
Aurelia Joyann Trudy

Ask @aureliajoyanntrudy

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i cant believe u have a peach face and a white hand. Wow. just.. wow.

Problem bish? HAHAHA lighting effects ;)

10 likes donee:) q1: kalo bosen ngapain? q2: suka cowo yg kyk gmn? q3: hobby? q4: fav song? q5: pap quote :) like sma ask balik plss thxx :))

ivamayadela’s Profile Photoiva
1. Klo bosen yaaa... Biasa sih dgr lagu smbil tiduran hehehe
2. Sukanya cwo yang...
- Baik
- perhatian
- bs ngertiin feelings cwe
- pinter tp gk sok
- berani
- gk pemalu
- gk sombong
- loyal donk yaa
- trusts me
- funny XD
- bkn playboy
- suka ngebantuin cwenya
- protective
- jealousan
- lebih tinggi dri I
- fun
- bs diajak curhat
- respond balik
- strong but sensitive
- gk gampang marah
- gk complain melulu
- bisa fight for me
- sportive
- proud to have me (gk malu d don tmn"nya)
- gk bkal ignore I
- gk telmi
- accepts me for me
- has correct grammar
- pkoknya someone who will always be there for me in good or bad times :)
3. Ntn kdrama, dgr lagu and sketching.
4. Little white lies
5. :) sip
10 likes donee
q1 kalo bosen ngapain
q2 suka cowo yg kyk gmn
q3 hobby
q4 fav


Language: English