
Daniel Burt

Ask @Burtle95

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How do you know I'm on your facebook? I could be a totally random stranger? x

Could be but you only started asking questions when I shared to my facebook anon xx
I love strangers xD

What kind of operation? xx (I swear to teapot, if you answer "A private one" ...)

Anon... you're on my facebook, you could message me and of course it was private xD

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What is your favorite part of the day?

Dawn, the grey sky just as the sun comes up is absolutely amazing

Have you ever been under general anesthetic? xx

Yeah, funnily enough I don't remember the experience xD

Ultimate sexual fantasy?

More than a little random anonymous xD
I haven't thought about it sorry

What year is Bubo in:)

Not my year so rule out that year and rule out the year of anyone 3 years younger than me... then you are getting close Anon xx

Have you even broken a bone, if so what was it?& have you ever had an operation? If so what was it?:)

I've never broken a bone even though I've done some stupid things and I've had one operation... x

Driving me crazy man! First letter of name then^_^

I told you it was Greek myth chick, she calls herself Bubo... xx

What year?:D

I'm really pathetic, I sit and wait for the next question anon :P
I'll do better its greek myth chick... if you know who it is then cool, otherwise... hehe

Is she in OHS? What year?:)

She does indeed go to OHS and she's not in Burtle's year... if you know who Burtle really is then he's screwed... and so am I...

What if someone else offered their life? Would you let them? and there is no way of taking him out.

I probably would unless it was someone I cared about since I'm surprisingly apathetic towards other humans.Usually though, or would that be majority of cases, I'd let myself be sacrificed because I've had less of an impact on people.

If you were sitting in one of your classes and an gunman came into the class and said that unless one person offered to be killed then he would kill everyone, would you offer your life?

I'd try to take him out before I surrendered my life but yeah, nobody deserves to die and the good of the many outweighs the needs of the few... Kinda a morbid question :L

I've not seen great expectations :/ have you seen bleak house? It was a series.

I think I might have watched parts of it... maybe :L

My favourite film just now is......... Pride and prejudice, even though I hate mr darcy and lizzy....

Wait a sec, just a sec... did you get my facebook message?? O.o
This could prove that you aren't who I think you are :L
My favourite films are usually science fiction but I really enjoyed Great Expectations, did you see it?

:( why not? You wanted to know who it was since the start :(

Yeah, never mind, go back to being Bubo :P
Or the other one... just never mind XD
Favourite film?

Well you know who it is now so it doesn't matter :P

...I wish I didn't :s
I'm sorry, I'm not going to be as much fun now...

Suppose not Ex AC...

But I'm not wrong, am I...? :P
You still want me to pm you even though you aren't ever online?

Why don't you want it to be me?? :'(

Cuz... if you are who I think you are then my head gets messed up.... and I don't like emotions but if I'm wrong then it doesn't matter does it AC...? O.o


Language: English