
Aurelia Joyann Trudy

Ask @aureliajoyanntrudy

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(-)kekurangan tania ap aj ? (+)kelebihan tania ap aj ? #behonest thx

Positive dlu yaaa
(+) Baik bgt, beautiful, pretty smile, fun, funny, knows a lot, understanding, caring bgt, her life and mine are more likely the same hahaha (so we understand each other), smart, rajin, good sense of style, great taste in music, doesn't judge people easily, strong person.
(-) bnr" gk percaya diri, sering nethink, sometimes gk bs control temper (but it's fine for me), being too kind (is also a problem in which a lot of people will take advantage from), suka klo org gk suka ap dri dia (yg sbnrnya it's fine actually to be herself) lgsg change (I mean like you don't need to listen to them), insecure.
I'm sorry if my words are kinda harsh and mean tan.


Language: English