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Latest answers from ティビ猫ちゃん

How even would you say your sleep is? Like, does it happen that you wake up in the middle of the night? Do you then have difficulties going back to sleep? 😴

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Whenever I know something is happening the next day, I can wake myself from my dream to check the time to make sure the alarm didn't go off and then instantly go back to sleep. Because of that I'm not very well-rested.

What do you think of bird sounds outside your window? For example, do you find it soothing or annoying when they start to chirp really early in the morning? 🐦

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I think it is all pleasant. I remember, there was one time when I did not find it soothing when I was little, I woke up very early in the morning because of the constant chirping (I could have sworn there were at least 10 chirps per second), I walked into my parents' room and I told them I could not sleep and my father only commented that "little birds were born" and he chuckled. I laid between them and tried to sleep despite still hearing all those moth fluffers.

How do you like to express your creativity? 🎨🎸📸

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I usually write or have a conversation with other very creative people. The conversations with me can be really interesting.

What game would you say you're the best at? Can be any kind of game! 🎮🎲🎳

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I am usually the best at the ones with little to no luck factor; just pure strategic thinking. Last time I almost won a complicated board game I only played for the first time, but I forgot about one thing that made me lose 4 points after I was 2 squares ahead of the second place. Also, I used to play chess, and I have some experience in swordsmanship. I have an acquaintace who is said to have been doing it eversince he was a small kid. It hurt him, but he acknowledged that I handle the sword a lot better than him despite not having 10th of his experience - I read about it and that's how I became superior over some martial artists.

Say Jurassic Park existed, it was open to the public and no bad incident had happened. Would you want to go? 🦖🦕

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Yes. It is a literal dinosaur park, who wouldn't wanna come?

What’s the longest you’ve ever stayed as a guest at someone’s house?

A whole week. I went to the Balaton, the biggest lake of Hungary, and they had that fancy house near water. Not only could we swim whenever we liked, but we did everything like it was home. I could live there, it had everything I need.

What was the latest bit of home improvement you did? Do you have something you want to do in the future? 🛠️🛋️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I removed my sister. Now I live alone. I am a lot more productive like this, and not to forget, also comfortable. Today I tidied up and I don't want to make a mess ever again. Now it is all on me, so I won't lack the motivation to keep it all clean.

Just curious since it was my favorite toy growing up, do you have any history with LEGO? There any specific sets or themes you like(d) especially? 🏰🏴‍☠️🚒🚀

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
My parents used to buy a lot of those. I used to love LEGO Atlantis. I really liked the underwater theme. I still love naval creatures and the water.

What gift you gave someone else this year were you the happiest with? Doesn't necessarily have to be for Christmas, can be for a birthday etc. as well! 🎁

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I accommodated 7 war refugees. And I talked someone into joining AIESEC. He is very grateful for that.

What were some of your best moments of 2022?🎆

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I got to know some AIESECers, it was February, and I got to know some very awesome ones I haven't really talked to eversince.
Sometime after the war between Russia and Ukraine had been decleared, I accommodated a Syrian war refugee and it was really awesome. We got along very well, I spent lots of time with him, we talked a lot, and even discussed about our would-be enterprise.
I went to two LARP events. Both were great. I mean very great. One had 30-50 participants, the other ~120. I really enjoyed myself.
I became a member of AIESEC. AIESEC is awesome, tho' I wish I could spend more time with the organization.

Language: English