
Aurelia Joyann Trudy

Ask @aureliajoyanntrudy

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Paling sebel punya temen yang....

gk sebel.. Just yeah.. gk suka lah
1) has 2 or more faces (srsly satu muka udh cukup okay)
2) klo ngmg k org nusuknya pke bgt bgt
3) judgmental bgt
4) gk friendly and super sombong
5) sok bgt --"
6) jaim nya keterlaluan
7) gk bs becandaan
8) backstabber assholes
9) suka ninggalin org
10) asal ngmg pdhal gtw apa" tntg I
11) gk bs ngerasa bersalah
12) gk supportive k tmn"nya
13) cm tmnan buat make kita
14) tmnan cm buat populer
15) yg gk bs setia ma tmn sndiri
16) gk bs keep secrets
17) cm tmnan bc of looks doank
18) tmn matre
19) boongin org mulu

Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?

Vampireeeee!!! I just think that being a vampire's pretty cool and most of my friends call me vampire bc of the rubber on my braces :D
Liked by: josvia MelyssaLin

Tbh meeeeee:)

Dennisrubianto’s Profile PhotoDennis Rubianto
Tbh dennis orgnya super auper super baik, lucu wkwkk, orgnya silly bgt lah pkoknya, small like me laaa wkwkwk, dlu lebih pendek dri I skrg udh lebih tinggi I think, suka flip hair gitu lol, respect cwe, suka speechless, loyal bgt, fun bgt, pda blg our face mirip, ganteng, iseng, gila wkwk, my bestfriend, suaranya kyk anak kecil, ketawanya kyk kuntilanak hahaha, strong hearted bgt, les ken", dlu sklh d gandhi ancol, gk sombong, gk judgmental, bromance ma emil wkwk donee :D

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Tbh me! ;) sorry lupa off anon!

Tbh ci evelin tuh cantik bgtttttt <33 , baik bgt jg heheheh futsal ma I but skrg udh jarang :( my senior skrg grade 10, cicinya renaldy, rambutnya bagusss, fashionable, suka tas mk I think heheh, blkgn agk diem hehe, cute bgt with ko devin longlast ciciii, kurus, red eagles, sodaranya ci there, funnnn :*** love cicii

I hate how people are troubling with this 'enrico' topic :( you're such a lovely and kind hearted gurl tbh!

Thankyouuu! :D

tbh poernama yang panjang

riesaaa’s Profile Photoclariesa||박지민
Tbh clariesa poernama gila gila gila gila gila gila gila, orgnya kocak bgt and sinting so I don't want to be friends anymore but kidding lah kidding *broken english*, so hyper I swearrrrrr, suka bikin kata" sndiri punya dunia sndiri jg maybe idk so unique bebiiiii ;;), ur one in a million ahahahah, suka manggil I bapeng watdehel -..- dia blg bc I look gepeng *hurrrttttt*, ur a very strong girl I know and if anything comes in ur way u'll beat the shit out of it ss yoww, baik bgt also loh yaaaa baik baik baik like hombreeee, suka blg I sombong :( pdhal I udh blg hi balik kokkkkk but I'll try to be less sombong kay beeyy, suka agk gk pede about sth she has or owns but its okay if anybody judges u for that they are just assholes, love youuuuu <3333

hahaha makasiii adikk i tau i lucuu hhaaa ya kan tbh2 bingung mau ngom apa

:3 ya deh cici unyuuuuu eh kamis futsal gk?? I kpgn futsal I nyesel gk konsen kmrn hahhaha

emang knpa u gais

Who? Me and enrico? Yeah sth happened aja :) it's personal sorry and pkoknya I have reasons deh yaaa

hahaha ga kok u baik hati dan tidak sombong.. itu supaya manjang2in aja tbh nya hahahaa next time baru panjang dehh lg maagerr tau.. td mau di tbhin langsung d skolah u gamau sii

Okayyyyy wkwkwk d sklh u ngmgnya ulang" lg blg "tbh... Tbh uuuuu... tbh u tuh... Tbh u tuuuhh.... Okay byeeee" ahahahah :b lucu deh cici I
Liked by: jordychang


Language: English