
Aurelia Joyann Trudy

Ask @aureliajoyanntrudy

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Which three things would you take to a deserted island?

- a ship of food
- clothes
- another ship with other needs inside

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Apa arti dari nama kamu?

AsyifaRakhimannisa’s Profile PhotoAsyifa R
Hhhmm bkn mau nyari ribut ato apa ya cm klo lu mau ad yg ngeask tuh caranya bkn gitu bkn suruh org ask balik (udh mending gua ask balik) trs jwbannya smua gitu. Nih gua ngmg lgsg aja. Tau diri plis sorry.

Tbh? Hehe (:

Marrjoriee’s Profile PhotoMarjorie
Tbh jorieeee punya suara yg pling pling pling cute yg i prnh dgr :3 suaranya imut bgtttt soft" high pitched gmn gitu wkwkwkwk jorie super canssss ^^ and kurusssss tinggi wah -.- . baik bgt yayyyy. Suka elus" and megangin rambut I tp pas I mau pegang punya u lgsg kabur wkwkk. Rambutnya bagus and halus bgtt. Cheek bonenya tajem so chubby gitu. Punya pacar namanya rivan so cute u guys ;) . U orgnya jg fun bgttt and super friendly orgnya gk malu"an hahahah murah senyum. Lucu jg youuu. Lain kli jln" lgi yaaaa jor <333 :* huahaha
Liked by: Marjorie


alishamulani’s Profile Photoalisha mulani
Ashaaaa sorry i baru jwb skrg yaaaa heheheh hhmm tbh ur da wild bomb :* very funny nih manusiaaaaaa wkwkk beautiful person ;) gorgeous lah pkoknyaaaa. Baik bgt aafffffff. Super friendly right bebbbb :b dlu we all call u "baba underwater" and u have this quote u made "life is hard flow with it~" and u'll do this hand wave wkwkk i miss u ashaaaaa :'( kpn coba kt ktmu lgi aaarrggghh. U orgnya keren cieeee B) i naksir ma u sha. And dlu u slalu go to school with a ponytail and a headband I rememberrr ckckckk gk sombong orgnyaa even I udh pindah jg u gk sombong sma I and gk lupain I :'D I terharu. I love u ashaaaaaa <33 :*
Liked by: marv alisha mulani

Tbh :)))

Tbh maureen so cuteeeee and very imut okayyy :3 matanya beloo 0.0 and mukanya lucu gitu wkwk kyk gk bs jelek mau dbkin aib" jg gk gk bs aib ttp cuteee. Cantikkkkss. rambutnya halus bgttttt. Kurus :( envy okayy tinggi lg udh kyk model wahahaha orgnya agk malu" pas baru ktmu isokay I jg masi malu" ;;) orgnya baik bgtttt and funn heeheheeyyy jln" lgi yaaaa next time <33 :*

Best couple in your school & 10 facts bout them

Dicka & Vivi
1) dua"nya orangnya super baik
2) dua"nya jago basket
3) dua"nya suka main basket
4) dua"nya ikt team basket
5) so cuteeeee
6) dua"nya tinggi
7) dua"nya punya dde
8) dua"nya lucu
9) dua"nya business stream
10) dua"nya awesome


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