
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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السلام عليكم i have a question came to my mind, was any of the sahabas a food lover or fat?

Some, yes. However nowhere near the scale of gluttony and obesity in the world today.
The Messenger of God, who foretold nothing but the truth, said: The best of mankind is my generation. Then the ones who follow. Then the ones who follow.
After them, people will come who will testify without being asked to testify, and will betray without being entrusted, and obesity will become visibly among them.

But If I masturbated before marriage and me and my husband have intercourse for the very first time on our wedding night, wouldn't he notice? And, if so, what should I tell him? What if he then assumes that I committed zinah? I am very afraid.

1. Not necessarily, unless something was inserted roughly during masturbation.
2. Not all virgin women have to bleed in their first intercourse, and if they do, it doesn't necessarily show more than a single drop.
3. A Muslim assumes only the good in other Muslims. Your bad assumption reflects your guilt and shame, which will go away after you have repented inshaAllah.
You should, however, be afraid of God. For if He looks at you, only one look, with displeasure or wrath, while you're hiding away from people, defying Him with a sin, then you will not see any goodness for the rest of life or hereafter.
The fact that He has concealed your sin, and protected you, and brings a good righteous husband your way, are all signs of how much He would love for you to turn back to Him and repent. Do it immediately before you regret this delay in repentance.

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How does one reach the level of Hafidh in Hadeeth? I've heard the final Hafidh was Ibn Hajar (r), why has no one been able to read that level since? What conditions for just being a Muhaddith?

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Dont you think many ''ahadith'' about spending on the 'Aashura are fabricated bcz of the Nawasib-Rawafidh hatred? Imam Ahmad rejected a hadith about it...

Hastening to judgement has been one of the major pitfalls of contemporary Salafiyyah. They find one hadeeth is fabricated, so they rule immediately the content of that hadeeth as invalid.
A rule in Usool Fiqh is that the weakness of a proof does not imply the weakness of the ruling; for it could have one, two or multiple other strong proofs.
Many hadeeths were in fact fabricated by those who hate the family of the Prophet, to gloat over the murder of Alhussein, that doesn't mean there are no authentic proofs before that. The spending on one's family in Ashura is something that every mathhab I know encourages. Numerous reports that the salaf practised it and encouraged it since the first century of Islam. Imam Ahmed confirmed the authenticity of the narration of Sufyan Ibn Uyaynah on this.
Also, here's another vital point misunderstood by many of our Salafi youth: The entire discipline of Hadeeth critique was developed to protect Islam from outsiders to inject opinions into the religion which aren't part of it. It was not developed to access whether existing parts of the religion can stay or be taken out.
It does not matter if the hadeeth about the impurity of blood is weak, or the hadeeth about the prohibition of touching the Qur'an while not in wudu is fabricated. The fact that the companions *unanimously* understood this, practised it and reported it, makes it an infallible part of the religion.
People say why are you harsh against opinions that Sheikh alalbani and Sheikh Ibn Uthaimeen started. I say, because I love them, and I want to serve and protect the religion which they lived their entire lives to serve and protect, I must stand against these dangerous claims, that if allowed, or given legitimacy, would soon open the door to those who want to defy the consensus of the Ummah.

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Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

ASA. What is the ruling of- 1. A Doctor going to a foreign conference, the cost sponsored by drug company? 2. A group of doctors (i.e. from an unit) going to a tour, cost is sponsored by multiple companies 3. A doctor asking & receiving drugs regularly for themselves & family members & others?

All of this is prohibited, because it creates bias for the doctor to prescribe a medication for a company despite the competitor drug might be better for the patient.
A doctor is entrusted by the patient on the objectivity of their opinion, and if the patient knows that their doctor is taking money from pharmaceutical companies in exchange of promoting their drugs to the patient, then the trust relationship, not just with the doctor, but the entire current medical system, will collapse, and we can't afford the consequences for that.

هسأل حضرتك سؤال بس من فضلك ماتضحكش عليا او تسخر مني لاني والله محرجه جدا من صيغه سؤالي بس مش عارفه اساله ازاي .. هو انا ينفع وانا بدعي اشترط علي ربنا معاد لتحديد اجابه الدعاء يعني اقول ي رب اتجوز مثلا بعد 4 سنين او كده ولا ده قله ذوق مني وعدم احترام لاداب الدعاء ؟

أنا لو جبت سباك للبيت وقلتله صلح ماسورة المطبخ بس من غير ما تبدلها لو سمحت لأني بحبها وهي كويسة، وهو بص عليها لقاها مكسورة.
يا إما حينفض الشرط ويصلحها حتى لو زعلتي
يا إما حيضحك عليك ويسمع كلامك وهو عارف أن ده مش من مصلحتك.
هذا في شأن السباك، فما بالك بمن يشترط على الله بجهل والله يعلم أن هذا الشرط فيه هلاكك؟!
لو تأمل الإنسان في رحمة الله لذاب قلبه حبا فيه.
كم من مؤمن يدعو الله بأشد الإلحاح في مسألة، والله يمنعها عنه رحمة منه به لعلمه أن فيها هلاكه.
وكم من فاسق يدعو الله والله يستجيب لهوانه عليه، لما يعلم من الخيبة والخسران التي سينالها بسبب دعوته.
كثير من الناس يضيق على نفسه في الدعاء، ويدعو ربه كما لو أنه يدعو جاهلا! ولو تأمل أحدهم في حكمة الله وسعة علمه، لبكى من شدة جهله بنفسه. كيف يشترط أحد على عالم الغيب أمرا هو في علم الغيب!

My brother is a super genius with an iq higher than 160, but he just can't learn Arabic for his life. He graduated with a 3.9 in biology, but he just can't get Arabic. Is there any "spiritual" solution to this?

IQ means he's probably good with patterns.
3.9/4 means he's excellent in answering biology exam questions.
Just because he's good in his undergraduate science degree doesn't mean he has to be good in sports, right?
Even if he's amazing in every test he's taken in every discipline, he could still score below average on a verbal linguistic intelligence test, if his linguistic ability is limited.
Tell him to try harder and humbler.

Is it obligatory to tell my fiance that I masturbated from time to time? Or should I keep those things to myself?

I answered the same question a few days ago, there's a search engine in my bio you can use.

ASA, i asked this before but maybe u missed it. How is the ''kayfiyyah'' to place the hands below the navel? Any pic to show it?

There's two opinions,
In almuntaha, it only mentions one: that the person places the right hand (fingers open) over the left hand, under the navel.
In al-Iqnaa, he said: He holds the left palm, wrist and forearm with his right hand, under the navel. As explicitly stated by the imam. And another narration that he places it over the left hand.
So the author of al-Iqnaa prioritized the grip over the mere placement, the author of the muntaha only mentioned the placement. al-Buhooti seemed to favour the grip in his commentary over both.
Liked by: Tarikul Islam

Is using a visa haram?

The credit card contract is prohibited because you're agreeing to the possibility of Riba.
However, if a scholar gave you fatwa to use it for a necessity, then using the credit card is permissible if you are 100% sure you can repay within the grace period and not incur any interest.
Liked by: Ali Sabry

If I invite people to open their fast in my place on ashura will I get rewarded? If so is this reward greater as the reward for fasting on ashura is significant

The Prophet said: "whoever feeds a fasting person (i.e. the meal for breaking their fast), they will earn a reward similar to that of the fasting person, without reducing any reward from the latter."
Liked by: Mostafa sakr

Is it also sunnah to recite Surah al Kahf in the night of jumah (thursday after the maghrib prayer) or only during the day? Because sometimes I'm too busy during the daytime due to work or uni&I don't make it home early enough so I rather recite it at night. I'm female so I don't attend salatul juma

Either is good inshaAllah.
Liked by: Amena Alrubayee

Sh, can you name some today's Shafi'i scholars that you recommend to listen & benefit from & has their durus on the net, acc to what you know for now? Jazaakumullahu khayran kathira. Pref Salafi in creed too, if others then I'll take note. Jzk

رشح لي كتابا يشرح عقيدة ومنهاج الطوائف الضالة من الشيعة والخوارج والأشاعرة والصوفيون كيف كانوا وكيف اصبحوا والقدرية والمداخلة وغيرهم من الطوائف او كتاب لكل طائفة ضلت ؟

هناك موسوعات عدة على الانترنت تشرح تاريخ الفرق ومعتقداتهم والرد عليها
وهناك كتب خصصت للرد على طوائف معينة أو بدع معينة كتجييش الجيوش ومنهاج السنة وغيرها.
لكني لا أنصح غير المتخصص بالنظر في كتب الفرق بتاتا، فإن للبدعة ظلمة، وقد يضعف عقلك عن فهم الرد على بعض الشبهات فتتقوى عندك الشبهة وتعظم في قلبك ثم ما تلبث أن تسقط فيها.
ركز في تعلم ما عليك وما تحتاج، وفي القرآن حجة على كل من ضل به، وحجة لكل من استمسك به، وأجر على كل حرف قرأته منه؛ فهمته أو لم تفهمه.

Sh, the major madhhab in my place is Shafi'i. I love Hanbali, to the point that I know their books, ie tadarruj to learn the Hanbali Fiqh, their scholars and so on. But in this case, the best for me is to stick with Shafi'i? I hope Sh can give convincing reasons in ord for me to solidify my path Jzk

Standing out can be motivated by several deadly ailments of the soul, such as arrogance, desire for fame, greed, etc.
You can be truly unaware of these in your heart because as long as your ego and status are small, they're malnourished.
Stay with the community, it'll foster a better educational environment, and work on cleansing your heart, and inshaAllah you'll be a great Shafi'i scholar who will not force people to follow his mathhab.

if I gave birth on friday: the Aqiqah (7th day) will be next thursday? and if friday night: laylato alsabt it'll be thursday night: laylato al jomo'a?

1. Yes, the aqiqah can be on 7th, 14th, 21st etc, so any future Thursday in your scenario.
2. Yes. Basically, in lunar calendar the night precedes the day, while in the solar calendar the day precedes the night.
When we say in Arabic Laylatul Jumua, it means Friday eve, which means Thursday night, which is the night between the sunset of Thursday and sunrise of Friday.

ايه الحل للحاجات الكتير اللي بتضيع مني وبقلب عليها الدنيا ومش بلاقيها بردو ، هل ممكن يكون فيه سبب لكده مع العلم اني حريص جداً وبهتم بحاجتي ؟!

Liked by: أحمد فضل

Tons of animals eat deаd animals and even their own poop but they're not harm?

Any edible animal (e.g. birds, cattle) that ends up eating dead animals becomes temporarily prohibited in Islam until three days of feeding on healthy food.
Pigs mate with their own siblings, and eat their own dead parents. No other mammal does such behaviour normally and willingly.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/142449855298?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=iOS Different asker. Why would you discourage western education? (Not asking to start a fight, or criticize. I'm sincerely curious)

I'm clearly joking.
Nevertheless I don't advocate that every person must go to university. I think education is important, but the majority of the people in the society only need a college degree or a professional diploma, not a bachelor's of arts.


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