
Aurelia Joyann Trudy

Ask @aureliajoyanntrudy

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tbh mee panjangg panjanggg :3

Ya gua tau lu suka yg panjang tjong" wkkwkwk so here... Tbh u are the horniest, and the most dirty minded woman I've ever met xD wkwkwk but bc of that kita nyambung ._. Heheheh and u orgnya tuh enaknya bs d ajak becanda and tho we kyk call each other weird names like "bitch, asshole, etc" we don't get offended by each other and we just have fun :b u fun bgt orgnya and ur weird and i like weird people so I like you *and for shit sake I'm not a lesbian* we call each other lesbians but we actually look like one crazy retarded lesbians *yes we do* okay ;) but we're not we just look like that cuz ofc girlfriends are just the best right :b and u tuh orgnya suka curhat" I understand u bgtttt why u really wanted attention + ur super loyal so i laffff done bitch haha! <333 I love mijong :*
tbh mee panjangg panjanggg 3

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cepetann aurell lagi nunggu nihhhh...

Bsk ajaaaa I me bljr bio !!! Wkwkwk okay beb bsk yaaa I promise <3 u tbh in I dlu ajaaaa yaaaa

tbh meeee

Tbh shenen baikkkk but skrg somsss -.-, cantik bgt and rambutnya bedeeeeehhh + udh kepanjangan woi gunting rambut quick quick, kurus bgtttttt I swear u udh trlalu kurus dude eat some madafuckin meat but u emg jago mkn sih u gk bs gndut aja, kurang tinggi and suka ledekin I pendek I'm huurrttt :(, aluminum btb, mancung bgt and im pesek so bye, okayyyy done denggggggg :***
tbh meeee


Ya gua kan baik #taibaik santai santai xD wkwkwkwk gua lupa MVH NEVER NYANTAI tuh add to the tbh bebiii <3333 I know u love meeeee hahahah
Liked by: jordychang

tbh manusia indah ini yang panjanngggg:D

Anjirrr indah wkwkwk
Tbh ajap is bery baik but baik, gila and sinting and silly all at the same time digabungin smua jdi amanda jap, suka ntn kdrama like meeee, caring bgt to the people she loves like meee ;;), and slalu bs understand my position and my problems and never judged me for who I am heheh, accepts my flaws and mistakes, u never asked me why and never complained about me and u just love me like that, u bs tahan my craziness and my all my mrh" and curhat"an k u even tho I bs trlalu over and lebay, u accept my alayness, kt sma" pke kawat so we understand how it sucks so much to not be able to eat sth and getting food stuck on our braces all the time then we'll go to the mirror or ask each other whether our teeth's clean or not, jago dance bgtttt especially kpop punyaaa, suka bgt ama kpop, muka cute bgt bulet bgt and poninya kyk jamur so cuttteeee, kt suka jail and isengin org trs abis itu kt malu bareng wkwkwk, ada tai lalat satu d idung so cute wkwkk, jago tidur gila -_- and kocaknya if u tdr tmbh lama muka u jdi tmbh kyk cwo but pas bangun mukanya lgsg jdi cwe lg hahaha,super loyal, supportive bgt to me and to her loved ones, lucu bgt orgnya and bs becandaaaa, ur so indah ;;), doesn't always take things srsly but knows when we need to be serious, iseng but knows limits, pinter and bs rajin bgtttt, gk judgmental, you're a very strong girl, knows a lot about me, trustable and ba keep secret, orgnya jujur bgt wkwkwk, sering mimpi yg aneh" ahahah, enak di peluk bgttttttt, I love you ma bitchhh <33333 :***** ur so awesomeee!!! + bonus nih papnya yg pas abis u tungguin i nympe k lembang :3

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tbh manusia indah ini yang panjannggggD

tbh gw yg panjang dong :D

I don't want.
Tbh michelle anak bojongon wkwkwk kidding loh, baik but fake kidding again loh, baikk bgtttttttttttttt eh tt nya so many, tinggi bgt fuq u -_- pdahal i lebih tua dri u and ur like the size of the eiffel tower, beautiful and bule bgt cuz ur born in german and i don't know why u kyk bule just bc ur born there ._., mukanya lucu bgt kyk hombre xD wkwkwk, suka kluarin suara dinosaurus gitu deh, tmn pling iseng seduniaaa -_-, tmn pling sinting sedunia juga -..- (bc kt gk ba makan apelnya we pretend it was an apple juice by sticking a straw on the apple), pinter bgt sih sbnrnya tp actionsnya omfff indescribable, loyal ma smua tmn and org" yg dia sayang, gila, punya gangguan jiwa ahhaah kidding, bokep, horny, caring bgt and never cuek karna slalu kyk curious gitu orgnya keliatan dri alisnya yg slalu naik sebelah, understanding bgt also especially tntg sth if u know what i mean psti pling understanding loh, fun bgtttt karna we never care about what other people will think about us when we do sth crazy and childish, ktwanya kyk fake laugh gitu kwwkk tp sbnrnya its her real laugh, alis mata gk bs stop gk naik" wkwkwkw, pkoknya I love my bitchhh!!! <333 :***

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tbh gw yg panjang dong D
Liked by: marv kristy jordychang

Tbh me yang panjang donk :D

ferendchen’s Profile PhotoFerend
Tbh ferend baik bgt bgt bgt, fun also loh I say, rambutnya lurus but d perm kriting but cocok and bagus bgt jatohnya, jago basket eaaaaa ;;), directioner hell yeah, orgnya super sabar okay .-. Not like me, jago nyolot weessss, lucu orgnya and bs becandaaaaan, tinggi ur so mean, yellow tigers wooo, orgnya cincai"an, understanding also, smart, crazy like hombreeeee, cantikkkk u kno, okayyy done yaaaa <33 luvvv ferendddd
Liked by: jordychang Ferend

awww aurel boobooo♡♡:*:* thankyou so muchh. you made my nightt ♡♡ I really appreciate about how you think about me and im glad that I can call you my best friend and especially my booboo and my laff:*** I love you too aurelboobooo:* ♡

<3333 urwelcome loveeeee :3 thankyou too :b hahahaah booboo >.<


Yes I love my brother <3 tho he is really annoying most of the time.
Tbh he is annoying, but he could be very kind and nice to me all of a sudden, he's loyal, galak, gmpg marah bgt lah, tukang ngadu, brisik, suka manjang"in mslh, gk bs becanda, cm d ledekin dikit aja lgsg mrh2 kyk apaan, ganteng, rambutnya kyk sapu, pinter, dlu cute skrg gk, mood swingsnya sih lebih parah dri pda cwe yg lg period loh -.-, susah ngertiin org, suka ngejudge I, complain mulu, ngajak ribut mulu, suka nyuruh" I, I kyk dde nya cuz i kyk d ctrl ma dia mulu, lucu kadang, keeps secrets.
"Apa sih u?!"
"Woi pergi lah!"
"Ce ambilin tissue"
*ktwa"/mrh" sndiri smbil main game*
"Shut up"
"Diem lah!"
"Apanya! Gk prnh ya!"
"Tuh cece...." "abisnya cece..."
"Gmw lah!"
"Nyebelin bgt sih u pergi lah!"
"Go away!"
"Ih lebay"
"Jelek lu"
*scolds me 24/7*
Rate: 10/10
He sleeps with so many pillows
Hates dolls (like me)
Klo ad crush sayang bgt ma cwenya
Suka curhat ma I klo malem"
Frontal bgt
Gk suka d omongin ap" tp slalu omongin I
Klo tdr matanya melek gk tutup fully
Matanya kurang belo
Kyk chihuahua wkwk
Lebih tinggi dri I
Ngajarin I futsal gk sabaran bgt
Gk sabaran bgt orgnya
Klo ngmg gk nyantai bgt
Mukanya mirip garfield kata my dad
Hates insects
Gk bs appreciate what I do for him
Segitu aja deh heheh + bonus pap

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Liked by: Meicy jordychang

tbh me yg panjang :D

Tbh jess ur my booboo :3 ur super kind and u orgnya gk milih" tmn, u orgnya sabar bgt but u tau limitnya klo orgnya udh keterlaluan ato gk, gk selfish u slalu mentingin the people u love first, u caring bgt u gk cuek at all, slalu ad for ur friends and always there for me ^^, u bs ngertiin org, u jujur orgnya especially buat org yg u sayang u gk bkal boon k mreka, ur super loyal to ur friends to hewitt dll, u always put hewitt as ur first priority, u sayang bgt sma hewitt and sabar bgt sma dia, stylish ;), rambutnya omaigatt is to die for, ur eyesssss are so beautiful, you are beautiful, ur funny too and bs becanda and ur fun kayyyu, ur a very strong girl and u know that, I know ur sad but I will always be there for u babyy stay strong booboo <333 I love my booboo jessjess :***
tbh me yg panjang D


Language: English