
Aurelia Joyann Trudy

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tbh me yg panjang yahh ((:

JasonLie’s Profile PhotoJason Li
Tbh jlie baik bgt, sayang bgt ma my bebek, lucu, jago futsal, suka main hp smbil main futsal, suka lgsg tb" ngerebut bola dri cwe -.-, jealousan, loyal ma my bebek, jujur orgnya, cute with bebek, kt suka rebutan bebek, bebek's.. Itu aja ya kurang tau lg hahahh
Liked by: Jason Li

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you are really generous to those people who even tried to left you. thanks aurel

I'm not generous.. I'm just someone who keeps my friends. Thanks? Why thanks ._.

trust cant be perfected once it is crampled.. how about if he want to become ur friend again? how would you respond to that? what do u think?

Well he never backstabb me.. Also he never did anything to hurt me, maybe just sometimes we fight and all but it's normal u know like we fight like brothers and sisters, and we'll still get along well. I told him that he's still my bestfriend but he doesn't want to. And so he comes and go every once in a while. Idk how I'll respond to that bc it depends on how much he really wants to be my friend again. But I'll never reject someone who wants to be my friend.

whats the point of waiting for someone who backstabs you when u need them the most? its useless. he is not worth to be trusted from the beginning.

He didn't backstabb me, he just wanted to leave right... It's not my right to make him his decisions. And yeah.. Trust... I trusted him and that's it. It's hard to gain my trust, but he did it.. and he never lost my trust till now. Cuz he didn't do anything to hurt me.

so you just said he's not a true friend he leaves you and goes back to you once in a while.. what kind of friend is he? he doesnt even deserve to get the name of "friend". just my opinion btw

I actually said he was but he denied can't force someone to be my friend if he doesn't want to right...yeah, He was a very good friend :)

If he is truly your friend then no matter how far he will go , he will be back eventually. :)

Yes. But a true friend don't come and go. A true friend will stay with you and will walk beside you.

brian itu ga bisa di hope punya org i ud kenal dia bgt. u jauhin dia aja

I never go anywhere. I stayed exactly where I was. :) I don't leave my friends without telling them the reason why.

so what do u want to do with ur recently lost friend?

If he really wants to be my friend he would stay. He wouldn't leave his friend no matter what. :)

gantian tbh me yang panjang bgt bgt yaa

xjordychang’s Profile Photojordychang
Koko orgnya baik bgt, suka nemenin I ahaha, gk cuek, and caring bgt orgnya, kt suka kyk measure fats in our arms gitu ahhaah, lucu orgnya, klo skype gk kira" lamanya, sering curhat and crita", kt gk prnh keabisan kata" wkwkk, very good listener, suka ngasih I advice yg bagus, dkt ma I, tau bnyk bgt tntg i lol, jujur bgt, bs diajak becanda, bs ngertiin i bgt, tau cwe bgt, kita sinting gitu, hombre :b, jago basket, brave bgt, tmn I klo lg mati lampu jg wkkk, we have a lot of similarities, suka ngeledekin I, gk bs control emosi kadang klo lg mrh but sokay", gk judgmental, suka observe" hahahh, gmpg curious, bandel :b, gr" skli minjemin i zambuk jdi terkenal sbagai koko zambuk, pemikiran kita sama, katanya mau build muscles lg, akong I hahahh, orgnya gk gmpg kepengaruh ma omongan org, frontal, gk suka diomongin d blkg, tmnin i main futsal, orgnya enak diajak ngmg, fun, gk boring, suka ngajak mkn bareng, long walks and talks hehe, bawel, tmn begadang, respect cwe, bisa ngebaca pkiran I, gamer, jago break dance, great leader, confident, gk jaim, silly wkwkk, supportive bgt, mature but a lil bit of childish actions are good, wise, man of his word, keeps secrets, jago nyolot, jago debate gitu, pkoknya koko I awesome hahahah :D

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