

Ask @gulraizsaleem

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~thoughts !

dokhtarafghan123’s Profile Photothe other woman.
This is the most reasonable post I came across on the issue of NotAllMen, 💯💯💯
I would just like to add one thing:
Dear women:
Yes we are well aware of what other men are capable of,we are well aware of their thinking & intentions,that is the reason we request you to follow the basic principles of Islam.As soon as we do the liberal feminist inside you wages war on us & we suddenly become the bad guys, it is quite ironic that answer we get from you at that time is that “not all men are same” we are just hanging, we are just friends, we know their intentions better than you, broaden your narrow minded approach,we are living in 21st century,we won’t follow the out dated values etc etc.
But as soon as some awful incident happens you revert back on your own words and start chanting All Men AllMen…
While I have no issues with that..
But You fail to understand that you are hurting your own cause by saying that…
To get rid of the bad seeds you will need all the help you can get,the onus lies on us men yes I completely agree but even we can’t do it alone…our society has become rotten to its very core..we need a collective effort to eliminate this menace from our society..by educating first ourselves then our friends and family,by implementing strict laws,by stopping any violence with the use of force,by speaking up & not remaining silent.by urging our daughters,sisters to confide in us,,by giving them the courage and support necessary to tackle this menace,
By following the limitations set for us in our beautiful religion Islam ☪️
This blame game will take us no where,The situation we are facing right now is not just a local issue it is a worldwide phenomenon and it is getting worse by the day…Even after doing all the above mentioned tasks it might still not be enough but it will be a first step in the right direction.
And to all Men:
Instead of justifying ourselves,let’s just make a promise that we will improve for the better future of our sisters,daughters,mothers,wives..,and we will stop anyone who transgress their limits be it our friends our brothers or any blood relatives.
Or we could continue as it is and wait for some animal to turn their attention towards someone we care about..
It is now or never…

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Kia chal rha?

rajputusama’s Profile PhotoRajput Usama
“My life is in danger”.
Zahir Jaffar tells the reporter coming out of the court.
Your life is in danger ? You spend 10 minutes with any decent Pakistani man and you will know what danger means.
What a sick man. Sick. Sick. Sick.


Language: English