
Dan Kim

Ask @CloneManga

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It's not a ROMANCE STORY. Is every story that has something to say about love, a love interest, or depicts love between people a romance? No. NO IT'S NOT.
I've never written a romance story.

Love and romance aren't the same thing, sempai- I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN. Lovey-dovey slice of life =/= romance, aye?


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Will you even give Cupcake a sister?

I can't even handle a cutest. There's no way I can handle a cutest and a eben MOAR a cutest.

Of course you'd never draw straight up romance you dummy, that would imply that you would pair together members of the opposite sex.

RIP Kanami.

Probably asked this before: Favourite touhou?

Overall best: Ordinary Witch
Best couple: NTR'd and butt-devastated Patchu + Reimu/Marisa
Flattest: Flan
Softest: Softest

Maybe "A" is her middle name and "Cutest" is her last name. "A Best" is a cute nickname. So her full name is "Cupcake A Cutest" and everyone just calls her "A best". lol

And the A stands for Avalon.
As in Sakura Avalon.

Is Cupcake Kim what you call her when you're disappointed in her, like how Jon used to say "Garfield Arbuckle" in the early strips

"My a cutest!"
Then it's time for spanking. I know what you're thinking: spanking is bad, right? It's okay. She has plenty of padding.

You should watch more k-dramas, they'll improve your romance stories.

They probably would. To be honest though I don't really like writing romance stories (Vampire Bride isn't really a romance story to me). It's unlikely that I'll ever write a straight-up romance.

Ever have a Korean see you and then excitedly start chatting to you in Korean? I've had Chinese people come up to me and start talking to me in Chinese -- the problem being that I don't speak it. They always look so disappointed...

Yeah, I've had that. I don't give a crap, though. I don't really care about preserving language or culture just for the sake of preservation.

>watching K-Dramas // Beware! Down that path lies a dark, endless void of dumb plot twists and obscene levels of melodrama!

Oh man, I know. My parents love 'em. Actually, I really enjoyed Korean remake of "The Man Who Can't Get Married".
Liked by: Artemi TwiceBorn

...Wait, your full name is Cupcake Kim?

No, that's Cupcake's name. The Kim part isn't really part of her name, of course. She's just "Cupcake" a cutest and best =3=

Wait, you're not asian? Cupcake isn't asian?! MIND BROKEN> RIP > BAIBEEEE

W-what!? Cupcake is a cupcake kin and a Cupcake Kim pls b a repect on a caek

Do you know a good source for studying character design, particularly for animation? I'm googling left and right and am a bit stumped.

Nope, no idea, sorry. : \


Language: English