
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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What should a women do when she is forced to do niqab by her husband? and if the situation is that the girl and the boy are goona get married and the boy says to do niqab before marriage as well. But she doesn't wants to in both the cases.

Before marriage, she has the right to refuse and not get into the marriage.
After the marriage, it's her religious duty to obey her husband. The only exception, if she was a scholar of Fiqh herself, and followed the mathhab that doesn't consider niqab obligatory, then her husband has no right to force her into a mathhab if she followed another.

Salam Sheikh. Is it haram to "kneel on one knee" and pull out the ring in front of people? Although knowing she will say yes? And is it true that the direct question for marriage should be asked to the parent or brother (i.e. guardian) first, before approaching the girl with it?

Yes, it's prohibited, for many reasons, starting with: you're not allowed to touch her hand until after marriage.
Engagement takes place with the consent of the girl and approval of her father or next male Guardian - both are interdependent, her consent is invalid without his approval, and his approval is invalid without her consent.
Read Surat alQasas and see how God tells the story of the beautiful proposal of Mosses to the daughter of Shuayb, peace be upon them.

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Why is being addicted to something permissible haram? Most youth are addicted to their smartphone/other technical gadgets if we're honest about it. But is it wrong if nothing haram is being done in these time span? Often people even do useful stuff with their smartphone but I guess bc of addiction

There's no specific law in Islam which states that anything addictive is haraam. There are many righteous people addicted to reading Qur'an. Imam Ahmed said: why do they envy us for the Hadeeth? It's just something that started as an addiction and God blessed it.
However, any object that takes you away from thanking the Creator, is a form of ungratefulness. The Salaf used to say: don't you dare let the provision distract you from showing gratitude to the Provider.
Also because we know our purpose in this life, unlike the disbelievers, and we ought not waste our years in play and entertainment, albeit permissible, like they do.

Some of the frozed food sold on grocery stores in Canada contains yeast extract. Is that considered as alcohol or something, is it halal to eat in other words?

No problem with that.
Liked by: أحمد فضل

Are salafis in their creed atharis? Many ashari/maturidis seem to have a problem with the aqeeda of salafis but not with the athari creed. What is the difference between them?

Avoid this debate.
Liked by: أحمد فضل

السلام عليكم. ما حكم أكل اللحوم والدجاج في مطاعم أمريكا؟ حسب بحثي تبين لي ان القانون في أمريكا يجبر المقاصب على الذبح بالصعق للتخدير ثم الذبح بشفرات آلية تقطع الرقبة فهل يحل أكل هكذا لحوم بعد التسمية وخاصة اني زائرة هناك لفترة قصيرة فأضطر للأكل بالمطاعم.

هناك مطاعم حلال كثيرة جدا
ابحثي في

What to do if I touched a dog? How to stop the urge to search for filthy videos and pictures?

1/ Touching the dog: if your hands are dry and you touched a dry part of it, then there's no problem, just wipe your hands off. Dry najaasah does not transfer.
If either points of contact was wet. Wash your hand seven times, the first with earth, or soap, or anything.
2/ Busy yourself with helping poor people and don't have a device with you when you're alone.

Brother, are laymen who do bid'ah or other dalala unknowingly people who will be in the fire? I mean are they included in the hadith "kulli bid'ah dalala wa kulli dalala fi alnar"? What if they pray, fast etc but they do wrong practices that became normal in their country and they think its Islamic?

Generally, no.
And the phrase "wa kulla dhalalatin finnar" is not an authentic addition to the Hadeeth.
Liked by: Amy

I am muslim woman, from Russia, my husband is in jail since 8 years, accused by terrorism, after some years i asked divorce from him but he refused , I cannot stand my life by this situation and he doesn’t care and i am alone and need to be free ,how can i get divorce in islam?

After 4 months of the husband being away, any Muslim judge has the authority to annul the marriage.

Salamu alaykum. I've started recently reading English books and essays in order to improve my language. There're at least 7 new words in every page, so I'm spending a lot of time finding meaning of this new words. I'm kind of nervous and worried. Am I on right truck ? Is what I'm doing right ?

Yes. That will surely improve your reading, and in a few months the number of new words will drop significantly.
Be sure to work on improving your listening, writing and conversing.

If I slept and missed Dhuhr, can I pray Dhuhr accordint to the Hanafi time (its Asr now according to other schools)? Or is that forbidden according to Hanabilah?

MDhuhr ends when the sun is half way better Zenith and sunset. This is the opinion of the three mathaahib. If you're not Hanafi, you pray qadhaa' in this situation.

أنا منتقبة بفضل الله من وانا في المدرسة، بس انا طول عمري من وانا طفلة باحب ابقى لابسة لبس ماحدش لابس زيه، مش من مصر،او متفصل علي،او انا مصممة الموديل، لما انتقبت بقيت بالبس اي حاجة في النزول، بس انا لسه باحب اللبس جدا، وباقضي وقت طويل باتفرج علىpinterest على اللبس.. كده مش كويس وتعلق بالدنيا؟

اسألي @mustafaelmasry

When you mention "our mathhab" in your answers, which mathhab do you refer to?

Depending on the question, I could mean the Hanbali mathhab, or medium steaks. :)
Liked by: am

My fiance with whom I have kitaab (no consummation yet)has decided to punish me by not consummating the marriage after our walimah for at least a month for not showing him enough affection & care due to pressure I had from my parents (who believed we are not married). What do I do, who do I talk to?

He still doesn't know what marriage is. Let him talk to me.

However, I'm the seller in both cases. I'm not borrowing. I made a sale and got paid in full. Can you please clarify

Please explain your situation thoroughly, of needed, use pastebin

Shaykh we know that trimming the beard short of a fistful in our madhhab is 'makruh'. But Sh al-Labadi's hashiya on 'Nayl al-ma'arib' we find that he says (وإنما يدل على عدم الإباحة فقط) [page 18]. Does this '’adam al-ibaha' mean karahatan tahrimatan or tanzihatan, and why? Jazakum Allah khayra.

It is open to mean both, several scholars of the matthab implied or declined to answer whether it could be both. Only to my knowledge ibn qundus made the explicit statement that it is makrooh.

How should muslims handle with depressions? What to do, if I don't want my family and friends to know that I have depressions?

Exactly the same as if you have a flu.
1. Vaccination is better than treatment. Always.
2. Get rest and seek help from a professional if you want.

(not arguing, just for clarification) It's simillar to selling a house, the buyer takes a mortgage and i get paid in full. Is that also not permissible?

Yes, this type of mortgage is also the exact definition of riba. Borrowing money from someone - other than owner - to buy a house, and returning the money later with a profit that only increases with time.
Liked by: Lotfi, HOCINI

Asalam Alikom, If you please, Can I ask my God three essential things I need in the period of my life in on praying to getting them, or I should ask only one thing until I get it then going to ask the second one?? Please replay to me

I'm pretty sure God can multitask.


Language: English