
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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However, I'm the seller in both cases. I'm not borrowing. I made a sale and got paid in full. Can you please clarify

Please explain your situation thoroughly, of needed, use pastebin

Shaykh we know that trimming the beard short of a fistful in our madhhab is 'makruh'. But Sh al-Labadi's hashiya on 'Nayl al-ma'arib' we find that he says (وإنما يدل على عدم الإباحة فقط) [page 18]. Does this '’adam al-ibaha' mean karahatan tahrimatan or tanzihatan, and why? Jazakum Allah khayra.

It is open to mean both, several scholars of the matthab implied or declined to answer whether it could be both. Only to my knowledge ibn qundus made the explicit statement that it is makrooh.

How should muslims handle with depressions? What to do, if I don't want my family and friends to know that I have depressions?

Exactly the same as if you have a flu.
1. Vaccination is better than treatment. Always.
2. Get rest and seek help from a professional if you want.

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(not arguing, just for clarification) It's simillar to selling a house, the buyer takes a mortgage and i get paid in full. Is that also not permissible?

Yes, this type of mortgage is also the exact definition of riba. Borrowing money from someone - other than owner - to buy a house, and returning the money later with a profit that only increases with time.
Liked by: Lotfi, HOCINI

Asalam Alikom, If you please, Can I ask my God three essential things I need in the period of my life in on praying to getting them, or I should ask only one thing until I get it then going to ask the second one?? Please replay to me

I'm pretty sure God can multitask.

السلام عليك يا استاذ، is it permissible for me to learn/review arabic vocabulary whilst in the bathroom? Some of which may be words from the Quran and some which won't be (it would be individual words on digital flash cards, not phrases so no ayat will be on them) جزاك الله خيرا

It is prohibited to sit in the toilet beyond the absolutely needed duration to relieve oneself.

You're a horrible disgusting arrogant person and I feel sorry for your wife and kids tbh, no h8

I feel sorry for them as well.
Liked by: AMA

What's wrong by it being a third party?

You get full cash, they get paid back gradually with a profit margin = exact riba.

What is the islamic punishment for rape?

Rape in Islamic jurisprudence is often situated as act of hiraabah (e.g. when a bandit kidnaps women off the road (or blocks their road), and robs them, forcefully has intercourse with them, or murders them. It has the highest punishment in Islamic law, ranging from death penalty, to crucifixion, to amputation of an arm and opposite leg, or exiling.
Not every non consensual intercourse is rape in Islam.

Asalamu alaikum akhee. I remember you once posting a link to a trusted homeschooling curriculum franchise. Would you be so kind as to provide me with any info you have regarding alternative education for children? Especially, if for Muslims and/or native speakers of Arabic. Jazaka Allahu Khayran.

Rajiji foundation, I think it was called international curricula
Liked by: Tun

Im a sister who has fear about being buried in the non-muslim land where i live with parents. Is it a bad thing to be buried in a non-Muslim land? What if i dont have money for my funeral & the authorities cremate me or put me in a non-muslim cemetary or someone puts lights on my grave etc? Help plz

Write a Last Will, notarize it, keep a copy at the local mosque and or your parents, include in your will the request to be buried in a Muslim cemetery, that no one should cremate you, wail over you, tear their clothes, light lanterns and candles, and all polytheistic acts that are prohibited in Islam, and if they do, then state that you are free and not respond responsible nor liable from that deviation.
The farther you die from your homework, the more of Earth will testify for your actions on the Day of Judgement.

Is it forbidden to work, as a car dealership, with financing companies? They cut me a check with the full price and the customer is to finance that amount to them.

If they are a third party, then yes it's prohibited. If it's a division of your company it's permissible.

Are there any trusted Islamic banks in Canada?

Islamic financial institutions for investments, savings or mortgages? Yes, several.
A checking personal account? No.

If everything is predestined, then why would God create so many people who were going to the fire? m not sure how to reconcile predestination with the need for religion and then free will. Why would God create that which he intended to torcher?

Answering your heart: God said: He is ought not to be asked about what He does, and they (humans), will be held accountable about what they do.
The wisdom of God surpasses our human intellect.
To answer your mind: assume a human teacher teaching a class. He explains everything fairly. He teaches the best way that can be taught. He gives a final exam to the students. He Marks and posts the grades. The semester is over now. He finds a time machine and goes back to the beginning of class. What can he do, if he is already very capable and did everything already at his best, and those who failed failed because they didn't want to study?
More importantly, does his knowledge about the final result of the students imply he chose them for them? Or that he is pleased with them?
If I just proved to you in this hypothetical example that it is possible for a creature to have knowledge of something without implying causality, then definitely it applies to God Almighty on a greater scale.
God says: "He is not pleased with disbelief as a way for His servants. But if you are grateful then He is pleased of it as a way for you."

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Liked by: Lotfi, HOCINI

Nowhere in the scripture does it say women are unequal to men. Different roles do not indicate differing worth. That's what I read in the scripture.

Pleiadesborn’s Profile Photo11:11
Equity does not mean equality.
Liked by: Lotfi, HOCINI

If I have to talk to a woman in my company, I have to look at the woman. So sometimes when I am looking at the woman, my look falls to their awrah (hairs etc) Is this a sin? Does lowering gaze means I have to constantly keep my eyes on the ground?

Keep your eyes away, Imam Ahmed said: 'the entirety of a woman is awrah, even her nail.'
Of course, the more desirable the part you're looking at, the greater the prohibition.

Assalamualaykum WaRahmatullahi WaBarakaatuhu Sheikh. Do you know any Mashayikh who can give Ijazaat in the UK?

So many. Go to Sheikh Akram Nadwi

ما حكم استخدام برامج office او photoshop المهكرة اوcracked لعدم القدرة الماليى لشرائهم؟

بلاش تسألني
البديل موجود عموما

If I'm in a facility and want to finish some papers which requires efforts and actually waste of time ( 2 days) Then one of the employees tells me I can do it for you with no efforts but in that case I should pay him some money.. He does so to get money although he didn't ask for. Is it rashwa?

If it's offered to anyone publicly, then it's expedited service.

السلام عليكم أنا امراة أعمل في ألمانيا و تعام قانون التامين الصحي يحق لي بإجازات صحية للحمل يدفع نصفها التأمين الصحي لكني أخاف أن يكون راتبي حرام، أحيانا أكون قادرة على العمل ولكن بمشقة جسدية أو نفسية و أحيانا لا بأس و لكن يغلب التعب و هناك قانون حماية الأمومة في ألمانيا هل آخذ اجازة طويلة و لا حرج؟

هذا مما يتفق عليه الموظف مع صاحب العمل
لا بأس في أخذ الإجازة ما دام ليس في الأمر خداع ولا تهويل للحالة
يسر الله حملك بالسلامة

I feel Islam is biased to men and doesn't really support gander equality. For example, men get to practice polygamy, in households men get to be the boss and the quran mentions men being more responsible/previledged than women. This bothers me and prevents me from looking deeper into the religion.

There's no such thing as gender equality. Women have 20% less blood, muscle tissue and brain cells than men. In what religion is it fair to expect them to have equal duties or responsibilities?
God says: "Do not wish for what God has privileged some over others. Men have a share of they earned and women have a share of what they earned. Instead, ask God of His Grace. Indeed, God is knowing of everything."
Men have privileges and women have privileges. What is equal is that everyone, men or women, who worship God and do righteous deeds, will be rewarded proportional to their struggle. Men are required to pray five times a day in the mosque, and Friday, and go for pilgrimage, and fight in wars, and most women can't tolerate or handle most of this.
Yes, there are specific women who are stronger than specific men. The rulings of Islam, and even laws created by humans, follow the majority observation, not the rare occurrences and exceptions.
Finally, one's faith is not complete until they feel nothing in their heart except content to the fairness, wisdom and mercy of all rulings of God and His Messenger. God said: "Nay, By your Lord (O prophet), they will not believe until they seek you as a judge in their disputes, then they don't find in their chests any objection to what you have judged, and submit in full submission"

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