
Majed Jarrar

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Salam ustadh Is it permissible to join supplications (Qunoot) in Witr? Like using 2-3 supplications narrated by the Salaf Like using the Allahummahdini fiman hadayt, then using Allahumma inna nasta'inuka wa nastaghfiruka... and etc Or is that makruh?

That's fine. If leading people, be mindful of the weak, the sick and the old, and don't make the qunoot too long.

If we get questioned in the grave, then what is the point of judgement day? Our fate is already decided, no? Whatever happens after the grave is either worst or better, then what is the point?

The same would be said on why should criminals be punished in this world if they'll go to the Hellfire in the end.
The same would be said on why having a midterm exam if everyone will take a final exam anyway.
To give you an example, some people will get into their grave and it will become a pit of fire which engulfs them until the day of judgement, then on the day of judgement it will be judged that their sins have been cleansed in the grave, and will be let into Paradise.
And, some people will not be punished in the grave, rather they'll see their palace in Paradise, and when they come on the day of judgement with good deeds the size of mountains, God will reject them all because of their insincerity and hypocrisy, and they will be thrown into Hellfire for eternity.
And there are all shades of grey in between.
The answer is: God has set stages, ten of them, of expiation for sins for humanity before meeting Him.
4 in this world: Repentance, seeking forgiveness, doing plenty of good deeds and getting inflicted with trials and calamities.
3 in the grave: the funeral prayer (and all following prayers made by the living for them), the good deeds they left behind, and the punishment in the grave.
Then 4 on the Day of Judgement: the terrors of the resurrection, the intersession of the righteous believers, angels, prophets, including the greatest intersession of our prophet, peace be upon them, the horrors of standing before God to be held accountable on every blessing He gave you and every sin you committed, Hellfire itself,
After all that, God says: all those have interceded for the sinners, shall I not forgive and I am the Most forgiving? And He reaches out His Hand into the Hellfire and scoops out an enormous amount of people that have never done any good, and admits them into Paradise. The people of Paradise will see them and say: here comes the Juhannamiyyoon (the Hell people), and God will say: Nay, they are the Rahmaniyoon (The Divinely forgiven).

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If a person has incontinence and is on the last rakah when the athan comes in is their prayer and wudu invalid?

I don't know, but if you ask a Maliki scholar they'll tell you definitely not, because Malikis do not consider incontinence as nullifier for Wudu.
Anyway, check with a scholar and take care of your prayer.

Salam alaikum Is it permissible to use this supplication formula in tashahhud? بسم الله وبالله والحمد لله والأسماء الحسنى كلها لله أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله

I don't know anyone who made this before Khumaini, but now it's a prayer that's dominant among Pro-Iranian Shi'as. Either way, it is not permissible to use it.

هل هناك فرق بين العلم والدراية؟

زي الفرق بين الحديث والرواية ⁦☺️⁩


إن كان رجلا عاقلا، فلن يصدق كلام شخص آخر عنك من دون أن يتبين.
وشكك في الاخت لا يبيح لك أن تبني عليه اتهامها بيقين بدون دليل واضح مثل شاهد او اعتراف. قال تعالى: إن بعض الظن إثم.
ولا داعي للتواصل مباشرة معه، وان شئت أخبرت صديقتك بما تظنينه واذا رأت أن تتصل باخيها وتوضح له فنعمت، وإلا فلا تهتمي بالأمراض واجعله وراءك ولن يضرك بإذن الله، قال سبحانه وتعالى: إن الله يدافع عن الذين امنوا، إن الله لا يحب كل خوّان كفور

How big can a hole on a sock be until you can't wipe on it?

Any tear that exposes the skin colour, even if you can't poke your pinkie finger through it, no matter how small as long as it's visible, makes the socks illegible for wiping over.
A smarty pants might say, doesn't all woven fabric have holes then? And he won't see the answer because I'll block him.
Liked by: Umm Anṣār

Would you consider cheese pizza from any pizza store other than a halal certified one as halal?

What I would is my own faith not yours 🙂.
I learnt from my teachers that they give the people the easier way, and keep the more challenging to themselves and their close students. The companions told people that praying one rakaa at night was sufficient, but they prayed hundreds. The Prophet told the companions not to chain-fast, but he did.

التغرب مقدور عليه بس عاوز أستقل بنفسي ماديا... أبدأ إزاي؟

تغرب عاما واعتكف عند شيخ عالم مربي على السنة، وكل الفلوس اللي يبعتها ابوك تصدق بها لمسجد اخر غير الذي تعتكف فيه.
Liked by: Zay

I have a hypothetical question.if somebody has missed more than 6 consecutive prayers through some freakish circumstances must we make up the 7th one first or start from the 6th and make up all prior missed prayers later (a Shafii brother said they have some provision for this-do we also have one?)

Aside from unconsciousness (sleep, comma) There is no freakish circumstance that allows you to miss prayers. Even a person left naked in a solitary cell without water, a person hanging to a log in the middle of the ocean, or a person completely paralyzed in a hospital bed, have no excuses to delay prayers. They pray in the form they can. Allah says: "God does not assign to a soul except that which it can bear."
All four mathaahib agree that one must make up any missed prayers, regardless how many. Our mathhab is the most strict in the form of making them up, requiring the order of these prayers to be preserved, and, more severely, if those prayers were neglected (in awake state, knowingly and willingly) then no prayers after those neglected are valid. A person must go back to make up the ones they missed, then repeat every prayer since, all in order.
In consensus of all scholars of Islam, there's no sin greater than neglecting prayers. It is greater than drinking alcohol, adultery, incest, usury and murder. My advise to brothers and sisters who have fallen into this is not to ask a hanbali scholar for fatwa regarding making up prayers. Yes, all other mathaahib agree that you must make up all/any missed or neglected prayers, but the other mathaahib are more lenient in the form of making them up.
Lastly, do not ask hypothetical questions in religion, they only harden the heart. Imam Ahmed was asked a hypothetical question and he did not like it and said: ask only about what Allah has tested you with.

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Liked by: Zeynep Celik am

Do you say the Adhkar after you've prayed the fardh part of the prayer or after you've prayed fardh & sunnah?

After the Fardh.

Can you explain the ruling of doing sujood as sahw in a fardh prayer versus sunnah prayer? Are there times we can do the sujood for sunnah but would need to repeat the whole prayer if the mistake was committed in fardh?

In our mathhab, and the majority, they are the same. There are differences in some opinions within the Shafi'i mathhabas well as mainstream Maliki mathhab.

Ya shaykh, you never answered my question on sujood as sahw. Is this considered one of the basic ideas too?

What was the question again?

As salamu alaikum sheikh what's the ruling on foot to foot in salah,is it sunnah or salafi fiqh ruling 😎

Wa alaikum assalam, I don't know ☺️
Liked by: Mohammad Ali

I have truly been inspired by your work, and I want to learn Islamic law to be a scholar like you, but I am not an Arab, and my nahw and sarf teachers have pretty much given up on me... is there any hope? And assuming I get past the language barrier, what further steps do you suggest for learning

May Allah forgive our shortcomings. Get over the language barrier, and you'll have a world of opportunities.
The least I suggest is Bayyinah, but if you could take a summer or a year abroad then Fajr institute in Cairo or a few good centres in Amman.

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/140966306882 Different asker. Is there any justification in Islam for racism? Like I've seen a bunch of Imams blatantly favoring their own cultures, but at the same time they are very knowledgeable. One Imam i knew even refused to perform an inter racial nikkah...

Those are two separate topics.
As for favoriting one culture or nationality over the other, that's prohibited racism and bigotry.
As for interracial marriages, the majority of scholars have ruled it is not ideal. Compatibility is a desirable criteria in marriage matching in all aspects. Interracial marriages would not work for most people, except for the few who are open minded and can transcend above their habits and cultural norms, such as scholars and knowledge seekers.
If you work closely with imams or family councillors you'll see how many marriages are in crisis because of one spouse is used to a habit from his/her town/family/tribe and the other partner isn't 'complying' with it.

مرحبا أستاذ ماجد...أنا ولد من عائلة غنية...سعى والدي طوال عمري إلى أن أي حاجة أعملها أكون فيها في وضع مريح...حتى لما أساعد عامل في نقل حاجة يقل لي "ما أنا دفعت له"... و دا أورثني طراوة نفسية و بدنية ....إزاي أحل المشكلة دي؟

تغرب، وتقشف، وازهد، واخشوشن، وكن عصاميا.
Liked by: yasmin saad

I e-mailed a bunch of masajid, OMA and SNMC responded (really quickly, may Allah reward them) and they both said yes! May Allah allow us to reach the month of Ramadan and benefit from it!

Ameen, jazakom Allah kher

Is tawarruk in the second tashahud obligatory? If one cannot perform it for reasons like physical problems, fear of clothes tearing, probability of awrah being exposed or possibikity of the loss of wudu should they just perform sajdah sahw or is the prayer invalidated?

It's not obligatory, and that doesn't mean you shouldn't do your best to perfect it. All the reasons you've mentioned can be mitigated by preparing well for the prayer before it starts.
Mark my words, in some years to come they'll say scientists have discovered such and such benefits in this posture, and those who were trying to find excuses yesterday will all of a sudden sacrifice the pain to do it, but a person only gets out of a deed what they intended.
God says: "Nay, but you love this world, and abandon the hereafter."

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/140942673218 Sheikh in Umdat ul Fiqh, it mentions that small amounts of madhya are excused (I'm looking at Dr. Hatem's translation, pg 43 in the book of purification). Are there different opinions?

Exposing A Catfish
It's a strong opinion in almathhab, and was preferred by Sheikh ul Islam, but the mainstream and majority opinion is that even the littlest najasah, except for little blood and puss, is not forgiven.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish


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