
Wan Yi

Ask @Ycoffee

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Chew is better or wong is better? Who loves u more?who u feel blissful wif?

No comment,one is my friend,while one is my beloved,I'm blissful with my friends but the most probably is my beloved wong;:

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Share sweet moments with yr bf recently ;-)

We went for lunch at fantasy,when waiting for the foods to be served,he pulled out the medal from his pocket n gave it to me,i was shocked as its the one and only n the first medal he won in SMI,then we go for a walk around ,on the way,he suddenly grabbed my hand and holded it tightly.ya,I can't forget these moments



what do u think about girls with single eyelided?

I think it's nice,everyone has her speciality,so appreciate what we were born,lastly,single eyelids are cute :-)
Liked by: Paul Wong


Language: English