
Elizabeth foos

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Future spam: do you want kids? How many?

I have my 4 year old daughter and i have a baby girl that will be here september 2nd. 2 is good for me i'm not having anymore after i have this one.
Liked by: Elizabeth foos

Future spam: where do you wanna live?

I like where i'm living kinda. Me and my fiance and my daughter are looking at other places to live though.

Future spam: what kind of car will you have?

Well i already have a car. It's a 2000 saturn. It runs great and it gets me from point A too point B. And it's perfectly safe for my child.

What is something you're really proud of? (If you wanna see what I'm proud of, check the reason answer on my personal @keziebear998) h

I am really proud of my mom. She just recently beat stage 4 oral cancer. If she would of waited another month too see a doctor she would of died the doctor said. My mother is my hero. I'm so proud that she beat cancer. My mom is a fighter and she kicked cancer's ass. I look up to my mom. She has shown me too never ever give up when things go bad you keep fighting. I am so proud of you mom. I love you.

Pap of your pet

I don't have a pet anymore. My puppy just passed away this morning in it's sleep. 😭😭😭😭

This or that: rain or shine?

Well i love when it rains. And i love when it's sunny. So i'll have to say both.

Music spam: what music genre do you listen to?

Depends on my mood. I usually listen too rock, hip hop, pop, metal, r&b, and country.

Food spam: do you like fast food? What's your favourite?

i would have to say steak and shake. i love going there 😊

Makeup spam: do you wear makeup? How often?

Once in awhile I do. But I have days where I feel like getting all dolled up for no reason.

Relationship spam: how did you meet your partner?

Me and my fiance knew each other since we were in diapers and we're high-school sweethearts.

I'm gonna do a pap spam but I'd like a small or large caption on top of the photo please. Pap of your bestfriend

I don't have a best friend. I keep to myself. I really can't trust anybody. Plus I really don't get along with females.

What are your hobbies?

My hobbies are, writing in my planner. arts and crafts. crocheting. drawing.

Food spam : what's your favourite desert?

It would have to be two things. Cheesecake and ice cream.

Movie spam :who is your favourite movie director? Name some of the movies they directed?

Don't have a favorite movie director.

Tv show spam : what shows, if any do you watch on Netflix?

I watch Orange is the new black on Netflix.

What was the last movie you bought on DVD?

I haven't bought a DVD in so long. I have my Hulu and Netflix accounts to watch movies.


Language: English