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Selamat berlebaran besok!✨ quick question: if you were a kue lebaran, what would you be? (ps: since it's a send-to-all question, feel free to pass if you're not celebrating, have a good day folks!)

I'd be kaasstengels. Tasty yet killing you slowly --by secretly injecting cholesterol into your damn body.

Kak you produce so beautiful pictures Perhaps share some best spots to take pictures with us if you dont mind? :)

Hahaha I would love to, but most of the spots I went are nameless because they're basically just undiscovered unused place.
I love searching for quiet places where no one would go to because I'm so shy taking pictures when there's people around. I once went to art gallery and ended up took very awkward picture.
If we're lucky enough to meet, I would guide you to some best spots to take pics personally.

Kinan, how's life? Sedang sibuk apa?

It's been fun. I work a lot lately, but being busy keeps me very sane.
I'm gonna work on a lot of projects after Lebaran, one of them is a campaign for a brand that I've been representing.
By the way I'm looking forward for my graduation this month. Time flies so fast! I hope everything's fine and fun!
Thank you for checking me out!

the photographs are amazing, mb kinan <3 you look really beautiful, too. boleh tanya nama plantation-nya apa?

Thanks! I have no idea because it was an abandoned plantation, but you can actually find a lot of similar place around The Lodge Maribaya.

Kinan cantik sekali!!!

I believe that's because I photographed in a good hand.
By the way my blog is updated. Here are the rest of the shots I did with my friend which had a good response on my instagram lately.
Please have a peek and tell me what you think!!
P.s. I promise it's worth it!!!!!!!!!

Hai Kak Kinan! Aku seneng deh Kak Kinan sekarang jawabinnya adem2 trs, kayak setahun duatahun lalu. Tetep jadi akun yg informatif yaa kak :) Cuma mau ngmg gitu ajasih Kak hehe.

I understand what you meant but being nice all the time makes me feel so fake. I mean, we're humans, we can't be nice and happy all the time. There also times when we're tough and bitter, and that's okay.
So, not that I have mood swing problem, but I can be bitter and nice at the same time depends on what you're asking. Therefore, if you want me to be nice and informative, ask something that I might have a good grip of nicely, and vice versa.
And by the way thank you for paying attention to my profile all these times. I'm so honored!


Language: English