
Wan Yi

Ask @Ycoffee

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Likers get 3 questions : 1. What is your age? 2. What will you do if your bestfriend betray you? 3. Which countries you wish to visit someday? :)

16, I'll ask for reasons and see if he/she is worth to be forgiven, Korea
Liked by: Paul Wong shipeiii

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Do you have or want a tattoo? What and where?

I have a piece of tatoo on my right arm since I was born. It should be said as胎记,haha. Sound interested ,I rmb we used to go down stairs straight to the canteen to buy the seaweed packed with tattoo in it. And we did so for times! Till the aunty laughed and knew tat we just aim for thr tattoos,haha. But I don't like to have real tattoo , not worth to pain of it
Liked by: shipeiii Paul Wong

Describe Calvin T

One-year classmate at chung tack in standard 1. And after years,we found each other via fb. Hmm,and met at my school due to symphony concert. If I'm not mistaken we used to compete for the exam results, standard 1 haha XD. Sometimes pessimistic but still a hopeful person for your own life:) Glad u 看开,哈哈。重新振作 in yr exams and life. Next year add oil ya! Spm fighting!

Describe- you are a girl. ok this is obvious. and you have two eyes. two ears. a nose and one mouth. and I think you have a bf called lion? lol so hi there (:

Haha,ya, thanks:)
Liked by: Paul Wong Ryan

Long time no chat, but seem like everything got changed ;) even your loos, attire even your bf also..... I'm too shock about that....But anyway, stay sweet with him and study hard in all your subject, get full As in Spm next year which coming soon :)

Calvin Teh
Haha,ya. Fat jor very much T_T
Anyway,thanks ya. U too :)
Liked by: Paul Wong Calvin Teh

LG2Q- I don't know why some anons said I Kao you on my profile? Lmao - How do you spend this lovely Christmas? (:

Walao which silly anon o ?hahaXD.impossible nia.
Hmmm...spend ganging out with family all the day :)
Liked by: Paul Wong Alvin.J Ryan

List all your childhood favourite cartoons

Doremon, Pokemon , Digimon, Ben 10, Teen Titans, Tom & Jerry....
Haha,kind of weird that girl love these,but I really love them sooo much:p
Liked by: Paul Wong


Language: English