

Ask @aeyshariri

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dateng ke GPFEST yuk tanggal 6 7 8 September, ada apa aja? pameran, workshop, seminar dan stand dari segala macam bidang industri kreatif~ dimana? di politeknik negeri jakarta / pnj~ wah di rawamangun ya? bukan dong, pnj di dalam area kampus Univ Indonesia, depok
Jangan sampai terlewat yaaa~ need info hubungi aja medsos di post~

Follback 😊. Kenapa mau jadi illustrator??? Pap Ilustrasi yang amazing 😅😄😆 Hehehe.

FauziahMuslimah’s Profile PhotoU C H I
menjadi ilustrator adalah hal yang menantang karena kita harus bisa membuat suatu ilustrasi yang dapat mewakilkan ribuan kata :) ilustrasi juga efektif untuk sarana promosi, aksi dan penyampaian pendapat yang stand out dan tidak membosankan-- ilustrasi amazing banyak banget, mending pap ilustrator kesukaan saya aja ya nih Tom Haugomat
Liked by: Moody! U C H I

What is the worst thing you got in trouble for as a child?

I don't know what I want to be when I grow up and it's so scared. but when I take a look back at that moment it wasn't the worst part. give up is.

If you could have one wish what would you wish for?

the power to always getting forward no matter what will happend :)

What one thing have you spent the most money on?

1. watching movies
2. buying good books

sometimes I feel guilty to spent money on them but later I think it's worth it. nah I never buy something useless like crazy-expensive-bag or really-mad-expensive-shoes bcs my parents really work hard for earn money-- i wish after i learn then i can earn

Who are you?

I'm imperfect lady and immature engineering student with an enthusiast in design graphic and get addicted to illustration. simple and humanist.


Language: English