
Majed Jarrar

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As salam alkyum. Should i learn from shaykh rabee al-madkhali. Is he someone that I can learn from forr hadith fiqh and so on? Or should I look for someone else.

No doubt he has some good things.
But I've studied under several students of Sheikh alalbani, and mixing with students of rabee - personal students - was always, always, toxic. As to his online fans, and websites that promote him, run away from them.
Liked by: Bahy Emam

As salaam alaikum. Is blood najas is the hanbali matdhab. If one bleeds or has blood on their clothes human blood is it najas they have to clean it off before praying. Such as your own blood or blood of someone else aside from menstrstion blood

Blood is najas, without doubt.
Little amounts of blood or puss are forgiven. "Little" is relative up to what each person can handle or consider gross.

As salam alkyum. Why do people say people of hadith have little fiqh? Is it because they only learned dhadith and that is not their field.

It's not people who say it, the quote belongs to Imam Ahmed, the most knowledgable scholar of Hadeeth of all time. So much so that it was said that a Hadeeth that Ahmed did not know, was not a Hadeeth.
He is also one of the greatest scholars of Fiqh of all time.
It is because it's luring to its people, they think they understand Islam because they memorised some Hadeeth.

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Assalamu alaykum shaykh. Should one follow Sh. Al Albani rh in fiqh and his rulings? I say this because a lot of brothers force his opinion on me even if I say I tell them I follow the opinion of my madhab

Those who follow him because they assume high of him, fall into blind following, which they prohibit harshly themselves. They claim they follow the daleel, but in most times they only follow what Sheikh alalbny told them is the daleel and how to understand it. If you give them an authentic Hadeeth that contradicts Sheikh alalbani's opinion they'll hesitate to follow and say: Sheikh alalbani can't have missed this. We can't assume bad of scholars.
Yet, they assume the worst in the salaf, and blatantly say Abu Hanifa was wrong, and Ahmed didn't know that Hadeeth was weak.
I do not know the ruling towards these people but I ask Allah to guide them to the sunnah and follow the footsteps of the salaf of the ummah.
As to you, if they think it's safe to follow a knowledgable scholar like alalbani, then it surely is safer and better and greater to follow a mathhab, where thousands of scholars worked together over centuries to give rulings to the best of their ability.
If you wanted to follow one role model in Fiqh, then follow an Imam of the salaf like Malik or Ashafi'i.

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Liked by: Bahy Emam

Salaam-Alaikum. Earlier you stated "The most heinous of sins are those that do not have an expiation." Can you please list some (or all) of these sins as a reminder for us all. Jazakallah Khair

Of the tongue: Backstabbing, lying, deceiving, cheating, stirring up enmity,
Of the limbs: missing prayers (according to the opinion that says you don't make them up), drugs, homosexual acts (according to the opinion that they don't get punished equal to adultery), committing suicide,
Of the heart: arrogance, greed, skepticism about God's commands, mockery or hatred towards the religion or righteous people, etc.
May the Almighty protect and accept our repentance.

http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/139957258562 I fear if I do this he may be uninterested and I may end up heartbroken. If I chose not to do anything about it, I will also be heartbroken without him. It's like there is no way out.

Yes indeed there is. God says: whosoever yattaqi [be pious to, be conscious of, avoids the anger of] God, He will make a way out for them" [65:3]
So if you abstain from a relationship that could anger your Lord, rest assured that He will grant you a way out. The prophet said: "whosoever avoids something for the sake of God, God will grant them something better."
There's nothing better than a forbidden relationship than a blessed one.
The prophet said: "I have not seen a path for the couple in love better than marriage."
So have patience, and trust in what the Almighty has decreed for you, and let that man know that the blessed provision of God can only be attained through His obedience.

I reverted and got tattoos before islam. Later I will work to remove them but when looking for a spouse when should I tell him I have tattoos?

You don't need to worry about removing tattoos for now, but more importantly, if your future husband can't be forgiving about past tattoos then don't consider him for marriage, because he'll be less tolerant about everything else.

As salaam alaikum. Based on the chest in the hands which salafi scholars hold the navel opinion u stated Jazakallahu khayran

The Salafi scholar Annawawi, and the salafi scholar Ibn Rajab, and the Salafi scholar Abu Hanifa, and the Salafi scholar Ashafi'i, and the Salafi scholar Ahmed, and the salafi scholar Wakee', and the Salafi scholar Ibrahim Annakh'ee, and the Salafi scholar Rabee'a, and the Salafi scholar Wael ibn Hijr and the Salafi scholar Ali bin Abi Talib.

BarakAllahu fikum Shaykh, and just to confirm, if a person does intend it in his heart, and breaks it, he has to give the expiration? Or is that only if he speaks it loudly. Jzk. May Allah continue to make you a source of benefit to others.

Be aware, that anything that has an expiation is easy. The most heinous of sins are those that do not have an expiation.

If i am applying for an Islamic studies online course but the minimum age is 16, but right now I am only 15 and I'll reach 16 this year. If I applied will this be considered as a lie?

Apply and tell them you're 15. Send a parental consent with your request.

http://www.scholarofthehouse.org/drabelfafaon.html. What would you reply to a girl in ur halalah if she sent u this post ? Do u know the writer? Please let me know what is the best way to talk to the girls next time I c them , it is very important, Jazak allah khairan

If she attends my halaqa, or has studied seera, she'll know when Hijab was revealed, and that this man is a liar.

SubhannAllah. I thought vows don't count unless spoken. al-Insaaf (11/118): A vow does not count unless it is spoken. If he intends it without speaking, then it is not counted as a vow, and there is no dispute on this point. I thought that this may refer to it... https://islamqa.info/en/87767

They do not count from the perspective : if you break it, a Muslim judge can't order you to expiate, because you didn't utter the oath. That's what you'll find in the books of Fiqh.
However, if you determined an oath in your heart, then God has heard it, and you must fulfill your covenants with the Almighty without doubt. God said: "and fulfill my covenant, so I fulfill yours" and "Fulfill your covenant with God if you establish one, and do not break oaths after asserting them if you want God the guarantor over you." [16:91] This is not a matter of rulings, but rather about heart purification, and you'll find it in the books of Tazkiyah.

When a person makes an oath, they must say swear by Allah or His attributes out loud right? Also if someone says "wallahi" but does not hear themselves, does that count as an oath?

For a person to believe you, and for the angels to write it down, and for God to hold you accountable for it, it must be audible, a whisper is the minimum audible sound.
For God to hear you, such as if you want to make an oath to obey Him, you just need to think about it. Not even angels will hear that. Oaths to obey God are discouraged in Islam, He does not need your oath. However any oath must be fulfilled, it is a serious obligation.

Is falling in love gunnah? I Mean you just see someone and can't stop thinking about em . No matter how hard you try. You can't control your heart. Can we ?

I don't know what you meant by gunnah.
There's nothing wrong about falling in love, one can't be held accountable for something that cannot be controlled.
However, you are held account for every action that comes out of you. Love is not an excuse to fall in sin, or disobey God and His messenger.

As salam alkyum. In the prophets prayer book described shaykh Albani says that the hands go on the chest? What Is your view on this take.

A bid'a, no one in the scholars of Islam understood it that way he did. Sadr in Arabic starts from the neck bone to the navel, it is not the chest that's above the diaphragm, as medically speaking. All scholars understood the hadeeth as putting the hands on the navel, or slightly below it or slightly above it. But the sheikh only read the hadeeths, and derived his understanding from the words, not from the understanding of the salaf. That's why we say it's dangerous to learn from books only without a teacher. How many hadeeths that are authentic but are unanimously discarded by practice of the salaf, and how many hadeeths are weak but the action is reported in agreement of three majority of the companions?
Sheikh alalbani rahimahullah himself emphasised the importance of following the understanding of salaf, not imitating men blindly. So when the Sheikh falls in a simple forgiven mistake like that, a good student who understands the sheikh's holistic message, will excuse the Sheikh, and follow the salaf. A blind follower will defend the sheikh's mistakes and find excuses for them.
So, Alhamdolillah for these small mistakes of our scholars; for they showed us who are true followers of the salaf and those who are the blind followers of contemporary scholars.

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http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/139115064898 مقلتليش,زي مين؟

كثير جدا، كل واحد عنده من يحرك مشاعره بحسب نوع ذنوبه وحاله ومستواه في القران، لكن مما يمر بذهني الان من المشاهير الشيخ ابراهيم السكران، والشيخ عمرو الشرقاوي، والشيخ وجدان العلي، والشيخ خالد الجبير، والشيخ خالد ابو شادي، والشيخ محمد راتب النابلسي، والشيخ نبيل العوضي، والشيخ مشاري العرادة، والشيخ محمد العريفي. ونعمان علي خان - على فضله ووزنه - في مستوى تلامذة هؤلاء، بل أعرف حقا من تلامذتهم من يتفوق عليه في العلم.
Liked by: حسن جعران

2) Referring to the New Years question, I also want to add that if the individual doesn't attend they'll be physically abused and thrown out the house.

Go, do not have fun at the party, show them how upset you are that they're dragging you against your will.

Assalamu Alaykum, I hope you are well. I have a question, would one be sinful if they are FORCED to attend a New Years Party by their family relatives because if one doesnt attend their family relatives would be extremely upset? May Allaah bless you.

That's not forcing, that's being considerate to other people's feelings. Forced : is when you're physically dragged, chained, or ordered at gun point, or similar.
If it's a party that involves around sinful acts like drinking and dancing, then it's prohibited to attend.
God is indeed capable of "FORCING" you to obedience, but He chose not to, in order to see what you do. Being considerate to your Lord outweighs any creature.
Liked by: Yusuf

I saw a niqabi girl in my university and got some attraction for her.I started thinking to make her my wife.Her thoughts are always in my mind.How to get rid off these.she knows me to.

You're a poor soul.
Niqabi sisters, stop throwing your fitnah darts in the hearts of helpless brothers.

هل فى تحدى الأعمال الصالحة شيء؟ كأن يقول #تحدى_الأعمال_الصالحة اختارني صديقي .. عشان أكمل عمل الخير و انا حاليا في تحدي لمدة 24 ساعة وبعد إنتهاء ال 24 ساعة هتبرع بإذن الله بنص جنيه عن كل لايك و بجنيه عن كل كومنت لوجة الله تعالى انتهاء التحدي هختار 10 أشخاص منكم ليكملوا التحدى أفتنا جزاك الله خيرا

لا بأس بذلك، ولو أسرها لكان خيرا له.
قال تعالى: وفي ذلك فليتنافس المتنافسون،
وقال: إن تبدوا الصدقات فنعمّا هي، وإن تخفوها وتؤتوها الفقراء فهو خير لكم.


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