

Ask @kinankawuryan

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Because 'perks of dating you' is too mainstream and you most probably have had answered it anyway, I'm gonna ask this instead: perks of being friends with you? Have a nice day xx

I'm all prepared to fix your heartbreak.

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Hmm Galdiran. Noted.

Cit apakah aku sudah tidak cocok lagi bernaung disini aku nggak ngerti istilah-istilah remaja sekarang

Kinan masa ngga tau galdiran? Kalau nabirong tau, dong? Nafsu birahi merongrong. Suda ada kok sejak tahun 2000-an. :<

Maaf ya tahun 2000an aku belum kenal yang namanya nafsu birahi
Liked by: ig : zzanetap

Lesbian? Be careful what you wished for, cause you just might get it all, then some you don't want :)

That is not a wish and I am fully aware of what I'm saying and take full responsibilities of it. Thank you for your concern.
Liked by: Iyeng!

Selamat sore mba Kinan! Boleh minta waktu sebentar untuk ngisi survey tentang antibiotik di http://bit.ly/CIMSA-ABR karena sekarang sedang berlangsung Antibiotics Awareness Week dari World Health Organization (WHO). Terima kasih kak! Sukses kuliahnya dan jangan takut akan gelap apalagi Jean ok

Done Yuscha! Filling your questionnaire makes me feel like I'm back into SNMPTN era.
Btw I'm not afraid of dark (or even Jean (pls)) I'm just hate of having the feel after being shocked by something (ghost included) :-)
Liked by: kartikawinata

Nah, I'm just an anon who loves to troll you, lol. But I guess I won't disturb you any further, at least for tonight, lol. Ciao :)

Are we developing a love hate relationship right now?!????

Ahhh, so you're gonna stay up until late, then? Good luck and grab some coffees to keep you awake. Break a leg, darla! :)

Hmmm somehow I can sense who's behind this anonymous mask.
Thank you☆


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