
Daniel Burt

Ask @Burtle95

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Lol, for a second I read that as "I'll be putting anon back on soon for people like you and my (no other) friends :)" and I was like, ouch, gonna go cry :'( XD

Zac Thomson
No! No! No! Don't cry Zac! XD
Give me huggles before I leave school!!!
Liked by: Zac Thomson

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Ouch, just saw you had ask fm, came for a nosy and the first thing I see if that you've been accused of being a pervert, ouch. Sorry to hear that. You're able to report mean questions aren't you?

Zac Thomson
Probably but its been dealt with. My accusers wouldn't face me directly XD
I'll be putting anon back on soon for people like you and my other friends :)
Liked by: Sakky Zac Thomson

As notification to those accusing me of being a pervert. I have disabled the anonymous function. Please, if you feel justified accusing me of writing disgusting or disturbing things about anyone feel free to say so with your identity apparent. Apologies to my friends who will miss out on the fun...

Daniel Burt
Any accusations with be answered honestly and dealt with firmly.
Liked by: Sakky

Seeing as the whole thing doesn't make sense nobody thinks you're serious. But the fact it's been said is just disturbing.

Thinks I'm serious about what?
What's disturbing? I'm pretty sure there isn't anything disturbing on my ask.fm...

Anon, I also wrote I wanna have sex with a pregnant straight girl and 3 of my exes. You cant think I was serious about every on of those people

I shall facilitate the anon argument on my ask.fm for the moment...

Are you not that one writing stuff to whoever the fuck 'Giantess Rebekah' is?

Nope, I did send her some questions to try and find out who had been posting to my ask but I haven't been writing anything else. Why?

So it isn't you saying all those disgusting things about us?

I'm guessing this is about this giantess rubbish that an anon was sending me O.o
I don't know who you are but I haven't been writing anything disgusting about anyone as far as I know :)

Would you say sending fantasies to a creep who thinks they're a giant about people you know is acceptable?

No. I wasn't aware I had been... O.o

what do you know about this giantess thing?

Not much except some annoying girl conceptualising a lot of other girls as giantesses

Are you loyal enough to get a Fingal tattoo? FINGAL OOH AHHH!

What a shield with the three mountains?
Maybe... ;)

Opinion on Eilidh Maclean?

Best Clan Leader Fingal has ever had. Funny and understanding. All round nice person.

Do you 'like' any one atm?xxxxx

That's a lot of x's... if you know me well enough for all those x's then why don't we talk on Facebook about it :P

What about Rebekah MacPherson?

She's funny, likable and generally a nice person. She can be distant sometimes AP conversation isn't always easy but its probably fine for normal people. I like her, I'll miss her when she goes of to big time university.

Opinion on erin kelly?

She's one of the more pleasant sixth year girls. Willing to give everyone a fair chance. Smart and sensible, she sticks up for her friends. Overall, a good friend if you want one.

Your wrong ;) First clue: I have 3 cactuses that I own. They are called Sally, bjœrk, and Kiwi.. 0.o


Ah darn it. You don't know who I am Burtle? D: I may sob in a corner now.

Well, Mia and Hannah are the only people that regularly call me Burtle so I'm going to say Mia O.o

I'm a person who you haven't talked to for like a whole day, hahahah! I'm good thank you!

Well, I spoke to Mia earlier and Sakky...
I don't think you are Hannah and Erin doesn't use ask.fm....
I'm Clueless... XD


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