
Aurelia Joyann Trudy

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Tbh, impers, desc, bf amanda, kim, michelle t and michelle vh

Short aja ya... Bnyk bgt abisnya... :p
Amanda jap ya? If yes then.. Jap:
Baik bgt
Kadang direct kadang gk
Itunya lebar hahaha
Berbulu nolah mulus
Jago dance bgtttt
Suka ntn kdrama
Suka kpop
My destiny ;)
Suka ngelawak
Tmn curhat
Punya dde yg cute bgt
Pecinta exo
Gnti nama mandarinnya jdi luhan -_-
Nama di ess nya park byun chan baek
My sister from another planet :p
Loves me and I love you more japyy :*
"HAHAHA!!" *smbil nepok" paha*
"Canteen yuk"
"Yoyoyo man!"
"Exo!!!!!" "Chanyeol!!" "Baekhyun!!" "Luhan!!" "Kai!!" "Tao" #sorrykloadspellingygslhya #dansmuamemberexo
"Nenen!!!" "Cibe lah lu!"
"Zo in sung!" "Kim soo hyun!" "Cheon song yi!" #org"ygdikdrama
"Ewe ewe ewe ewe!"
Bf: Rambut and mata >.<
Tidak lucuuu
Lucu deh
Jwbannya smua masuk akal
Rambutnya panjang
Rambutnya bagus
Pke kacamata tp kadang di lepas sperti saya
Bodynya kyk model
Suka modeling
Ketawanya smbil nutup mulut
Supportive juga
Klo ketawa smbil nafas
"Hahahaha" *pause* "hahaha"
"Tggl brpa?"
"Aurel" *bisik*
"Ish bkin kesel aja"
"Ribet ah males"
Bf: hair and body ><
Baik bgt
Suka nyanyi" di mana"
Mau lg berak juga smbil nyanyi #kidding
Half indian and chinese and indonesian
Mancung bgt
Gk prnh bljr klo test mau exam mau apapun tp nilainya kebanyakan bagus
Punya pacar namanya calvin
Sayang sma calvin
Bodynya fit
Gk suka kfc
Animal lover
Jarang mau klo diajak pergi
Klo lipstick maunya pke merah
Marah klo d ksih lipstick pink
Brings red lipstick like everywhere
Jujur bgt
Namain nenennya satu Ben satu Jerry -_- #nihnamanyaorgstress
Namain her lower part megan
"Tenot tenot tet tet tet tet tuit tuit"
"Gua punya lebih gede dri pda lu punya!"
"Gua lah yg lebih sexy"
"Mau gk?" *nawarin mknan*
"Klo gede lebih bagus lah dri pda kecil" *fights for her beliefs of boobs* ._.
"Love u victoriaaa"
Bf: eyes and nose
Just one word "Wow"
I gk inget dia ngmg apa sma I #oops
Bf: eyes and legs

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Liked by: Dennis Rubianto

Tips : tidak mau di cuekin orang , ya jangan cuekin orang juga !

Sorry ya klo I cuekin org... But people have their ups and downs in their life. I know I'm not perfect :) I know that I'm wrong for ignoring some people. I have my tough times too here. If you are having a bad time.. you have that feeling of when u just wanna be alone for a while. I bkn gk nerima u blg gt.. Yeah just... everyone right might be fighting a battle you know nothing about. And, skrg I lg ada my exams... and actually I wasn't allowed to chat and all.. So I can't answer everyone at a time. so for the likers get gitu" tunggu ya abis examnya. :)

list 5 sahabat terdeket lu and 5 good facts for each of them :) ! no mager no scroll down harus jawab!

1 God - He's my saviour, my hero, He's perfect, I can tell him anything, my everything.
2 Mom - helps me all the time, gave birth to me, has a pure heart, my bestfriend, I can tell her anything.
3 Dad - My hero, gives me great advices, supports my family, strong and brave, funny.
4 Bro - My best friend, funny, gives me advices too, helps me, caring.
5 Jap and brian and helen and tania, etc: My bestfriend, caring, understanding, funny, cheers me up a lot.
Done :)

20 good things about being friends with dennis?

Denis tuh..
1 caring
2 understanding
3 baik bgt
4 suka ngebantu
5 gives weird advices but it makes me to laugh hahaha
6 loyal
7 good listener
8 can be trusted
9 keeps secrets
10 diajakin makan mll hahaha
11 konyol
12 pipinya lembut enak d cubitin
13 rambutnya juga halus
14 suaranya lucu kyk bayi
15 kadang suka bntuin my studies
16 biasanya bntuin I maths
17 suka ngajakin pergi
18 klo mkn bnyk bgt.. so i'm comfortable eating a lot with him too hahaah
19 respect girls
20 doesn't complain much
Done :)


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