
Aurelia Joyann Trudy

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tbh gw yg pnjg ?

Tbh tania... tania orgnya tuh baikkkkkkkkkkkk bgt srsly super baik, baik bgt smua org klo tbh u psti blg u tuh baik bgt... But u don't believe klo u tuh org baik. U super sabar, sabar bgt but bc ppl just took advantage of it.. u got hurt. U get hurt a lot.. But u stayed strong, ur a very strong girl and just gotta believe that u really are. U don't judge people for being themselves, u appreciate people for being who they are. U sabar bgt especially klo I crita panjang"an ma u, I lg mrh.. And i just scream and everything and throw my anger at u but ur still nicely listening beside me without complains, u don't talk about people behind their backs and u just state it if u like or dislike sth, if u dislike someone u just directly say "I don't like u", U always understand me, and kt tuh kyk sma in a lot of ways we face the same problems and sometimes in the same way. Frontal. ur so beautiful but u always think that ur not. u suka nyambut" rambut and make hairball... stop it! nnti i mrh. Ur super fun okayyyy and the funniest tanpull I've ever met ahahahah, u love black and dark colors but it still doesn't mean ur obsessed on anything gothic, ur the type of person who lives pleasing people but u've changed and start living for urself and making evrything simple for u which is good, u often get haunted my ur own negative thoughts. U give very wise advices and it helps me a lot. U like to wear sneakers like everywhere. Ur not confident with urself and it annoys me sometimes bc u should be proud of being a unique u. U love kpop and really hate when people talk bad about 'em. U fight for what u think is right. U easily give up on sth, but not anymore. U keep secrets and never break promises. U org paling antique yg I prnh ktmu. I love you tann!!!! ❤❤❤

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tbh gw yg pnjg
Liked by: marv

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aurel lu masih pacaran sama yang ank univ itu ? Bukannya skrng dia sma grisella ??

Gk kok I gk prnh pcrn ma dia... Hmm gtw deh nnya dia aj :)
Liked by: marv

Jgn" you are playing with dennis's heart. if you dont like him ya reject aja ngapain masih stay still. You want to show off to everyone that u msi punya org yg suka u kan?

I did. I rejected him. Dude u have no fucking idea that I did and u just go hating. Hahaha u think u know everything about me but u don't. knp u suka dennis?
Jgn you are playing with denniss heart if you dont like him ya reject aja
Liked by: marv Gary Lius

tbh,imper,pap with me heheh thx

JasonLie’s Profile PhotoJason Li
Tbh sayang bgt sma bebek I, loyal bgt ama bebek, cute bgt ma bebek, cocok ma bebek, gmpg jealous, lucu, baik, peratian ma bebek, cool, jago futsal, punya my bebek, gk cocok klo pke kacamata, jago mkn pedes
"Bek angel mana?"
"My bebeb dmn?"
"Angel mana?"
"Hi bek"
"Angel punya I"
"Eh bek"
"My bebeb blablablabla"
"Udh woi"
"Balik yuk"
*plays futsal smbil main hp*
tbhimperpap with me heheh thx


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