
Daniel Burt

Ask @Burtle95

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If you could have any super power what would it be?

Control over water. You know, proper aquamancer style XD

Favourite T.V show? Animes count xD

I'd have to be really sad and say the Kanto, Johto and Hoenn Pokemon episodes

Do you like your name?

Who would like being told that god is your judge every time someone said your name!

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Ah, I understand. I always have to ask people because I wrote a chart once because the lack of distinct differences between times. Yours might not be the same as mine... I will check but I doubt it will be possible. For a few reasons. x

Fair enough my friend, it might have not happened anyway xD

I'm afraid you have briefly lost me. I was following you until "end of the evening." When does evening end? x

Evening ends after the witching hour... in morning... O.o

Tell me, friend, do you enjoy camping? x

I like camping in solid things on water... ;)
Say friend, I was thinking, nothing is sorted, but with witches and night time journeying being risky at the moment I was wondering if we shouldn't have our conclave continue until the end of the evening...?

You know, when I ask a question like that, I expect an answer and example. Tut tut. Let's try again. Any films that make you cry? If so, which? xx

I don't think so, at least I haven't watched one lately that made me cry, I'm pretty useless with emotions by the way anon xx

Indeed you are. Questions remain unanswered and clues are useless. You will have to wait. xx

I'm looking forward to the conclave, aren't you?
But don't say where, the witch might find us xD

Anyone/any groups of people you really dislike in your year?

I dislike so few people that it's barely worth calling dislike, people scare me quite often though... so if fear = dislike then I suppose but otherwise nope xD

I think you are awesome. You could be on RatedOh. Look for it on Google, if you never heard of it

Him... awesome... you have Burtle confused with someone else. - Burtle's friend
By the way, he got bored so I'm here for a while

Secrets, secrets, Burtle. I will perhaps tell you when I see you. I resume my hunt tomorrow. xx

I'm going to end up waiting till our conclave aren't I... xD

Nah, nah. Not him, him. You just try telling him that. He'd shoot me xD x

Who's your meister then?!?! xD

Him? Who him? I don't think my him is your him. xx

He strolls around in a great long coat most of the time xD

I'm very impressed. I'm not very good at hiding that way. My Meister is though, and he protects me... xx

Who's your meister? Is it... him...? xD

Hello there! How goes it, this evening. Is your location secure? ;) x

My location is, as always secure, and I'm glad to say the witch still hasn't found me xD

Aw, that's a shame. I know who you are :) And also, you do know who I am. :) x

No don't tell :P
I had a crush on the last person to tell me and now Bubo doesn't talk to me anymore :L
Nope, no idea anon, but that's the fun part xx

How will you ask.fm me if you don't know who I am? And I'm afraid your wolf statement doesn't mean much to me. :S x

Yet another flawed theory... I don't want to know who you are btw... I found out who Bubo was and freaked D:
I tried and failed since the wolf statement didn't mean anything... I wish I could ask.fm you xD

On messenger? I meant nobody asks me questions on ask.fm. What was your theory? Who did you think I was? I always go anon. I think it's great! xx

I'm going to say... wolves suck... and I suspect I will die a very horrible death very soon... nein? XD
If I live then maybe my new theory is wrong too :L
I shall ask.fm you xx

No, I know what you mean. No one ever asks me questions either... x

Okay... that blew my theory out of the water xD
I only ask people questions on messenger if I know them... I don't bother with anon but its fun sometimes :D

What would you choose to be the theme tune of your life? x

Either Feeling Good, Supremacy or Survival by Muse at the moment xD
I can't actually tell you how excited I am when I see a question on here.... I know, its sad xxx

Ah, you think that the one who said "Bazinga" is me? No, I am a different anon. I do not know the Bazinga" person. x

I will call all of you anon until I can think of a nickname for each of you :P


Language: English