
Majed Jarrar

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Is it wrong to not be Arab? I live in an area where it's almost exclusively Arab and they consistently trash about me (they don't realize I understand Arabic) about how I'm not a "proper Muslim" and since my home country, Iran, is majority Shia...yet these guys drink, smoke and some even sell pork.

They give you free rewards that will be subtracted from their scales on the day of judgement.
The Messenger of God said: if knowledge was in the deepest place in the sky, the Persians would still be able to reach it.

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/141537501250 I'm curious which kind of Salafis you're referring to. Like, from what I understand, Sh Albani (r)'s camp who hate all madhahib seems to be vastly different from those like Sh. Uthaymin,Fawzan and bin Baz who seem to be technically Hanbali.

Those who refuse the mathaahib altogether, and say they are an evil innovation, and that they only accept the daleel (in reality, they only blindly follow Sheikh alalbani, alshawkani and Ibn Hajar), trying to outsmart the entire Ummah, thinking they're the only people whom Allah guided in 1400 years.
Not only they have committed a heinous accusation to the whole Ummah,
Not only they made an evil innovation themselves,
Not only they forfeited the right to be excused for a legitimate difference of opinion (they didn't respect other opinions so their opinion was deemed not respect worthy)
But also they and their followers have fallen in greater fanaticism and narrow mindedness - in one century since their mathhab was invented- than the fanaticism which they accused the mathaahib followers to have developed over the previous 13 centuries.

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as-Salamu alaykum shaykh, i have a question about "aqidah". Imam Tahawi says in his aqidah book that Allah dont have any direction/limit (7add)...but sheikh al islam ibn Taymiyyah said its impossible for Allah to not have a direction/limit (7add). Why this contradiction, is that a bidah from Tahawi?

1. If there's a bid'ah, it's in the later generations not the former. You cannot accuse Imam Jaafar attahawi of bid'ah based on - the much later - Sheikh ul Islam ibn Taymiyyah.
2. This is a complex issue that doesn't need to be explained to the laity. Unless you're a knowledge seeker, I do not advise moving beyond this point.
3. Sheikh ul Islam says using any new term to describe God which He did not use to describe Himself, is not free from error. God chose not to use that new term because affirming it has some truth but also falsehood, and denying it has some truth and falsehood. The people of Sunnah affirm only what God affirms about Himself and deny only what God denies about himself. The semantics here are crucial.
This is a sufficient answer for a general knowledge seeker.
4. The remainder of this answer is for someone specializing in Islamic creed.
Sheikh ul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah after establishing the previous prelude, goes on to argue that it's impossible for God to be bounded and it's impossible for Him not to be bounded as well. Both statements are found in imam tahawi's aqeedah, the oldest and one of the most famous treatise on Islamic beliefs. God does not have a boundary that can be decided or imagined by any of His creation. On the other hand, He does not exist within His creation, and therefore must be bounded from the creation above the throne.
So, when arguing with hulooliyya (Omnipresencists, those who say God is everywhere and within them etc), the scholars of Sunnah use the term 'boundary' to argue that He is separate from the creation. God describes Himself, in the Qur'an: The Omni-Merciful, upon the Throne has settled.
And when arguing with mujassima (anthropomorphist, those who say God has a physical image) the scholars establish that nothing encompasses Him from the six directions of physical space. God says: They cannot encompass Him in knowledge.
And Allah knows best.

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Assalamu Alaikum,Sheikhuna whats the ruling on reciting fatiha for some one who's passed away?

Mohammad Ali
Reciting Qur'an to them on their death bed: permissible.
Reciting Qur'an to them after they have passed away: permissible.
Reciting Qur'an while their body is being washed: permissible.
While taking them to the cemetery: permissible.
While putting them in the grave: permissible.
After burial for an hour: permissible.
I have also heard scholarly opinion that it's permissible to do so even if it's later on.
Sheikh ul Islam says "However, it should not become a ritual taken at every funeral though."

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/141545875010 even if being in contact with her will gain me the displeasure of my father? He will be hurt deeply as both of them separated with extremely negative feelings for each other... Barak Allah feekum.

1. He doesn't need to know.
2. Even if he did, he needs to know you are an independent person, and you have obligations to your mother like you do to your father.
Liked by: Nada Alaa عائشة

Another questioner. When you mention that we can pray behind students of any of the 4 madhahib, how does this rule work with Salafis? Are they technically still considered Hanbalis? If so, can we still pray behind them if they wipe on see through socks with holes, lead jumah with <40 people, etc?

No, the scholars of all four mathaahib agree, it's only permissible to follow someone who is either a mujtahid, or a follower of a mujtahid.
As for people who make up rulings based on their superficial understand of the text, violating the proper understanding of the Ummah, and even going against ijmaa', these actions are not permissible to be done, or followed.
The scholars have spoken very firmly against those who violate knowledge by taking texts out of context, and said they are not excused for their mistakes because they chose not to follow the scholars of the Ummah, while they weren't learned enough to deduce rulings on their own.

How can we convince our close ones that salah is OBLIGATORY and should not be missed :( . Even a powerful video or article to persuade them would be helpful.

It's not a matter of convincing, it's a matter of convection.
The Messenger of God said: the first thing a person will be held accountable for on the Day of Judgement is Salaah (prayer). If it was accepted, then all their good deeds will be accepted. If it was corrupt, then all their deeds will be corrupt.

Hej! Jag undrar om jag kan översätta dina svar till det svensk? Du ger goda råd! Barak Allahu fikum..

Har du inte muslimska forskare i Sverige?!
Liked by: عائشة

In 2 months we do have elections in Germany. Is it allowed to vote in order to prevent right winged Islamophobes to get access to the parliament? And is it allowed to encourage other Muslims to vote for this cause as well?

You're telling me that someone gives you a paper, if you scribble something on it, it may stop Islamophobes from ruling your country, and you want to sit still?
Of course you can vote. Several scholars have said it is obligatory upon Muslims in this case to vote, and they have a strong case.

I work second shift, (3:30- midnight). I end up missing asr-Isha. When I get home I pray. Is that valid? I could pray in my car on my breaks right?

There is no excuse not to pray each prayer on time.
If you can take a bathroom break, then you have no excuse not to pray.
It is a major sin to delay prayers without a valid excuse.
Liked by: Nada Alaa عائشة

I fasted on Jumah&intended to fast the following day as well (I heard it's not permissble to fast on Jumah except if u r fasting the day before or after) but on Saturday "the time of the month" came&I kind of expected it to occur the following days but wasn't sure. Is my fasting valid&does it count?

Fasting Fridays alone is discouraged, but is permissible and valid nonetheless.

Asalaamualaykum, I'm interested in seeking knowledge with local students of knowledge but I don't really know how to approach them. Is there any advice you would give in how to go about this? JazakAllahu khayr sheikh

Find out what they're willing to teach, how much time they've got, and what does it take for them to accept a student.
Liked by: عائشة

Salam alaikum, two sisters asked me if it is allowed for a sunni woman to marry a sufi or shiite? And is it allowed for a sunni man to marry a qadiyani (ahmadi)?

Generally speaking, if the suitor has major beliefs against the Qur'an and the Sunnah then the marriage is invalid.
For the Sufi and Shia, the verdict would have to be according to a case by case basis. Many of them are Shi'a by name only because their parents are Shi'a but they self identify as generally Muslim not Shi'a or Sufi.
As for Qadiyanis, their cornerstone of belief is that they believe in a prophet after the Prophet Mohammed, who's described in the Qur'an as the final Prophet. That belief is blasphemous and anyone who believes in it knowingly and willingly, is considered an apostate, and may not be married.
God says: do not marry the polytheists until they believe; for a believing slave is better than a polytheist, even if you liked the latter.

السلام عليكم انا مقتنعة ان الدين بتاعنا دين يسر ودين رحمة وحب وسلام بس من وقت ما بطلت اصافح الرجال من اهلي وانا ببني حواجز بيني وبين خالتي اللي هم زوجاتهم وببني حواجز بيني وبين الرجال اللي بيعتبروني بنتهم هل ذلك يرضي الله اما ماذا افعل؟ فضلاً رد عليه

الحواجز دي بناها ربنا، وانتي تطيعينه فيها، وليست من صنعك.
والمودة لا تتمثل بالمصافحة، بل بالبر وحسن الخلق والإحسان وصلة الرحم.

What is the max number of days of travel to use the qsr? And if I stayed more than that in the foreign land can I do qsr in the first days until the max number of days is reached?

4 days, if you know when you're returning.
Unlimited, if you don't know when you're returning.
If you know you'll be staying at a destination for more than 4 days, you may do Qasr on your way there, but you'll stop the qasr upon arrival to the destination.
Liked by: عائشة

بتشتغل خطاط بعد الضهر ؟ :)

الخط مهنة راقية وشريفة، حث عليها النبي، ولست أهلا لها، وكم سعيت في ذلك، وأخذت دروسا وتدربت، ولكن كل ميسر لما خلق له.

Asalaamu alaykum sheikh, my local mosque has a copy of Sh Sayyid Qutbs famous tafsir translated into English. I was wondering if I am allowed to read it?because I've heard different things from different groups of people (mainly salafis saying don't read it) sorry for the controversy jzkallah khayr

The salaf didn't say don't read it.
Imam Ahmed, Ashafi'i, Malik, Athawree, Alawzai'i, and Abu Hanifa didn't say don't read the works of Sunni Muslims who are politically opponent to me.
Those who tell you today don't read Sayyid qutub aren't Salafis, they're brainwashed ignorants who are not affiliated with the salaf. Their only predecessors in this are Catholic priests who described anyone speaking against their kings as heretical or blasphemous.
When any of them argues with you (which they will), I could've advised you to throw at them a screenshot of the praise of al-Albany on Hassan Albanna's and Sayyid Qutb's works.
But I won't, because that's what they do, their creed is argument, and their manhaj is screenshots. Context is an evil innovation, and Manners are outside the limit of their understanding. Even if you were Imam Abu Hanifa yourself, they'll argue with you and prove you wrong and deviant until you are fully brainwashed and part of their cult.
For a decade I've criticized - and still do - the Muslim brotherhood for their cult mentality, but the way these madkhali ignorants act, glorifying sh Rabee and his friends, making them the most noble scholars while they're at the ranks of C students in hadeeth, let alone any other discipline, blinding themselves from any objection to their mashaayikh even if they utter the most heinous verdicts, = They make the MB look like a progressive group of critical thinking Muslims.
Truly, as Sheikh ul Islam commented on the hadeeth: don't gloat over your brother, lest God heals them and inflicts the test upon you. "That because of the gloating they made, their punishment was they became deserving to being gloated over."

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توضيح بس: لا أحب الترجمة و لا أنوي اتخاذها كاريرا,إنما أبغي الاستعانة بها على الاستقلال المادي على ما أخلص الجامعة,هل يختلف جوابك؟

بورش كاريرا.
لاقيلك حاجة بتحبها روح اتعلمها واشتغل بها، واستفد من انكليزيتك في مجالك

لغتي الانجليزية قوية و لم أبدأ الدراسة الجامعية بعد. هل ترى تحضير دبلومة ترجمة في الجامعة الأمريكية يفتح لي العمل كفريلانسر أم أنها بلا قيمة بدون مؤهل عالي؟

لست من مشجعي المؤهلات العالية خصوصا لو كانت بدون سبب. لو تحب الترجمة، إبدأ بالشغل تحت مترجم محترف وابن خبرتك. ولا بأس بالدبلوما الآن أو بعد فترة.

ما هي الموضوعات التي أتكلم فيها في اللقاء الأول .. سيكون في بيت الفتاة ووسط أسرتها طبعا؟

تعريف بنفسك واسرتك
وحاليا بتعمل ايه في الدنيا
واهدافك المحددة والواضحة رايحة الى اين

I failed to pray 5 times a day for years, sometimes I didn't pray for days, sometimes I only prayed 3 prayers etc. Now I've made tauba and decided to pray every single salah and I want to make up for all the missed prayers but have absolutely no idea how many I missed... what to do?



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