
Majed Jarrar

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يعني ايه استحاله يا شيخ ، أعذر جهلي ؟

العفو، معذرة على التعقيد. الاستحالة يعني التحول من مادة إلى مادة ثانية تماما لا يمكن العودة إلى المادة الأولى بعده. مثل استحالة الغائط إلى سماد، وجثة الخنزير إلى تراب، والمجاري النجسة الى مياه شرب نظيفة، والخمر إلى خل.
عند الإمام أحمد والمتقدمين والمتأخرين على المذهب أن الاستحالة ليست سببا لزوال النجاسة، إلا في استحالة الخمر خلا بنفسها، لورود النص النبوي فيها.
وعند جمهور الفقهاء من المذاهب الأخرى الاستحالة تزول بالنجاسة، ويجوز للعامي تقليد أي قول معتمد من المذاهب الأربعة، بل يمكن القول أنه لا يسع العامة غيره، لأن قولهم هذا أن النجاسة تطهر بالاستحالة لا يستطيع الناس العيش من دونه.

حلال ام حرام أكل صوص او شئ يوجد به خل النبيذ؟

في مذهبنا يحرم لأن الخمر تطهر بالاستحالة عندنا فقط إذا استحالت خلا لوحدها من غير تصنيع أو تأثير بشر.
أما ما يصنعه الناس من خل النبيذ فيبقى على نجاسته وإن خلا من بقايا مسكر.
Liked by: Nada Alaa

Omg, that’s not funny. ): I’m really confused and need help on the choice. Are you saying both a bad fields?

No both are good, the problem is with the Middle East, not you :)
Liked by: R0Gu3

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ASA I’m so confused and need academic advice. Idk if I should study Masters in International Affairs or Sociology. I will study in USA but live in Middle East upon graduation.

Eventually you might end up working as a cab driver, so pick the one with more interesting stories to tell your clients :)

Assalamu alaykum, when having the talks with a prospective spouse, would it be appropriate to bring up family planning/contraception?

You can discuss expectations/aspirations in terms of starting a family, where to reside, schools, etc. You'll get a sense of what the other person feels about children generally.

Asa we were (parents) talking about letting kids go out to have candy on Halloween’s night , some were with and some against , all of us know it is not ok to celebrate it, but the kids part is it ok ? We agree to ask أهل الذكر since we don’t know ,I will send your answer to all of them . Jak

Praise be to God alone,
No doubt that it is imperative upon every Muslims parent to raise their children as Muslim.
Regarding celebrating holidays that are based on religious beliefs - such as Halloween (Celtic pagan), Christmas (Christian), Yum Kippur (Jewish), Diwali (Hindu) and many others - the religious ruling is that they are prohibited to celebrate, attend or show approval for them, for dozens of implicit and explicit proofs, of which I'll mention a few:
In the Qur'an:
God praised Islam as the most perfect religion He revealed. He says: "Today, I have completed the Religion for you, and have perfected My blessing upon you, and I have become pleased with Islam as a Religion for you." (5:3)
He also commanded the Prophet to say to the disbelievers: "You have your own religion, and I have my own religion." (109:6) These two together imply keeping the separation and contrast in all religious affairs, such as worship, festivals, funerals, etc. Because for every good thing that is based in another religion, it has something that matches it in our religion, otherwise God wouldn't have called it complete and perfect and became pleased with it.
Had there been a need to take anything good from another religion it would have been disclosed.
Specifically, from the Qur'an, God described the righteous as "the ones who do not observe the falsehood..." (25:72), which the companions interpreted as non Islamic festivals.
In the Sunnah: the most explicit proof is when the Prophet arrived to Madina, the companions asked if they could celebrate the festival that was taking place there and he answered: "God has granted you two festivals that are better than theirs; Fitr and Adha." Some narrations explicitly state these two festivals in Medina were primarily for children to play.
In scholarly tradition: several scholars have reported the consensus of Muslim scholars that celebrating, participating, or attending festivals of other religions is prohibited.
And God knows best.

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Salam alaikum, I don't know if you've not seen my question or I forgot to send it. My question is: what is the ruling on cryptocurrency like bitcoin?

Alaikum assalam, I don't know, and I haven't seen anyone research or issue a fatwa on it yet, except for Sheikh Assim Hakeem, whose fatwa on this is astonishingly ignorant and baseless, may Allah forgive him, but no one should be allowed to speak on behalf of the God's religion without knowledge.

السلام عليكم يا شيخ ما هي افضل طبعة للزاد المستقنع؟

لا أدري، اكتفيت بطبعات الروض.

Can women wear pants while hiking?

There's no difference on what to wear as long as it's public. I've answered a few questions before what to wear in public, search the archive (url in bio)

If someone wants takhsis in the Madhhab, should he first learn all five mutun then go on to the second level of Rawd and Hidayah, or should he just learn Zad and Umdah first and perfect/revise them them move on to their Sharhs, and later come back for the remaining three? Jzk.

Either is okay, but it's called takhassus, not takhsis.

Sh, what matn do you recommend to memorise for nahw & sarf? I've thought Ajurrumiyyah, but I'm not sure about sarf, or is it suffice for me to memorise Ajurrumiyyah?

There's nothing more beneficial in nahw to memorize than alfiyyat Ibn Malik. If you can't, then the poem of ajurromiyya by ubaydillah shanqeeti is okay for beginner.
As for Sarf, a good poem/manual is almaqsood fissarf.

اما واحدة اجنبية تبعتلى كلام وبعدين فى آخره xxxx ده معناه ايه؟

يختم بعض العرب رسائلهم بعبارة
مع حبي،
أما في بريطانيا فالمشهور هو كتابة
واحدة فقط، وإذا أراد التعبير عن شوق وحب أكبر كتب:
وتكره الزيادة عن ذلك
ويكره البريطانيون فصل "الإكس" ب"الأو" كراهة تنزيه، ويرون من يكثر من "الاكسات" في خاتمة رسائله متنمقا أو متذللا بصورة لا تليق، سواء كان رجلا او امرأة.
أما في امريكا، فمعتمد مذهبهم في ختم الرسائل هو
كناية عن "قبلات وأحضان"
ثلاثة أو أربعة، كناية عن "قبلات"، ويعتبر من كتب أقل عن ذلك بخيلا بمشاعره. وسيأتي معناه لاحقا.
وفي كندا غياب للترجيح، وانحصار التقليد على مذاهب بريطانيا وفرنسا، زاد أهل تورونتو: وأمريكا، وفيه نظر، فلا ينكر مقلد على مقلد.
أما عن المعنى في أمريكا فيتغير بحسب الولاية والتحرر، ففي الولايات الساحلية - الاكثر توجها للحزب الديمقراطي ودعما لليبرالية، هذه العبارات تشتهر بين الأصدقاء الرجال والنساء، وكلما زادت الولايات بعدا عن الساحل باتجاه وسط وغرب-وسط القارة، زادت تأييدا للحزب الجمهوري، ومحافظة، وقلت مظاهر الليبرالية، ومنها التعبير عن المشاعر بين الرجال والنساء.
الملخص، لو الكاتبة وحدة أمريكانية عايشة جنب نيويورك أو كاليفورنيا فهي بتقولك مع السلامة يا صديق
ولو في وسط القارة فهي دايبة في دباديبك
ولو كندية أو بريطانية فهي قليلة أدب.
من كتاب: ذيل معجم البلدان في رسائل الغرام للعبد الفقير (تحت الطبع)

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Shaykh, Is it mubah to mix some non-grammatical stuff of some qira'at together? Like reciting Ibn Kathir with very much tashil al hamzah, idgham al kabir, imalah, Ha al-sakt al jam3 (from Yaaqub) and so on. Everything is non-grammatical. I know it's not wise to do it amongst people, but personaly?

I strongly dislike this attitude of playing DJ with the Qur'an.

Seeing a question about 'that', then I'm gonna ask too. Shaykh, what's the correct ways to ask a girl if she's interested in marrying me or not, etc. via 'wing man/woman'? Her relatives? Friends? Jzkk. I'm still young naive person tbh, no im not interested/seeing anyone atm.

Ask if/when you're interested.

Is it permissible to ask a girl if she accepts to get married to me; that is because I don't want to put my parents in a difficult situation if we went to her and it turns out she doesn't want me. We both still study, my age, and my financial situation are all causes for the situation I am avoiding.

Sure, and it doesn't have to be direct, your friend can ask her friend.
Liked by: IbnAriadi HAMSA

لو سمحت ي شيخ،، انا الحمدلله مواظب ع الصلاة في المسجد ولكن حدث لي تمزق اربطه في ساقي لا استطيع السجود فاصبحت لا اصلي في المسجد واحافظ ع الصلاة في البيت،، هل الافضل اصلي قاعدا في البيت ام المسجد،، اخشي ان اكون مبتلي فيم اذا كنت ساذهب للمسجد ام لا،، والله قلبي معلق بالمسجد عند كل اذان،؟

أفضل الصلاة: الجماعة في المسجد
تليها: الجماعة في غير المسجد
تليها: المنفرد في المسجد
تليها: المنفرد في البيت

I apologize in advance for a Kinda vulgar question. I’m trying to go for Umrah soon iA, but I’ve been struggling to learn how to use a squat toilet and clean myself properly without splashing istinja water on my feet. Do you know where I can learn how to use them properly?

All bathrooms in Mecca and Medina main mosques have western style toilet seats as well as squat toilets.
It's not rocket science. In fact, it's so basic that there's a wikihow article about it

I wish I was born with arabic to understand what you’re even talking about below 😞. I’m still spending 20 hours a week trying to get the basics of sarf down, and I royally suck at it.

Sarf is beautiful, amazing and fluid. It is mind boggling and opens up new doors of thinking that you wouldn't be able to conquer through any other discipline of knowledge.
The debate on whether language was created or developed becomes so much more interesting when you learn about Sarf.
Think of Nahw (grammar) as linear algebra. Sarf (morphology) is calculus.
It's almosf like water surfing the language, except that it's actually sarf-ing. 😍
Okay I sound like one of those crazy teachers who are so passionate about a subject that the students aren't. I'll stop now, but believe me, if you master Sarf you'll love it as much as I do.


Language: English