@igotamatch#3 🇬🇧


Ask @igotamatch

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Snapchat name

. . . . . and a voice spake unto them saying : "Snapchat name" . . . . and they all looked around , bewildered , for they could see no source of the voice ,
~ so , they all reasoned amongst them selves , saying , "what is this thing , & from whence came this voice saying, 'spankchapnooo' " . . . . then someone sez , "perhaps someone farted?" ~ *& so they all fell about laughing*
~ and vision appeared , and they all agreed , that while it may have hurt , it WAS a very pretty tattoo indeed . . .
Snapchat name

(Riddle 3/5 - don't want to send too many at once so it'll be only 5.) Feed me and I'll live, yet give me to drink and I'll die. What am I?

Liked by: Imran Ansari K

@ everyone: I used the wrong word in my last question. I meant 'ancestry' not 'ethinicty' oopsie.

Doing this one first ; your English is good , better than most Brits & all the rest ! One's ethnicity is surely dependant on once's ancestry ~ so not wrong #
Liked by: Shake Justin Bieber

"It isn't what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about." - - Dale Carnegie

~ honestly . . . , thoughts can only keep you sustained & 'going' for a finite time ~~~~~~ don't let it run out on you ; keep watching for your moment of opportunity & seize that moment ..... & the opportunity it carries , for it may never come again ; the door may close xxx
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NemJZOj-OGYigotamatch’s Video 141679314810 NemJZOj-OGYigotamatch’s Video 141679314810 NemJZOj-OGY
Liked by: Jamiewright Shake

Are you or have you ever tried being vegetarian or vegan? Why or why not?

Enlightenment says the world is nothing
Nothing but a dream, everything's an illusion
And nothing is real ~
~ I tried to be a vegetarian , & thought I was very successful , I was scrupulous ; for 9 months ~ then I realised , you always get caught out ; you can delude yourself ; if you eat a lettuce leaf , you either condone the slaughter of aphids , either by pesticide or beneficial (bio-control) ; OR you eat the greenfly . . . .
~ but to try is honourable & good , we must never give up ~
Chop that wood
Carry water
What's the sound of one hand clapping
Enlightenment, don't know what it is
Every second, every minute
It keeps changing to something different
Enlightenment, don't know what it is
Enlightenment, don't know what it is
It says it's non attachment
Non attachment. non attachment
I'm in the here and now, and I'm meditating
And still I'm suffering but that's my problem
Enlightenment, don't know what it is
Wake up
Enlightenment says the world is nothing
Nothing but a dream, everything's an illusion
And nothing is real
Good or bad baby
You can change it anyway you want
You can rearrange it
Enlightenment, don't know what it is
Chop that wood
And carry water
What's the sound of one hand clapping
Enlightenment, don't know what it is
All around baby. you can see
You're making your own reality. everyday because
Enlightenment, don't know what it is
One more time
Enlightenment. don't know what it is
It's up to you
Enlightenment. don't know what it is
It's up to you everyday
Enlightenment, don't know what it is
It's always up to you
Enlightenment, don't know what it is
It's up to you, the way you think
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOUilsuZj1Eigotamatch’s Video 141667884922 pOUilsuZj1Eigotamatch’s Video 141667884922 pOUilsuZj1E

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igotamatch’s Video 141667884922 pOUilsuZj1Eigotamatch’s Video 141667884922 pOUilsuZj1E

It is possible to live happily in the here and now. So many conditions of happiness are available - more than enough for you to be happy right now. You don't have to run into the future in order to get more. -Thich Nhat Hanh

~ only for a few ~

Lying in a hammock or on a towel/blanket at the beach? Winter or summer? Do you like snow? Do you like walking barefoot through grass or sand or on warm pavement?

It's hard to like much when you're staring into the abyss for too long , realising ........... nothing ~ just don't remember anything you can never have , feel nor experience again
*NOTHING ~ lifts to .............. nothing* ~
(I am just sleep walking ~)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UV6bLeUL3wigotamatch’s Video 141667830138 9UV6bLeUL3wigotamatch’s Video 141667830138 9UV6bLeUL3w
Liked by: Jamiewright Shake K

Austrian-German +German could kinda be compared to British-English+American-English! I know her, though I must say I'm not that into her music, but if you like my language you should check out "Silbermond" or if you're interested in some Austrian-German "Pizzera&Jaus" :D

~ Thanx , appreciated ...... I'm goin to sleep now ; forgot last night !!! I'll do more answers tonight !
~ It is happening again ~
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QBl-BuEIV8igotamatch’s Video 141666486906 4QBl-BuEIV8igotamatch’s Video 141666486906 4QBl-BuEIV8

Do you think ask.fm should delete the accounts that haven't been active for over a year? If so why/why not? STAIF

ToxicalWolfie’s Profile PhotoToxical Wolf
I've got about 6 people from my town , who were on the old Latvian Ask ; they've not been active for about 5 years , but it just says 'more than a year ago' . So , I followed them & spammed them ; thought about asking them on FB if they knew their Ask was still active and to check it . . . . I know a girl who became deceased 2 years ago , her account is still active and no-one can close it ..
~ on the other hand others might want to come back.
Perhaps a reminder should be sent privately to whatever you're linked to , after a year inactive , & then the account closed after a further 2 or 3 months ?

what completely non-sexual thing is kind of a turn on? (for example: i think there's something crazyyy hot about watching a guy roll his sleeves up.)

eggsydoessomethingnaughty’s Profile Photoless pure eggsy
~ the little sideways inclination of her head , some girls do , when they do something , perhaps on the technical cant (leaning) ; also the way the shoulder moves up towards the chin ~
~ the actress in this vid keeps doing it , and classically when she starts the car @ the end , & a lot in the last 2 minutes . It looks so vulnerable & melts my heart ......... but be not deceived , my daughter does it lots & she's the strongest woman ever , nobody ever likes to get on her wrong side , LOL!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DHLhI2dMqEigotamatch’s Video 141664471418 5DHLhI2dMqEigotamatch’s Video 141664471418 5DHLhI2dMqE
what completely nonsexual thing is kind of a turn on for example i think theres

Anyone want to make me dinner or pay for a takeaway for me? thanks :))) *hugs you*

Dodo Trumpet will make you thinner AND make YOU pay by takingaway your ability to breath .
Liked by: Ali Shake

Why is there no emoji of two women kissing yet there is a heterosexual couple kissing?! Why are emojis sexist (male soccer player, female nurse)?!

Margaaria’s Profile PhotoPrincesa Margarita♡
~ I don't have emoji's ; I can steal from others on here , as many as , by copy & paste ........
~ so this IS an emoji by samsung ; I had to enlarge & save to my files ..... but it's from an emoji ............ yes they're relatively scarce ~
Why is there no emoji of two women kissing yet there is a heterosexual couple

In South Africa there is a major crisis going on, White people in South Africa are being killed in their farms and houses and I'm not talking about a clean kill like a shot to the head, blacks are burning whites alive, butchering them and in some cases they're cannibalising them, please spread this!

~ there is no doubt this is a tragedy ; some juggernauts are hard to turn around ; it's always the innocent who pay the price for the crimes of generations ~ that's why YOU have to reign in the bitter hatred now , or YOUR children's children will still be paying the price . . . . you always reap just what you sow ~
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTAAITndjlAigotamatch’s Video 141617814906 sTAAITndjlAigotamatch’s Video 141617814906 sTAAITndjlA
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d52cpaXZgygigotamatch’s Video 141617814906 d52cpaXZgygigotamatch’s Video 141617814906 d52cpaXZgyg


Language: English