
Aurelia Joyann Trudy

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kemaren kok engga ikut ke baywalk

I kan disuruh ikt cosplay itu kan so yeah I joined and it was said that the coaplay will end at 2pm and tasya blg jam 11an mreka udh mw prgi. Trs at 4pm jg I ad birthday tmn lgi so I thought gk keburu siap" lgi klo cm 2 jem. Eh tau"nya jam 11an udh slsai cosplaynya -_- but tggung jg klo I ikt.. Bc i jg udh blg I couldn't join them.

HAHAHAHAHAHA! saya tak punya boyfriend mslhnya. </3 AND DONT CALL ME BABE. EW THATS JUST.. G A Y.

Udh dbilangin u ada hiromi jg -.- gk mau ngaku sih --" KLO I MAU GMN??!! BABE BABE BABE BABE
B A B E.

u ya, jahat lu, leave me single alone. </3 LONG LAST MAN! as long as his D.. i love its long.. HAHA jk :/

Gk lah gpp kok u will always have Hiromi with u kok ;) THANKS BITCH! Sorry ya I gk liat dri itunya I tuh liatnya dri hati okay #wise i bet ur boyfie punya longer kok dont worry babe

menurut anda, seperti apakah pria sejati?

- pkoknya ladies first (?)
- klo ktmu tmnnya trs ad cwenya.. Cwenya gk dicuekin ato lgsg beda tingkahnya... (Hrsnya tuh di kenalin) "Nih cwe gua"
- says sorry walaupun cwenya yg slh (klo cwenya gk apologize and dri pda dia marah) wkwkwk idk I gk ngerasa this is right but... Yeah if ur a gentleman u should do that.
It's like "It's better to lose a fight better than to lose her." gitu deh.
- ngertiin cwenyaaa (especially on her periods)
- mau dgrin cwenya gk keras kepala
- jgn genit
- "She's mine" u won't give up on her that easily.
- appreciate lah klo cwenya lakuin sth buat u even if it's totally embarrassing and it's not much.
- bntuin tuh cwe (ex: bukain pintu buat dia, klo dia bawa ap bntuin bawain) klo barangnya jatoh ambilin jgn cm diliatin
- loyal donk (hers only) nobody else
- jgn cuek
- tuh cwe jgn prnh ditinggalin sndirian
- gk usah romantic yg pnting tuh big hearted lah
(Sorry klo disagree ya this is just my opinion)

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