
Dan Kim

Ask @CloneManga

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What's the nerdiest thing you've passed up a social occasion to do?

Okay, real story -- I was working in Toronto doing some online trivia game thing and the company was branching out to do some hosted bar trivia services. As part of the "research" for the branding we were to go to various bars and have a good time as a company. I went, checked out the setting, then sat at the bar with everyone else. I thought I was faking having a good time pretty well, but the CEO leaned over and said "You know Dan, you don't have to be here - no one's forcing you." ... I got up immediately and left to go home and work on comics (at the time I was at page 200-something on Paper Eleven). Later on when I quit the guy told me I was literally the most introverted person he's ever met -- actually, I'm not surprised. Later on I realized that while everyone was trying to have a good time I was just writing down my notes and then working on the comics with me little paper pad.
Nothing much has changed except that I can fake the moves a bit better. You develop little strategies - get people talking about themselves, bounce some jokes, then wait out the clock. It's not like I'm not interested in what other people think and do -- I am -- but I just don't enjoy 'hanging out'. I used to suspect everyone else felt more or less the same way and were just better fakers, but it seems many people really do enjoy just being together with others with no particular end or activity in mind. It drains the life outta me, though. I just do not enjoy it,

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Does Akari Dan daisuki?

This is the worst japanese I've ever heard please don't do a baka thing on my shitsumon efuemmu desu wa also yes Akari a cute

Given your interest in vampires, did you ever watch Hellsing? It's ridiculous and edgy as anything but really fun for what it is.

I saw a few random episodes back when it was airing, but I wasn't so into it. I liked some of the designs...

How do you feel about CLAMP aside from them creating your waifu? Do you like their other series?

Hm... I liked the X OVA, Angelic Layer, and Chobits back in the day. Not too huge of a fan otherwise.

A bunch of comics that aren't on the site are in the contents section of Doll and maker. Do those exist, and if so will we ever see them?

Nope - they don't exist. I may one day return to those ideas and rework the scripts, but I wouldn't hold my breath! Right now Vampire Bride, Cupcake, and Subject of Witches have higher priority.

Can there be an extra mode in Mother Child where we get to play as you instead of the mother? Then we'd really get to see how great of a dad you'd make!

Sure, a quick text replace -- [Press A to Carry Daughter] to [Press A to Grab Butt] -- will do the job.

If your life could have one aspect of cartoon physics (bombs/guns just blacken you, you can run off cliffs as long as you don't look down, you sweat in enormous single drops, etc.), which one would you want?

Ability to trip and fall like a harem protag.
Liked by: TwiceBorn Hat-chan

Is there a way to not see the favorite answers of people you follow?

I don't see anything in the settings about it. : /

Hey Dan, how do you sit in your chair? I got a new one recently that lets me sit cross-legged and it's really comfy and warm for my feet, would recommend if you haven't tried it and can do.

Oh man. Make/model? I'm in the market for a new chair - this one is literally falling apart and flaking to pieces. I usually have my right left bent under my left, which hangs off the edge.

If something happens, do you have something set up to release the unfinished plotlines of your comics?

Nope. I'm feeling good these days though, so you can call off the suicide watch, bweh heh heh =w=

Paper Eleven is about trying to break away from being a part of someone or something else's whole. Have I got it all wrong or am I more or less right?

Yeah, it's an expression of that kind of anxiety along with a lot of others -- that there's something sick inside, that you're chasing after phantoms and a phantom yourself, that any story you tell yourself is not to be trusted, that we're just wandering totally naked in the dark and all patterns are only apparent, illusory, misleading, ultimately meaningless, etc. and that we're ultimately alone and doomed to die ... that sorta thing. Lots of teenage angst and some young adult angst. Some of the threads carried over into NNN.

As a connoisseur of spacemonies, please babble inconherently about the spacemoney Annis used / Enna enforces in her domain until i feel better about losing control of my life.

Okay -- let me tell you about spacemonies.
In the human domain formal money isn't even a thing -- all production, labour, and consumption is managed by edicts of the subjugated witch (as transcribed by Great Hall workers in the Templar Guardianship). The cities are run like enormous school-houses -- you go to the halls to be fed, do your duties, return to the communal houses, say your prayers, and sleep. It's a strict, regimented life for nearly everyone. When people do need to trade or store value, most people accept dried fruit, tea, meal tickets, or trade shifts for various duties.
In Enna's domain people use silver slips -- actually worn down prayer engraving (generic offerings) from long, long ago. In fact, these 'engravings' are the index codes to the books that once filled the enormous complex underneath the city... but the books were all offered up long ago. and all that remains are the checkout tags (though no one remembers their original purpose). When the inhabitants of Enna's domain make offerings (especially at the end of the year when people make offerings en masse) these slips are used to make up the difference between the size of their actual offering and the size of their wish (down to a certain mandatory minimum offering). Unfortunately, these slips are worthless to Enna (she already has all the books) and the slips are reintroduced into the population in various ways. Vicky suspects that this is how Enna's daughters get their spending money, but she doesn't say anything.

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