
Wan Yi

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Describe ng xiang lun!

Tuition mate,omega, superb in physics omg! First in gunung rapat school! super dupper smart n clever,wushu prokia. Xueji. Dark,tiny eyes XD

Well,appearance is not that important,health is

Maybe u r right,but I can't keep myself to be fat like this anymore,maybe just keep a little will do

Why were u decided to go on diet before?

Because my friends teased at me,as well as my sis,she hated me and she always scolded me with the word"fat"

Does pretty girls always look down on people or in bad attitudes?

Nope. Like ming en and yue shuen. They are pretty but friendly,helpful and good in attitudes :)
Liked by: Jonathan loo

what friends meant to you ? relate some examples as well .

Friends who not only come to me for my results. Friends who do care about when I am down . Friends who I can tell my secrets and who my crush is without afraid tat they will tell out. Friends who I can show my true smiles and laughters in front of them instead of the fake one. And I have found it ,my precious gang ,forever 17:)
Liked by: Jonathan loo

through aneroxia that you have overcomed, what do you feel right now?

Better than before I think, at least I make friends who truly to be with. Hmmm...many ppl say I'm fat,it does hurt,but if I wanna keep fit,I won't try the extreme way anymore.
Liked by: Jonathan loo

How Anorexia affect your life?

It affected alot,horrible body shape scared ppl around me,friends become less, my bones were brittle and I can't do well in any sports and games I like,plus I don't even have the strength to do so. I was depressed everyday,I want to eat the food I like,like what normal teenager does,cakes,chocolate,fries...but I'm scare,those calorie..whenever I was eating,mt brain was not thinking about the taste but counting calories. I was fatigue all the time. My doctor doesn't allow me to undergo extreme exercises that time so I was forced to quit olahraga. The game I love. When I went out,ppl kept staring at me ,made me feel embarrassing....
So to all girls, although appearance is vital but health is more important . I'm not afraid anymore to tell cos everything is a pass for me. I appreciate and ya,stay confiden. Although I don't have good looking or even a perfect body shape but ya.

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