
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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What should I do if I wake up while the sun is rising? Usually I go back to sleep since the time is up and it's makrooh but I feel very bad afterwards for doing that.

It's obligatory to pray Fajr immediately in this case, even if it's prohibited to pray the sunnah and other voluntary prayers at that time.

Al salamo 3lykom sheikh, can you tell me a nice simple book for اسماء الله الحسنى or a video series

Nice? This is your filter to learn about your Lord?
Allahu almusta'aan.

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Assalamualykum shaykh, I am repeating my question because you may have not seen it the first time. Once I am in a state of ihram for umrah, do I need make an intention for each rite (mansak)or my intention for ihram will suffice? I am a bit confused about this particular issue.

The majority are upon that the niyyah (intention) of the hajj (pilgrimage) include everything within. Sheikh shanqeeti (r) said: just like the niyya of salaat (prayer) includes everything within.
Standing on arafa on the day of arafa without niyya (e.g. forgetfully or unknowingly) is sufficient to fulfill that pillar, according to the consensus of all scholars.

As a Muslim woman, I am afraid there might be a thin line between speaking normally and speaking with a slightly higher pitch, it almost comes naturally when I'm making a point, excited about something, nervous, etc. But sometimes I feel that my voice affects men in ways that make me uncomfortable.

And I'm sure many men have been affected, and would still be affected, even if you wore a niqab and spoke with a bass voice.
You do what you can sister, and ask Allah to conceal your shortcomings. Piety is exclusively in the heart.

my brother How do we spell the Arabic nameسيرين in English?

I've seen craziest spellings of many names. Kaitlin, Kaitlyn, Caitlin, Caitlyn, even Kaytlynn.
So spell it however you like to spell it. Seareen, C.Re-/n/, even Kseaghreaghnge.
Liked by: Marwa Kamal

Can the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam make du'a from his grave?

1. There's no disagreement among scholars of Islam that all Prophets are alive in their graves and praying until the day of judgement. God has forbidden all creatures and the earth from eating or decomposing the bodies of the Prophets.
2. The Prophet said that anyone who sends salutations to him, the angels roaming on earth will take the message and deliver it to him. Then, God revives the prophet so that he returns the peace upon the sender. And that, is undoubtedly a form of du'aa.
There's a difference among scholars of sunnah whether or not someone can ask the Prophet to ask Allah (on your behalf) so He (Allah) forgives you. That's called Tawassul (i.e. seeking a connection), the Hanbali scholars permit it, other mathaahib permit, discourage and some scholars prohibit that.
Some of the scholars in our mathhab who permitted (or encouraged) the Tawassul via the Prophet (or righteous scholars) and considered it a matter of Fiqh, usually mentioned in books of Fiqh, chapter on pilgrimage, section on visiting the grave of the Prophet, include: The imam Ahmed himself, al-Mirwathi, Ibn Qudamah, al-Mirdawi, al-Hajjawi and al-Buhooti.
You can follow the above two points if you want to be on the safe side, and make much salawat upon the prophet everyday, and Allah Almighty will send ten times the peace and prayers upon you in return.
Some brothers will little knowledge and much zeal have linked that to shirk (polytheism). Even Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab (i.e. father of "Wahhabism"), explicitly stated that visiting a grave of a prophet or a righteous man and asking Allah by that grave, is prohibited because it may lead others to shirk, but it's not shirk.

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As Salam alkyum, can I wear my pants above my ankles as a preference of style, for example lower I do not like because it may get dirty, and I don't like long long pants. Therefore, is above the ankles alright, the sense of not falling in the Hadith by saying I will put it over ankle from arrogance

It's better to do it out of following the Sunnah than out of style.
Liked by: Mohammad Ali

I think the reason you are not answering my question is because you're a Hanbali scholar, and your conclusion would differ from the Hanafi ruling. Sorry if that was disrespectful to ask.

Or because I have over 3000 unanswered questions akhi, please send me your question again and kindly remind me if I didn't answer.

ليه لا ينبغي قول "مع التوضيح" ألم يأمرنا الله أن نستخدم عقولنا ولا نتبع سادتنا وكبرائنا عميان بلا عقول كي لا نضل السبيل ..شكرا جزيلا ع الجواب السابق ارحت صدري

مليش نفس اترجم

هل فعلا ورد ان سورة يوسف تزيل الهم؟؟ وما الاشياء الاخرى التي تساعد علي تفريج الكرب وازالة الهم؟

القران كله يزيل هم المؤمن، وطبعا السور التي تذكر قصص المرسلين عموما وكيف عانوا ما عانوه ثم كيف نصرهم الله، من أعظم من يشرح الصدر ويورث الطمأنينة ويوقر في القلب الرضا بقدر الله واليقين بموعوده.
ومن جرب ذلك، خصوصا في سورة يوسف، عرف.
Liked by: Abdo Khaled Melegy

السلام عليكم ، هل الافضل تلاوة القرآن بالتجويد مع تطبيق التجويد كاملة وهذا يبطئ معدل التلاوة حيث يستغرق الجزء حوالي ٤٥د أم تلاوة عادية كما كنت اتلوه قبل تعلمي احكام التجويد وإتقاني لها حيث أنهي تقريباً جزئين إلا قليلاً مقارنة بالتلاوة مع تجويد ؟ وهل لهما نفس الأجر ؟

ممكن تقرأ بطريقة الحدر مع تطبيق التجويد كاملا في حوالي ٢٥ دقيقة للجزء الواحد.

ما حكم التأمين الصحي مع التوضيح افادكم الله

لو تأمين تكافلي بحيث أن الفلوس اللي تضعها تستثمر وتعود لك إن لم يقع ضرر، مثلا نايل تكافل في مصر، وcooperative insurance في امريكا وكندا، فهذا جائز.
لو حرامية وبيلهطوا الفلوس سواء تضرر أحد أم لا، فهو غش، وغرر، وميسر، واحتيال، وبيع ما لا يملكون يعني حرام وملعون وسيء.
و من فضلك، ليس مقام السؤال مقام للشرح، لو عاوز توضيح روح اثني ركبك بين يدي فقيه واتعلم منه.
أما أن تطلب توضيح أو شروط أخرى، ناقص تطلب اجيبلك دوا من الصيدلية وتُمن جودة في طريقي لو حضرتك عاوز. :) هذا لا ينبغي قوله وفقك الله.

You mentioned that the work of a economist is permissible...but every single economist have to work with riba-things...can you shed some light on it? Thanks!

Not true at all.

Salam ustadh, i need some advice on what I should do. During the first half of Ramadan i am having 2 big exams and the last part of Ramadan wont be a problem bcz of no exams. Should i focus on Ramadan during the last part of Ramadan or should i begin with balancing studies and 3ibadah from first day

I think you answered yourself.

ايه الاولى من وجهة نظرك يا شيخ الاكثار من القرآن في رمضان بدون تفسير ولا مثلا وضع خطة قراءة القرآن كاملا من مختصر احد التفاسير علشان احقق الفايدة المرجوة من القرآن؟

لا تضيع وقتك في المفضول عن الفاضل.
كل سنة نرجع ونقول
القران فقط في رمضان، السنة كلها عندك تطلب علم وتفهم وتسأل.
Liked by: Abdo Khaled Melegy

If I only go to pre-prom take pictures with my friends and dress up, is that okay? (staying away from anything impermissible that might happen?)

Taking photos and dressing up for the occasion should be fine, if you're able to adhere to the manners and teachings of Islam in your dresscode and interactions with the opposite sex.
If you think that by going you will fall into prohibited acts, then you should avoid it.

Dear Sheikh, I'm Shia but I want to convert to Sunnism. Will my marriage still be valid (my wife is a strong Shia).

May the Almighty guide you and support you. There are so many sects under Shi'ism, you don't want to enter into a new sect. Rather, revert to the mainstream Islam, which is the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family.
You and your wife as Shi'a are considered Muslims, in the eyes of the vast majority of Sunni scholars. The marriage is valid. If she upholds extreme Shi'i beliefs (such as that the imam Mahdi hears and knows everything, or that imam Ali judges people on the day of judgement instead of God, or that the current Qur'an is corrupted and the real Qur'an is hidden with alMahdi, or that the wife of the Prophet committed adultery, etc.) Then these are polytheistic beliefs contrary to Islamic monotheism. You'd have to explain to her, with patience, wisdom and kindness, the correct beliefs of Islam. If she adheres then you get double the reward. If she insists on those beliefs, then you should not continue this marriage, and maybe Allah has a better plan for you and her.
As her husband, you should be able to know how to convince her, and have enough love and mercy towards her, that you'd do your best to convince her to follow your path.

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السلام عليكم يا شيخ. انصحني بكتاب أو محاضرات فى تفسير اسماء الله الحسنى و جزاكم الله خيراً

إسأل الشيخ @Abufhr

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/141225170754 Not the same asker. I thought it was obligatory to also wash the testes? Or is that ruling exclusive to the Shafii school?

Neither Shafi'iyya nor Hanabila adopt that as their mainstream opinion. Imam Nawawi (Shafi'i) says:
"The obligation is to wash the spot that has the mathee only, but the order to wash all of the male part, as a precaution. This is our Mathhab, and that of the jumhoor. There's a second narration by Malik and Ahmed that the obligation is to wash all of the male part. A third opinion of Ahmed is that the obligation to wash all the male and the two female members."
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

AsalamuAlaykum wwb Sheikh, I was reading Sheikh Fawzans book on Fiqh and it seems to be almost synonymous to Hanbali fiqh. I wanted to get your opinion on if his fiqh (and by extension the permanent comittee in Saudi that he is part of) in terms of adherence to the madhab.

It's based on Hanbali mathhab, but the sheikh often goes contrary to the mathhab without warning. It's a beneficial book to the laity, but not to the Fiqh student.

Al salamo 3lykom sheikh, if I am going to see a niqabi sister for ro2ya shar3ya for marriage, can I go with the fatwa that allows me to see her hair and that she wears decent cloth of course but not 3abaya ? I'm not messing around & I have full intention of marriage insh'allah.Jazakom Allah khairan

If her family are comfortable with it then that's fine. Otherwise, let your female relative describe her hair to you.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

Salam Sheikh. This hadith: "If any of you can get one Rak'a of the Fajr prayer before sunrise, he should complete his prayer." Does this mean that, even though there are 2-3 minutes to sunrise, I can pray Sunnah too? Will it be accepted? I usually keep it short in this circumstance. Thank you.

No. Sunnah - and all voluntary - prayers are prohibited as well as invalid, if there's only enough time to pray the obligatory in it's time.
If you wake up after sunrise, then you must pray Qadhaa' of the obligatory immediately. However, in this case you may pray sunnah first because being busy with the sunnah alqabliyya is a form of preparation; similar to (although weaker than) being busy with finding water for purification, etc.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

Help! As a hanbali, when Madhi comes out I must wash private parts including testicles 7 times. But when the private part is washed, the water comes in touch with Madhi, turns Najis and becomes Najis and then sprinkles on my thighs. I have to end up washing my legs! How to avoid this? Is this common

If you wash something seven times, then the water dripping from the first six times is najis. Each time the water is less najis, and needs only as many remaining washes to be purified.
So if in the fifth wash, some water splashed on your leg, then you only need to wash your leg twice.
While it's usually better to wash seven times (including or excluding the testicles), if it's going to cause you a headache like this then it's best to avoid it.
It's sufficient to wipe three times in anything, usual or not, that comes out of the privates if it doesn't exceed the usual place of exit, as explained in al-Sharh.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish


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