

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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🔥🐉.. Today a boy added me and he sent me 40 questions .. what would you do if they did that to You??.. 0.0??.. 💣🔥💣.. Hoy un chico me agregó y me envió 40 Preguntas!!.. qué harías si te hicieran eso??.. 0.0??.. 🐉🔥

ysk88burbujita88’s Profile Photoπ^÷Copo de Nieve÷^π
I'd answer them if I wanted to, or not if I didn't. Or only some of them, if that's what I felt like.

do you like nikes?

I don't wear their shoes. I have wide feet, and Nike shoes tend to run narrow and most of them are only made in standard widths.

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What was your first impression of high school on your first day?

The place was WAY bigger than the school I was used to (and in hindsight it wasn't that big relatively speaking - I had 215 or so kids in my class, but I came from a school with around 40 kids per grade).

What's your advice when someone cheats on there partner?

Depends on which partner I'm talking to and how they feel about it.

What’s your favorite video game?

I play a lot of Fortnite, but it's not my favorite. Mario Kart is a go-to, but I also like single player FPS like Wolfenstien, and I used to be big into RPG's.

Would you ever go vegan?

I would try it, but merely for exploratory reasons, not for ethical ones. I would not stick with it if I did it for any length of time. It's not as sustainable as vegetarian or omnivorous diets.

If you used to have a crush on someone is it fair to say they’re your ex(crush)? Is it ok to say they’re you’re ex, or is that misleading?

If you weren't dating them, it's misleading to call them an "ex". Former is probably a more apt term for an old crush.

What's your favorite midnight snack?

A couple of bites of some leftovers, but I try not to eat too late too often.

Do they like friendliness in America? I often see a lot of support when I say something nice to others in English here. In Russia, for some reason, it is not customary to express an excessively good attitude towards another.

sokurorendo’s Profile PhotoSoulkid
Some Americans are very friendly and some are not.

What do you when you have trouble falling asleep? Asking for a friend😏

That's rare for me, but I will try to fake it till I make it. Concentrate on physically relaxing, focus on slow, deep breaths, and if my mind is attached to an idea I can't let go, I will either think about sex or counting in odd intervals (forwards or backwards), like up to 500 by 7's, or down from 22,135 by 13's. It's hard enough to have to focus on but not important enough to keep me awake.


Language: English