My friend wear burka from home and in office she take it off.

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It's very common in workplaces. When you are given a religion in heritage and you follow it as a culture rather than a belief system, then these things aren't surprising.
I believe hijab has nothing to do with burka and abayas. It has more to do with the modesty of the dress. Let's say it's a long frock with a scarf that covers the head, the neck, and the front and back of the body so the body's shape doesn't get distinguished at a glance. That's what hijab is, a cover that doesn't allow an ill glance.
We, as a community, have stopped understanding religion and got misled into mixing culture into our religious beliefs.
Let her practice Islam even if she's able to do a little bit. Let people start with something small rather than mocking them. Maybe she wear it to protect herself from eyes of weird and creepy people on the street and find it safe in the office. Do you even do that tiny part?
Liked by: Binte.Alamdar

Language: English