبل أن تطلبه، أن يُسخِّر لك الدروب ومن فيها، أن يضع في طريقك الطيّبين الذين يغمرون أيامك بالهناء، أن يملأ قلبك بالرِضى حتى ترضى، أن يُبصِّرك بقراراتك قبل اتخاذها، وأن يُكلِّل خطواتك بالتوفيق والسداد.

Wow, thank you! I needed that

Is a friends with benefits relationship when they supply you with health insurance and maybe a good dental plan? 🤔

Sure lol

What's your onlyfans name? I'll send support to help out with Christmas

Don't need your help R. You'll be needing help soon


Language: English