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How do you prefer watching movies - on TV, in the cinema or online? Why?

Jdr achi film mile dekh lo 😂
I prefer to watch it in peace by downloading in 720-1080p result.Nothing less than that.
Online rarely,when I cannot find a good torrent
When a movie is just too good only then I will go to the cinema.

Thoughts on E-challan in Lahore?

Very good initiative
I have seen cars stopping at 3am on signals even when there’s no one around 😂😂
It has some managerial drawbacks that need urgent attention if this process is to be successfully maintained.
It is known as safe city project,8000 cameras are installed out of which 5000 are working,3000 are still non operational
Huawei company finished its contract but no training has been provided to staff on how to manage any queries.
Budget allocation disturbances
Lack of coordination by Police etc

What's The One Thing You Do When You're Depressed/Sad?🙄

wardahchaudhary’s Profile PhotoWardah Chaudhary
There’s nothing wrong with being sad or depressed but you should not be in that state all the time.
I do many many things that I rarely have any time left to feel sad,one of the following might help:
Just change the situation,play a different role,Read Quran with translation,Think about something wonderful happening to someone you love,Read a good book,Watch any episode of Friends,Talk to someone who gets you like no one else,Sleep.
Whats The One Thing You Do When Youre DepressedSad

Say something about me🤗

Don’t mean to be rude but I literally don’t know anything about you. 😅😅
There’s this thing with me if I don’t know something about someone I cannot even write a single line,I tried though but I just cannot make myself write the things that I don’t mean.
Say something about me


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