

Ask @Brian7018

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Do you care when people don't like you?

Oof, it just tells me im in their thoughts always. I wonder what they dont like about me 🤨.

Dose anyone know how to ignore someone who is saying things like don’t think about running water or rain when you told them you really need to go to the bathroom (this usually happens when I am in class at school)


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How do you tell your close friend you like them?

Like this” i like you bitch, i never going to stop liking you… bitch” 🤪

What do you think about someone who is over 30 years old wanting to start a brand new career that they have little experience in?

Dam, so you been doing nothing since 20s?

¿Que es lo primero que te fijas en una persona?

Lo primero que miro a una persona es cómo se presenta, cómo habla, cómo se mueve y luego sus ojos.


Language: English